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<Witty Name>

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<Witty Name> last won the day on June 4 2016

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About <Witty Name>

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  • Birthday 08/24/1995

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  1. You are in a room with Hitler. You have a gun with an uncountably infinite number of bullets. Hitler will block the bullets by holding a countably infinite number of small children in the way of your shots. Do you try to shoot Hitler?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kayohgee


      1. Where is Hitler getting these kids? Are they infinite clones of the same kid? Are they being materialized out of thin air?

      2. Can I leave the room and come back whenever I want?

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Do the kids evaporate upon death, or does the room slowly fill up with their corpses?

    4. kayohgee


      This is also a question I need answered.

    5. Show next comments  9 more