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  1. Upvote
    Silent reacted to Huff in Tabletop-RPG Corner   
    Alrighty, I can give this a go, but it'll probably be a little rambley and meandering, but that kind of fits what our journey was just fine.
    As I said, this was an all-bard adventure. I had previously run a two-session all-monk adventure inspired by this greentext and we all expressed interest in doing something like that again. Alex soon after called dibs on an all-bard adventure since he had some ideas. Come the end of our first campaign run by @Raze (still get nostalgic listening to that Fate song, thanks for getting me into ttrpgs, buddy), we took some time to do what Alex assured us would be about 4 sessions worth of content in his setting, Jinnen, before swapping back to the Sunset Heroes campaign run by @Insectan, which is what Orque and Rhea are in. It didn't last 4 sessions!
    The campaign began with Alex starting the scene in a tavern. A lone bard strumming on a lute pulled up to fire and began speaking to a group of kids. He said he would tell them a tale of a music festival 150 years ago. A festival at which a quirky group of bards managed to save the realm from despair. And the scene flowed into a certain band's wagon travelling to a city.
    Basically, every year in Jinnen, a large music festival called Soliloquy occurs to celebrate peace and the end of a great war decades ago. It inevitably turns into a full out battle of the bands every year, with the various groups slated to play duking it out to claim the top spot. This year's festival was held in the city of Kalkus, a gnomish city.
    We played the band M.I.L.K., who were a bunch of has-beens who specialized in shitty boomer metal and was vaguely dairy themed. Raze (Josh) played Sylark the Songseeker, a silver Dragonborn who played the ocarina who was mostly interested in finding ancient texts and stories and weaving their lore into magical songs. Also he was gay. He ended up as a Swords Bard/Paladin multiclass. Insectan (Zach) played Goolaz Nod, an Aasimar who was a kinda slimy cross between Ozzy Osmond and Dr. Facilier who played the trumpet and was our vocalist. He somehow ended up as our leader and spokesperson despite causing the most trouble out of all of us. He teetered on the line of death often and literally never took his suit off. He just went straight Whispers Bard. @Primal Phoenix (Courtney) played Easy Water, a Kenku who was partly entering the competition to fuck up one our rival bands, the Kenku Noise Crew, a bunch of Kenku who mostly performed rips of other bands' hits. He ended up just going straight Swords Bard and was probably our strongest hitter. I played Vimak "Fool's-Game" Markakanau, a drummer Goliath who was all about fucking up people who tried to abuse their power. He outed his tribe's leader before falling off a mountain and then joining the circus to become a clown/acrobat. I tried to style him as some kind of unholy combination of a juggalo, a member of KISS, and a general troublemaker. He ended up as a Satire Bard/Giant Soul Sorcerer multiclass, mostly because I wanted to get the best feature in all of DnD 5e. We were brought to Kalkus and immediately started fucking everything up.
    After some general rabble-rousing and exploration of the city, we noticed some things were going haywire. The city relied on some sort of transmutation magic to transport people between its districts, and they were malfunctioning pretty hard when we got there. We even tried to sneak into the venue for Soliloquy but it had suffered some structural damage in addition to the magical entrance being broken down. So we got lost in some kind of noneuclidean liminal space trying to find our way back to our hotel when we were set upon by our first rival band, 9-Puri, a group of eastern princesses of various trade kings who were mean and had hordes of rabid fans. They threatened us with breaking our instruments if we didn't drop out. Goolaz ended up killing fucking 5 of them. We lost to their monk's fury in the end, but Goolaz had slain five celebrity members of royalty, so in the morning when we woke up groggy with our instruments shattered and destroyed, we were immediately arrested and brought to the mayor of Kalkus' office. We explained that the law called for our punishment, but he'd be willing to pardon us if we checked out New Kalkus, the new venue for Soliloquy after the last one broke down. He mentioned that something odd was happening in there, and that the rest of the bands had already gone in there beforehand to check it out. And with that we went to clear our names. When we entered, we were immediately locked in and greeted by a powerful bard who introduced himself as the Rhythmancer, a man who claimed he would take over Jinnen and use the power of song to conquer.
    So yeah, we were trapped in a megadungeon for the rest of the campaign. A lot happened so I won't go into everything that happened. I'll put the map I gradually made for the party to smooth travel out. If you're interested in a section, ask and I can tell the story.

    To sum it up, we traveled this dungeon and we did the following things:
    We clashed with other bands in combat, through puzzles, and various other challenges. Some of them were enthralled by the Rhythmancer, some were just assholes. In general it just cleared our path and earned us the tickets we needed to face the Rhythmancer himself. We found various notes and logs giving us the lore behind the places we visited and on the Rhythmancer's story.  We completed various puzzles to gain keys, which we later found opened rooms that granted us powerful musical artifacts. The short story is that the Rhythmancer used to be a normal bard. He worked as a scribe and practiced performance and worked on his bardic magics on the side. One day his performance caught the eye of a princess being escorted through town. The King then hired the bard, Ragged Tom, on as a court jester to please his daughter. Tom soon discovered that the king was using his daughter for a nefarious purpose. In Jinnen, the goddess of dreams, music, and art, Gahari, used to have a pet. The Songbeast, an ancient creature of metal, creation, and music used to roam the skies of the material plane and Gahari's domain of the Feywild. It used to race, spreading inspiration where it went and filling the skies with color and beauty. The King managed to train his daughter in singing well enough to lure the beast in and capture it for his own collection. The beast soon grew crazed, and it rusted and lost its luster and song. Tom discovered this and arranged to use his bardic magic to free the beast and spirit the princess, who he had fallen in love with, away. He managed the latter at least, but the Songbeast was eventually killed and its body parts spread across the realm. The body was tracked and held secure by an order of metal-playing paladins called the Knights of Rock, but that becomes relevant later. Anyway, Tom was execute by the king, and was eventually sentenced to a few centuries of undeath in the castle's dungeons. He was put there and though the kingdom fell to a war during his sentence, Tom abandoned his humanity and eventually formed a lute with his own bone and sinew, before using it and his bardic arts to free himself and begin raising the dead in order to find the pieces of the Songbeast and use it for his own purposes, hoping to find the princess and exert his revenge on the world.
    So turns out, the Knights of Rock failed their mission. We met their last member (actually our band's forgotten 5th member, an Aarakocra) in the labyrinth, who warned us of the Rhythmancer's plans before dying, and when we had prevailed and gained the tickets needed to enter the big guy's lair, we saw he had succeeded. The Rhythmancer was waiting for us on a stage built for his own band, RAGNAROK. He had pieced together the Songbeast part by part, and its rusted corpse stood over his band, a bunch of undead ex-members of the other bands we had faced. He said he was hoping we would perish so he could raise us as well and use our magical talents to power up the Songbeast further. We fought his band and VERY narrowly succeeded, mostly due to clutch uses of magical items and the fact that Polymorph is a VERY good spell. We watched as his form dissipated and the labyrinth dissociated, all of its parts aside from the stage we were on returning to the parts of the multiverse they were taken from.
    And so we returned to the mayor of Kalkus, who congratulated us on the reclamation of the venue and on our defeat of the Rhythmancer. He explained that the loss of the other bands (all missing since the labyrinth dissipated) and the disasters surrounding it had brought the population of Kalkus and the attendees of Soliloquy to despair, and that we needed to keep the festival on to celebrate peace as much as we could. So we chose the crumbling stage that still held the Songbeast's corpse as our venue, since the body of a monster of metal and song is a pretty fuckin METAL thing to play under. After we had set up the stage, we began playing and started making performance checks to try and get the crowd out of their funk. After a bit we managed, and Alex described how the crowd gradually began to regain its mirth. It reached a peak where Alex described how everyone, for one split second, felt as one, in harmony with each other in the inspiration of the music. And it was of course at that time that the incorporeal soul of the Rhythmancer decided to seep into the Songbeast's corpse, animating it and immediately raising every corpse in the surrounding few miles as undead.
    The crowd immediately started to panic, of course, given the beast's roars and the zombies everywhere. We were level 9 at that point, and though we could hopefully take it on, so we began attacking, with Sylark and Easy Water taking the frontline and Goolaz and Fool's-Game slinging spells from the back. We were proven wrong because we were fighting the corpse of a dead GOD possessed by a powerful Bard. Wanna know this thing's rough stats? This shit had like 25 AC, over 1,000 HP, and could stun all of us with a roar, do like four multiattacks in a turn, and we were all fucking Bards with our puny d8 hitdice. Even though Sylark managed to hit it once or twice, we were having to like use all of our resources to even touch the thing. There was a moment where we and everyone else decided to kind of give up and hope to hold the beast long enough for a few civilians to escape.
    But then we noticed our faithful roadie Eddie standing off to the side of the stage, tapping his toes and acting like everything was fine. Almost everyone else through the adventure had given us shit, but not dear, sweet precious Eddie. Now here's something I neglected to mention at the beginning. This campaign had a few special rules for Bardic Inspiration since everyone was playing a squishy support caster. You were able to give Bardic Inspiration as a reaction to another bard making a saving throw, an attack roll, or ability check. And they could stack. So for example if Goolaz were making a really important saving throw (even a death saving throw), Fool's-Game, Sylark, and Easy Water could all give him an extra die (we all had either d6es or d8s) to the result, almost guaranteeing a success. We had used it handily through the advenutre, but pretty sparingly since everyone wanted to use them for Swords Bards' flourishes and Whispers Bards' psychic blades. Eddie threw us a thumbs up and inspired us, returning each of us a use of Bardic Inspiration.
    From Eddie's confidence we figured out what we had to do. Every time Sylark or Easy Water would attack the Songbeast, we exploited the rule, allowing them to feasibly hit the 25 AC mark with consistency. And when they were attacking and tanking, Goolaz and I had the bright idea to try and hype up the crowd and inspire them, so they would in turn inspire us. Goolaz started belting out Jumpin' Jack Flash and restarted the concert. Each time we succeeded on doing something like that, the crowd would become more confident in us, restoring our Bardic Inspiration. Their inspiration also seeped into our attacks. As we hyped them up, our weapon attacks would tap into their cheering, and we would start doing extra d6es of damage to the beast. It reached the point where attacks started looking like this:

    And each time we did something to hype the crowd, we would find another gust making their way to cheer us on.
    Melbin, the magic item shop owner we bought scrolls from at the beginning and promised to sponsor jumped from the crowd and gave us all Shield scrolls, as well as calling our pre-show ad for him shit. Coobie, an albino Lizardfolk we met in the labryinth and asked us to perform plays for us jumped in and informed Sylark that the "Holy Avenger" that he had been thinking was a prop the entire adventure was actually a real Holy Avenger. Basically the sword had had a function where Sylark had needed to fail a Wisdom saving throw to believe that the sword was real at the start of his turns, Coobie confirmed that it was, and so it was. Hinton, a gnome we met in the maze who offered hints on how to progress in return for various things, showed up. Throughout the adventure, we had all given up the knowledge of one of our songs and a gold piece to figure out what to do, and Fool's-Game had given up his proficiency with bagpipe and the usage of the Fool's Insight feature I built him to get and that I was sad to have given up. He returned these to us. I promptly used it to do just what I had hoped to one day, and I immediately used it to make the BBEG pass gas in front of everyone. The ghost of one of the Knights of Rock, either our 5th member or their leader who was enthralled by the Rhythmancer, showed up and blessed the magical pair of gloves they had given Fool's-Game with a +5 bonus to hit. This was relevant a bit later. So-Matic, an urban dance group who we trounced in a rap-off and drinking contest showed up to say that if we could beat them, that this guy was a piece of cake. Neuroseptic Goreplague, an emo metal band who we had to leave behind to a vampire, showed up and strngethed our resolve, restoring a majority of our lost HP. Strange Tim Tuggapole, a halfling one-man band who turned out to be a silver dragon in disguise that was enthralled by the Rhythmancer, flew overhead and froze the Songbeast, paralyzing it for a round. After Tim paralyzed it, we knew we were getting close. We were all running low on spell slots, smites, and health. I was fortunate enough for the rest of the group to set Fool's-Game up for the finishing blow. Those magical gloves could basically perform a Falcon Punch. You could sacrifice your movement and take a penalty to the attack roll ranging from -5 to -15 to add additional fire damage to the punch. I decided to go for the big one, the -15. Here was my attack roll with advantage:

    But thankfully, everyone gave me a smattering of Bardic Inspirations and I had the +5 from the blessing, resulting in:

    An attack roll of 36, totaling for a crit damage roll of:

    Time seemed to stop for a moment as the Songbeast's rusted exterior exploded. In an instant it was returned to its previous luster. It roared and its flesh shone chrome, it spouted color, and raced into the sky. We watched as it tore open a pastel, dreamy wormhole to the Feywild and raced through, to spread inspiration and music to the world again.
    And the Rhythmancer, reduced to his former crumbling self, sat in a pile. He mumbled that he was doing it for love, and that he only wanted to see his beloved again. As if on queue, she showed up, brought down by the Songbeast's magic and gently told him that though his intentions were pure, they had been tainted by hate and wrath. (Turns out we could have inspired him or boosted some Charisma checks he was making and could have had the two reconcile, but since all the members of M.I.L.K. are kind of assholes, we were mostly intent on him just fucking perishing.) And he died having known that he absolutely freaked it.
    And there the scene froze, M.I.L.K. victorious. The lone bard in the tavern ended his story of the legendary bards to the kids. In something really special, Alex included a few cameos. Josh and I already have characters planned for Alex's long form campaign whenever it's his turn, so Alex narrated that a gruff silver Dragonborn Paladin listening into the story returned to his drink and that a fussy woman, a Cleric, ushered the kids off to bed. I'm really hyped to play her so that moment really sticks in my mind. Really makes it feel like our accomplishments as M.I.L.K. had lasting effects on the setting and I can't wait for us to visit that tavern. And with that the bard adventure ended after about four and a half months, about three months longer than planned.
    Again, if anyone's interested about any parts of this adventure or any of our other campaigns, I'd love to share our stories. 
  2. Like
    Silent reacted to Huff in Tabletop-RPG Corner   
    If that’s the case when I’m gonna tell the story of the Bard adventure Alex ran for us earlier in the year to make you even greener because the finale especially was something else. If anyone’s interested I’ll type it out later tonight
  3. Upvote
    Silent reacted to Huff in Tabletop-RPG Corner   
    This moment was so good that we decided to make this the pose for the group comm we actually had planned even before Alex got his single one up there. Rhea triggered the "you can only breathe out bubbles when you try to speak for the next minute" result on the Wild Magic table, so she had to hitch a ride on the only guy with an actual STR score. It's a lot of fun to get back to these guys and I'm so happy with how this turned out. Orque is tied for my favorite character I've played with the Goliath bard I just played (I mean I've played fuckin 3 characters and I've liked each a whole lot so it doesn't mean much that he's one of my faves...) and I'm happy to see him in action. Funny epic chef orc is on his way to becoming the level 20 bartender every DM thinks to plant in the adventure and I couldn't be happier.

  4. Like
    Silent got a reaction from Huff in Tabletop-RPG Corner   
    I got a commission of Rhea finally and god damn I am so pleased with it. Almost as pleased as I am to be playing her again after a year-long hiatus, and a mere two sessions in she is already fucking everything up. We arrived at a fort full of bad guys stealthily, and after pondering the several methods of approach, this absolute dumbass blows up a small outpost outside the fort and triggers a wild magic surge, which she decided to place directly inside the fort to cause a distraction of some kind. Then we found out what it had done.

    So less of a distraction and more along the lines of, summon a statue that instantly directs the fortresses' inhabitants toward our party. So they did, dragged us inside, and after a terrifying duel between the bad guy leader and Huff's barbarian, we are now taking advantage of some Rogue-induced hysteria to get the fuck outta there, and ended the session mid-escape. Rhea is desperate to get the statue out with them, partly because it's going to be a compass to her location for 24 hours, but mostly because it's an awesome lifesize statue of her and it'd be neat to have around. Man I love playing this character.
    Bonus shitpost from a couple of months back:

  5. Upvote
    Silent got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in Anime Girl Quiz   
    idk, idk but nice gun, Kinomoto? Sakura, what looks to be a gup
    idk, a naruto character, is that the girl from welcome to the nhk?, idk
    idk, Kawajiri?(not sure if she took his name) Shinobu, Izumi Sakurai, idk,
    idk, idk, idk, idk but she's familiar
    Now, round 2, anime boys:
  6. Upvote
    Silent got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in Anime Girl Quiz   
    idk, idk but nice gun, Kinomoto? Sakura, what looks to be a gup
    idk, a naruto character, is that the girl from welcome to the nhk?, idk
    idk, Kawajiri?(not sure if she took his name) Shinobu, Izumi Sakurai, idk,
    idk, idk, idk, idk but she's familiar
    Now, round 2, anime boys:
  7. Upvote
    Silent got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in Anime Girl Quiz   
    idk, idk but nice gun, Kinomoto? Sakura, what looks to be a gup
    idk, a naruto character, is that the girl from welcome to the nhk?, idk
    idk, Kawajiri?(not sure if she took his name) Shinobu, Izumi Sakurai, idk,
    idk, idk, idk, idk but she's familiar
    Now, round 2, anime boys:
  8. Upvote
    Silent got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in 2018!   
    thoughts + reviews now
  9. Upvote
    Silent got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in 2018!   
    thoughts + reviews now
  10. Upvote
    Silent got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in 2018!   
    thoughts + reviews now
  11. Like
    Silent reacted to A 1970 Corvette in 2018!   
    I was gonna say that there wasn't much overlap but reviewing it I spose there is.
    I originally tried out ZLS but a little bit below halfway through I kinda had a feeling that they'd just keep doing idol show stuff (the little things they changed because of the premise of zombies wasn't enough for me tbh) which inevitably meant dumb drama (easily the worst part of any idol show) so I dropped it. I don't really feel like I was missing much and a lot of people's discussion on it kinda confirmed that with me. Plus pretty much all of the girls annoyed me other than Saki. I felt like I was really watching it just for the parts where the producer was introducing what was going to happen next episode.
    I did watch Retsuko but apparently it is a part of 2018, so I can amend this to the thing I guess. I had a mild interest in it just because the art style was super cyute, and decided to watch it on a whim. The first episode was pretty out there but for some reason I kept watching and then it kind of clicked. I also didn't know it had anything to do about metal until I had actually watched it which was a nice plus. I guess this is the closest thing to a metal girl anime we've got. Retsuko might be candidate for MC of the Year and Fenneko probably deserves a spot for girl of the year in there.
    I Lost My Colors In Another World or better known as the actual title Irozuku Sekai something something is a show that I'm still watching technically but it's from another season. Kind of out of my element because rather than being a comedy centered around an autistic girl it's a drama centered around an a(u/r)tistic girl. Not sure if I'll ever finish it. But it gets a mention for almost making it in the list of shows I watched.
    Yurucyandelta was okay. I was really blown away by the animation quality in the first episode but I enjoyed the solo camping more than the group camping. The chat bubble thing that did with texting conversations was cute and it kinda gave a neat way to look into how the characters talked and it's definitely one of the things that stuck out to me even months after watching it. I enjoyed pretty much all of the supporting characters more than the main characters though. Except for the short haired grill. She was pretty cute.
    I can't really think of anything else. +huff for SSR but immediately -huff for dissing the Colors
  12. Like
    Silent reacted to hugthebed2 in 2018!   
    I can never do charts for these because I will often just not watch any shows from a season for no particular reason.
    Will I watch more than four seasonal shows this year?!? Hopefully, but I've got an entire year to figure that out. I know I've got Monogatari in the next two months, Non Non Biyori Vacation in probably three months, as well as the Psycho Pass movies later on. My figure collection has grown two-fold since last year - I just hope that doesn't keep up.
  13. Upvote
    Silent reacted to A 1970 Corvette in 2018!   
  14. Like
    Silent reacted to Moby in 2018!   
    I'm biased, fight me. PopTeam was also great. Hope Mob and One PunchMan season 2 come soon.
  15. Upvote
    Silent reacted to Huff in 2018!   
    fuck yeah! another year, another oversized image! I went easy on memes this year since I actually took it halfway seriously.
  16. Like
    Silent reacted to Paero in 2018!   
    Not watched enough anime to comment but Hero Academia still good (movie good too) and Zombo Land Saga good and Yuru Camp good
  17. Upvote
    Silent reacted to Wulff in 2018!   
    Another year of anime has passed us by and it wouldn't be right if we didn't do a bit of reflection of the year 2018! 
    Here's the template for our trusty chart!
  18. Upvote
    Silent reacted to hugthebed2 in Random Image Thread: Animu Edition   
    zokuowari soon friends
  19. Upvote
    Silent reacted to Moby in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  20. Upvote
    Silent reacted to Raison d'être in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    Vaguely. Man the first year or so of this forum was crazy. I blame Ikea boy.
  21. Upvote
    Silent reacted to Idiot Cube in Idiot Cube's stupid animations, vol. 2   
    Dunno if I'll ever finish this, I just thought the idea was funny.
  22. Upvote
    Silent got a reaction from Gyokuyoutama in Favorite game Mosaic   
    Unsolicited opinions and queries:
    Solid picks, decent balance of old and new. 3/3 on the left ones but I've never played any of the others save for a little of Fallout and GTASA.
    What makes you pick Dragon Quest 8? I've been sort of interested in this series but, as with FF, sequels that go into the double digits make for an intimidating challenge to find an entry point to the series. I know extremely little about the Dragon Quest games apart from the little slime dudes.
    -100 points for lack of effort, but 5 points for putting names down, since this is one of the few 3x3s I can actually look up all the games from.
    Again, decent choices that align with my own tastes but really man? I apologise if you misunderstood, but not a single choice from 2013 carries over...? Maybe I'm on the wrong side of things here, thinking nostalgia counts towards what makes a game your 'favourite', but jeez. I do see that all of these are recent, and maybe that's what you were going for. But putting TF2 there if that's the case? Just confuses me.
    But yeah, great indie choices. Nice to see Celeste in particular. Doom, SMO and BoTW are three indisputable big boys that I can't really argue against. You're absolutely right about trap link too.
    Still haven't played superhot because I have NEVER seen it drop below £7 in a sale, which is usually the tipping point for me in terms of 'huh, gameplay looks interesting, worth a shot'. The only time I played it is in VR at a friends house and it was probably the coolest game we ended up playing. I just have the feeling the game will get old extremely quickly. 
    I have heard great things about Yakuza 0, and I will probably snap it up during the next sale. 
    200 points for the theme,
    20 points for smug hatgirl,
    69 points for gerudo link,
    1 point for DS2 (brave!!!), 
    -100 points for lack of loyalty and all those games that you've cast to the gutter without a second thought
    Hmmm alright, not my cup of tea anywhere across the board here, and what you lack seemingly in platform variety you make up for in genres. Literally 8 games I've never played and TF2.
    Interesting middle pick, though. Not because I know the slightest bit about it, it just intrigues me from the image alone. Looks like it would be more trouble than it's worth to get into, however.
    200 points for telling me to go fuck myself on the theme,
    50 points for the game name being visible in every square but TF2,
    6 points for describing your love/hate relationships with some of these games, making it clear your heart was involved in picking them,
    -500 points for the etf2l heavy
    Fuck you buddy, your fault for not posting before bed in the first place.
    HMM I wonder if there's anything on this list I like, HUH? Maybe, I don't know, over half of the fucking games???
    Interesting changes in taste since 2012 and 2015 (oddly specific time gaps between these three). Nothing carrying over from the former...but 4 isn't bad for a 3 year gap.
    Still can't break my way into sunshine, despite it being lent to me for several months. Maybe I'll wait until I can come over to Germany one sweet summer when you're not on a boat and we can play it through together.
    I will be playing AA soon, and I don't see any reason why I won't grab the witness if it ever goes on sale.
    300 points for the flawless theme,
    100 points for excellent taste and likemindedness,
    1 point because you're my best bud,
    10 points for game titles,
    but -20 points because you didnt highlight them with opposing coloured backing like me!!!!!
    and -50 points for betraying hamtaro
    Good criteria.
    Again, lots of games I'm unfamiliar with, probably due to not owning a Gamecube or dreamcast. Lots of multiplayer games though, which is neat, I wish there was that many I would consider to be among my faves that I still played, so it's nice that you're still having fun with all of those, I'm a little envious.
    Quick rundown on the modding scene of OoT? I have no idea how that would even work.
    50 points for the cute girl,
    20 points for the abundance of colour,
    30 points for your nice written experiences for each game,
    -1000 points for a MOBA REEEEEE
    Again that's understandable. I might not want to go back and replay Minish Cap, as an example, right this second, but I still get the itching for it and would recommend it to someone who was interested in playing that sort of game. I think that's what makes them my favourites. Not the fact that they're better than other games (like I said, gen 2 pokemon kinda sucks objectively) but they still mean the most to me out of the hundreds of vidya I've played through. Maybe they just hit me at the right time in my life and when I was feeling just the right emotions, but they still manage to hit those notes even today, even if I have my grips with them from an objective point of view.
    Anyway, decent choices with a lack of variety but they are all good games, so you do you! Despite my inability to enjoy planetside it's cool to see that it has the depth to keep you invested for that long. And yeah, BoTW is so fundamentally different to the others that I can understand why someone who doesn't like the series could play it for hours on end. 
    Both you and my friend Josh talking about odst has made me really want to go back and play it again, because honestly I don't remember the slightest thing about it except the horde mode multiplayer. I will have to dig out the disc from the pile of old games in my closet. Actually I just went and did that and found it...but maybe I should just watch a longplay of it....
    -100 points for laziness!!!!
    101 points for contributing and giving your opinions!!!!
    Haven't played many of these but they are probably good!! I don't know what a few of them are but I like that little worm dude!!!!
    10 points for games i know,
    10 points for games i've never played
    20 points for HMM3 because I've heard that's good!
    -20 points for uh...no gushing. i like gushing. wanna hear you gush about worms.
    I kinda just made mine from scratch in gimp, it let me drag stuff around easily under a top grid layer.
    Good ass top line babey, anyone with HGSS in their top 10 is a supreme taste overlord in my books, and I agree that Furi showing up is a good thing. Man I love that game.
    You seem to be the forefront on metroid around here so is there any recomendations for getting into it, considering the jpg shown at last years e3 might give me a third reason to validate my switch purchase? I assume that's Prime, I am completely clueless on the series apart from the GDQ memes.
    Also does Black Mesa have any cool alien environments considering you say Xen is missing? Seems like a bummer to me if not, but yeah I haven't kept up with that since it was announces.
    I have no idea who that dude on the throne is. 
    100 bonus points for being the thread creator,
    500 points for heart gold,
    100 points for retaining a decent number of your original mosaic,
    -50 points for no psychonauts...what happened man.... :(
    50 points if the throne dude is from psychonauts. I actually have no idea.
    I recognise...two? And I haven't played them? INtrigued by the cat though.
    90 points for obscurity,
    150 points for the cat,
    -200 points for SNOOTINESS, INJOKES, OBSCURITY, AND LACK OF TITLES is for the ANIME mosaics, wheres your GUSHING???? WHO IS THE CAT???
  23. Upvote
    Silent got a reaction from Gyokuyoutama in Favorite game Mosaic   
    Unsolicited opinions and queries:
    Solid picks, decent balance of old and new. 3/3 on the left ones but I've never played any of the others save for a little of Fallout and GTASA.
    What makes you pick Dragon Quest 8? I've been sort of interested in this series but, as with FF, sequels that go into the double digits make for an intimidating challenge to find an entry point to the series. I know extremely little about the Dragon Quest games apart from the little slime dudes.
    -100 points for lack of effort, but 5 points for putting names down, since this is one of the few 3x3s I can actually look up all the games from.
    Again, decent choices that align with my own tastes but really man? I apologise if you misunderstood, but not a single choice from 2013 carries over...? Maybe I'm on the wrong side of things here, thinking nostalgia counts towards what makes a game your 'favourite', but jeez. I do see that all of these are recent, and maybe that's what you were going for. But putting TF2 there if that's the case? Just confuses me.
    But yeah, great indie choices. Nice to see Celeste in particular. Doom, SMO and BoTW are three indisputable big boys that I can't really argue against. You're absolutely right about trap link too.
    Still haven't played superhot because I have NEVER seen it drop below £7 in a sale, which is usually the tipping point for me in terms of 'huh, gameplay looks interesting, worth a shot'. The only time I played it is in VR at a friends house and it was probably the coolest game we ended up playing. I just have the feeling the game will get old extremely quickly. 
    I have heard great things about Yakuza 0, and I will probably snap it up during the next sale. 
    200 points for the theme,
    20 points for smug hatgirl,
    69 points for gerudo link,
    1 point for DS2 (brave!!!), 
    -100 points for lack of loyalty and all those games that you've cast to the gutter without a second thought
    Hmmm alright, not my cup of tea anywhere across the board here, and what you lack seemingly in platform variety you make up for in genres. Literally 8 games I've never played and TF2.
    Interesting middle pick, though. Not because I know the slightest bit about it, it just intrigues me from the image alone. Looks like it would be more trouble than it's worth to get into, however.
    200 points for telling me to go fuck myself on the theme,
    50 points for the game name being visible in every square but TF2,
    6 points for describing your love/hate relationships with some of these games, making it clear your heart was involved in picking them,
    -500 points for the etf2l heavy
    Fuck you buddy, your fault for not posting before bed in the first place.
    HMM I wonder if there's anything on this list I like, HUH? Maybe, I don't know, over half of the fucking games???
    Interesting changes in taste since 2012 and 2015 (oddly specific time gaps between these three). Nothing carrying over from the former...but 4 isn't bad for a 3 year gap.
    Still can't break my way into sunshine, despite it being lent to me for several months. Maybe I'll wait until I can come over to Germany one sweet summer when you're not on a boat and we can play it through together.
    I will be playing AA soon, and I don't see any reason why I won't grab the witness if it ever goes on sale.
    300 points for the flawless theme,
    100 points for excellent taste and likemindedness,
    1 point because you're my best bud,
    10 points for game titles,
    but -20 points because you didnt highlight them with opposing coloured backing like me!!!!!
    and -50 points for betraying hamtaro
    Good criteria.
    Again, lots of games I'm unfamiliar with, probably due to not owning a Gamecube or dreamcast. Lots of multiplayer games though, which is neat, I wish there was that many I would consider to be among my faves that I still played, so it's nice that you're still having fun with all of those, I'm a little envious.
    Quick rundown on the modding scene of OoT? I have no idea how that would even work.
    50 points for the cute girl,
    20 points for the abundance of colour,
    30 points for your nice written experiences for each game,
    -1000 points for a MOBA REEEEEE
    Again that's understandable. I might not want to go back and replay Minish Cap, as an example, right this second, but I still get the itching for it and would recommend it to someone who was interested in playing that sort of game. I think that's what makes them my favourites. Not the fact that they're better than other games (like I said, gen 2 pokemon kinda sucks objectively) but they still mean the most to me out of the hundreds of vidya I've played through. Maybe they just hit me at the right time in my life and when I was feeling just the right emotions, but they still manage to hit those notes even today, even if I have my grips with them from an objective point of view.
    Anyway, decent choices with a lack of variety but they are all good games, so you do you! Despite my inability to enjoy planetside it's cool to see that it has the depth to keep you invested for that long. And yeah, BoTW is so fundamentally different to the others that I can understand why someone who doesn't like the series could play it for hours on end. 
    Both you and my friend Josh talking about odst has made me really want to go back and play it again, because honestly I don't remember the slightest thing about it except the horde mode multiplayer. I will have to dig out the disc from the pile of old games in my closet. Actually I just went and did that and found it...but maybe I should just watch a longplay of it....
    -100 points for laziness!!!!
    101 points for contributing and giving your opinions!!!!
    Haven't played many of these but they are probably good!! I don't know what a few of them are but I like that little worm dude!!!!
    10 points for games i know,
    10 points for games i've never played
    20 points for HMM3 because I've heard that's good!
    -20 points for uh...no gushing. i like gushing. wanna hear you gush about worms.
    I kinda just made mine from scratch in gimp, it let me drag stuff around easily under a top grid layer.
    Good ass top line babey, anyone with HGSS in their top 10 is a supreme taste overlord in my books, and I agree that Furi showing up is a good thing. Man I love that game.
    You seem to be the forefront on metroid around here so is there any recomendations for getting into it, considering the jpg shown at last years e3 might give me a third reason to validate my switch purchase? I assume that's Prime, I am completely clueless on the series apart from the GDQ memes.
    Also does Black Mesa have any cool alien environments considering you say Xen is missing? Seems like a bummer to me if not, but yeah I haven't kept up with that since it was announces.
    I have no idea who that dude on the throne is. 
    100 bonus points for being the thread creator,
    500 points for heart gold,
    100 points for retaining a decent number of your original mosaic,
    -50 points for no psychonauts...what happened man.... :(
    50 points if the throne dude is from psychonauts. I actually have no idea.
    I recognise...two? And I haven't played them? INtrigued by the cat though.
    90 points for obscurity,
    150 points for the cat,
    -200 points for SNOOTINESS, INJOKES, OBSCURITY, AND LACK OF TITLES is for the ANIME mosaics, wheres your GUSHING???? WHO IS THE CAT???
  24. Upvote
    Silent got a reaction from Gyokuyoutama in Favorite game Mosaic   
    Unsolicited opinions and queries:
    Solid picks, decent balance of old and new. 3/3 on the left ones but I've never played any of the others save for a little of Fallout and GTASA.
    What makes you pick Dragon Quest 8? I've been sort of interested in this series but, as with FF, sequels that go into the double digits make for an intimidating challenge to find an entry point to the series. I know extremely little about the Dragon Quest games apart from the little slime dudes.
    -100 points for lack of effort, but 5 points for putting names down, since this is one of the few 3x3s I can actually look up all the games from.
    Again, decent choices that align with my own tastes but really man? I apologise if you misunderstood, but not a single choice from 2013 carries over...? Maybe I'm on the wrong side of things here, thinking nostalgia counts towards what makes a game your 'favourite', but jeez. I do see that all of these are recent, and maybe that's what you were going for. But putting TF2 there if that's the case? Just confuses me.
    But yeah, great indie choices. Nice to see Celeste in particular. Doom, SMO and BoTW are three indisputable big boys that I can't really argue against. You're absolutely right about trap link too.
    Still haven't played superhot because I have NEVER seen it drop below £7 in a sale, which is usually the tipping point for me in terms of 'huh, gameplay looks interesting, worth a shot'. The only time I played it is in VR at a friends house and it was probably the coolest game we ended up playing. I just have the feeling the game will get old extremely quickly. 
    I have heard great things about Yakuza 0, and I will probably snap it up during the next sale. 
    200 points for the theme,
    20 points for smug hatgirl,
    69 points for gerudo link,
    1 point for DS2 (brave!!!), 
    -100 points for lack of loyalty and all those games that you've cast to the gutter without a second thought
    Hmmm alright, not my cup of tea anywhere across the board here, and what you lack seemingly in platform variety you make up for in genres. Literally 8 games I've never played and TF2.
    Interesting middle pick, though. Not because I know the slightest bit about it, it just intrigues me from the image alone. Looks like it would be more trouble than it's worth to get into, however.
    200 points for telling me to go fuck myself on the theme,
    50 points for the game name being visible in every square but TF2,
    6 points for describing your love/hate relationships with some of these games, making it clear your heart was involved in picking them,
    -500 points for the etf2l heavy
    Fuck you buddy, your fault for not posting before bed in the first place.
    HMM I wonder if there's anything on this list I like, HUH? Maybe, I don't know, over half of the fucking games???
    Interesting changes in taste since 2012 and 2015 (oddly specific time gaps between these three). Nothing carrying over from the former...but 4 isn't bad for a 3 year gap.
    Still can't break my way into sunshine, despite it being lent to me for several months. Maybe I'll wait until I can come over to Germany one sweet summer when you're not on a boat and we can play it through together.
    I will be playing AA soon, and I don't see any reason why I won't grab the witness if it ever goes on sale.
    300 points for the flawless theme,
    100 points for excellent taste and likemindedness,
    1 point because you're my best bud,
    10 points for game titles,
    but -20 points because you didnt highlight them with opposing coloured backing like me!!!!!
    and -50 points for betraying hamtaro
    Good criteria.
    Again, lots of games I'm unfamiliar with, probably due to not owning a Gamecube or dreamcast. Lots of multiplayer games though, which is neat, I wish there was that many I would consider to be among my faves that I still played, so it's nice that you're still having fun with all of those, I'm a little envious.
    Quick rundown on the modding scene of OoT? I have no idea how that would even work.
    50 points for the cute girl,
    20 points for the abundance of colour,
    30 points for your nice written experiences for each game,
    -1000 points for a MOBA REEEEEE
    Again that's understandable. I might not want to go back and replay Minish Cap, as an example, right this second, but I still get the itching for it and would recommend it to someone who was interested in playing that sort of game. I think that's what makes them my favourites. Not the fact that they're better than other games (like I said, gen 2 pokemon kinda sucks objectively) but they still mean the most to me out of the hundreds of vidya I've played through. Maybe they just hit me at the right time in my life and when I was feeling just the right emotions, but they still manage to hit those notes even today, even if I have my grips with them from an objective point of view.
    Anyway, decent choices with a lack of variety but they are all good games, so you do you! Despite my inability to enjoy planetside it's cool to see that it has the depth to keep you invested for that long. And yeah, BoTW is so fundamentally different to the others that I can understand why someone who doesn't like the series could play it for hours on end. 
    Both you and my friend Josh talking about odst has made me really want to go back and play it again, because honestly I don't remember the slightest thing about it except the horde mode multiplayer. I will have to dig out the disc from the pile of old games in my closet. Actually I just went and did that and found it...but maybe I should just watch a longplay of it....
    -100 points for laziness!!!!
    101 points for contributing and giving your opinions!!!!
    Haven't played many of these but they are probably good!! I don't know what a few of them are but I like that little worm dude!!!!
    10 points for games i know,
    10 points for games i've never played
    20 points for HMM3 because I've heard that's good!
    -20 points for uh...no gushing. i like gushing. wanna hear you gush about worms.
    I kinda just made mine from scratch in gimp, it let me drag stuff around easily under a top grid layer.
    Good ass top line babey, anyone with HGSS in their top 10 is a supreme taste overlord in my books, and I agree that Furi showing up is a good thing. Man I love that game.
    You seem to be the forefront on metroid around here so is there any recomendations for getting into it, considering the jpg shown at last years e3 might give me a third reason to validate my switch purchase? I assume that's Prime, I am completely clueless on the series apart from the GDQ memes.
    Also does Black Mesa have any cool alien environments considering you say Xen is missing? Seems like a bummer to me if not, but yeah I haven't kept up with that since it was announces.
    I have no idea who that dude on the throne is. 
    100 bonus points for being the thread creator,
    500 points for heart gold,
    100 points for retaining a decent number of your original mosaic,
    -50 points for no psychonauts...what happened man.... :(
    50 points if the throne dude is from psychonauts. I actually have no idea.
    I recognise...two? And I haven't played them? INtrigued by the cat though.
    90 points for obscurity,
    150 points for the cat,
    -200 points for SNOOTINESS, INJOKES, OBSCURITY, AND LACK OF TITLES is for the ANIME mosaics, wheres your GUSHING???? WHO IS THE CAT???
  25. Upvote
    Silent got a reaction from Gyokuyoutama in Favorite game Mosaic   
    Unsolicited opinions and queries:
    Solid picks, decent balance of old and new. 3/3 on the left ones but I've never played any of the others save for a little of Fallout and GTASA.
    What makes you pick Dragon Quest 8? I've been sort of interested in this series but, as with FF, sequels that go into the double digits make for an intimidating challenge to find an entry point to the series. I know extremely little about the Dragon Quest games apart from the little slime dudes.
    -100 points for lack of effort, but 5 points for putting names down, since this is one of the few 3x3s I can actually look up all the games from.
    Again, decent choices that align with my own tastes but really man? I apologise if you misunderstood, but not a single choice from 2013 carries over...? Maybe I'm on the wrong side of things here, thinking nostalgia counts towards what makes a game your 'favourite', but jeez. I do see that all of these are recent, and maybe that's what you were going for. But putting TF2 there if that's the case? Just confuses me.
    But yeah, great indie choices. Nice to see Celeste in particular. Doom, SMO and BoTW are three indisputable big boys that I can't really argue against. You're absolutely right about trap link too.
    Still haven't played superhot because I have NEVER seen it drop below £7 in a sale, which is usually the tipping point for me in terms of 'huh, gameplay looks interesting, worth a shot'. The only time I played it is in VR at a friends house and it was probably the coolest game we ended up playing. I just have the feeling the game will get old extremely quickly. 
    I have heard great things about Yakuza 0, and I will probably snap it up during the next sale. 
    200 points for the theme,
    20 points for smug hatgirl,
    69 points for gerudo link,
    1 point for DS2 (brave!!!), 
    -100 points for lack of loyalty and all those games that you've cast to the gutter without a second thought
    Hmmm alright, not my cup of tea anywhere across the board here, and what you lack seemingly in platform variety you make up for in genres. Literally 8 games I've never played and TF2.
    Interesting middle pick, though. Not because I know the slightest bit about it, it just intrigues me from the image alone. Looks like it would be more trouble than it's worth to get into, however.
    200 points for telling me to go fuck myself on the theme,
    50 points for the game name being visible in every square but TF2,
    6 points for describing your love/hate relationships with some of these games, making it clear your heart was involved in picking them,
    -500 points for the etf2l heavy
    Fuck you buddy, your fault for not posting before bed in the first place.
    HMM I wonder if there's anything on this list I like, HUH? Maybe, I don't know, over half of the fucking games???
    Interesting changes in taste since 2012 and 2015 (oddly specific time gaps between these three). Nothing carrying over from the former...but 4 isn't bad for a 3 year gap.
    Still can't break my way into sunshine, despite it being lent to me for several months. Maybe I'll wait until I can come over to Germany one sweet summer when you're not on a boat and we can play it through together.
    I will be playing AA soon, and I don't see any reason why I won't grab the witness if it ever goes on sale.
    300 points for the flawless theme,
    100 points for excellent taste and likemindedness,
    1 point because you're my best bud,
    10 points for game titles,
    but -20 points because you didnt highlight them with opposing coloured backing like me!!!!!
    and -50 points for betraying hamtaro
    Good criteria.
    Again, lots of games I'm unfamiliar with, probably due to not owning a Gamecube or dreamcast. Lots of multiplayer games though, which is neat, I wish there was that many I would consider to be among my faves that I still played, so it's nice that you're still having fun with all of those, I'm a little envious.
    Quick rundown on the modding scene of OoT? I have no idea how that would even work.
    50 points for the cute girl,
    20 points for the abundance of colour,
    30 points for your nice written experiences for each game,
    -1000 points for a MOBA REEEEEE
    Again that's understandable. I might not want to go back and replay Minish Cap, as an example, right this second, but I still get the itching for it and would recommend it to someone who was interested in playing that sort of game. I think that's what makes them my favourites. Not the fact that they're better than other games (like I said, gen 2 pokemon kinda sucks objectively) but they still mean the most to me out of the hundreds of vidya I've played through. Maybe they just hit me at the right time in my life and when I was feeling just the right emotions, but they still manage to hit those notes even today, even if I have my grips with them from an objective point of view.
    Anyway, decent choices with a lack of variety but they are all good games, so you do you! Despite my inability to enjoy planetside it's cool to see that it has the depth to keep you invested for that long. And yeah, BoTW is so fundamentally different to the others that I can understand why someone who doesn't like the series could play it for hours on end. 
    Both you and my friend Josh talking about odst has made me really want to go back and play it again, because honestly I don't remember the slightest thing about it except the horde mode multiplayer. I will have to dig out the disc from the pile of old games in my closet. Actually I just went and did that and found it...but maybe I should just watch a longplay of it....
    -100 points for laziness!!!!
    101 points for contributing and giving your opinions!!!!
    Haven't played many of these but they are probably good!! I don't know what a few of them are but I like that little worm dude!!!!
    10 points for games i know,
    10 points for games i've never played
    20 points for HMM3 because I've heard that's good!
    -20 points for uh...no gushing. i like gushing. wanna hear you gush about worms.
    I kinda just made mine from scratch in gimp, it let me drag stuff around easily under a top grid layer.
    Good ass top line babey, anyone with HGSS in their top 10 is a supreme taste overlord in my books, and I agree that Furi showing up is a good thing. Man I love that game.
    You seem to be the forefront on metroid around here so is there any recomendations for getting into it, considering the jpg shown at last years e3 might give me a third reason to validate my switch purchase? I assume that's Prime, I am completely clueless on the series apart from the GDQ memes.
    Also does Black Mesa have any cool alien environments considering you say Xen is missing? Seems like a bummer to me if not, but yeah I haven't kept up with that since it was announces.
    I have no idea who that dude on the throne is. 
    100 bonus points for being the thread creator,
    500 points for heart gold,
    100 points for retaining a decent number of your original mosaic,
    -50 points for no psychonauts...what happened man.... :(
    50 points if the throne dude is from psychonauts. I actually have no idea.
    I recognise...two? And I haven't played them? INtrigued by the cat though.
    90 points for obscurity,
    150 points for the cat,
    -200 points for SNOOTINESS, INJOKES, OBSCURITY, AND LACK OF TITLES is for the ANIME mosaics, wheres your GUSHING???? WHO IS THE CAT???