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<Witty Name>

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  2. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to tam in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  3. Upvote
  4. Upvote
  5. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Raison d'être in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    You didn't even save it?
  6. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Razputin in SubSPUF Makes A Webcomic *Part 2/2.5*   

  7. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to kayohgee in SubSPUF Makes A Webcomic *Part 2/2.5*   
    I want to do a comic where Freddie, Scooby-Doo and three TF2 mercs go around solving mysteries. And of course there has to be gratuitous violence.
    ENGINEER: Aw shucks! Looks like the Ghostopus was really Old Man Jenkins all along!

    PYRO suddenly grabs OLD MAN JENKINS and drags him off panel. A spatter of blood hits the wall from off panel.
    PYRO's arm reaches from off panel and taps HEAVY on the shoulder. HEAVY suddenly turns around.
    HEAVY: And Old Man Jenkins was really... Pyro?!
    Next panel shows the PYRO with what appears to be a human face crudely taped over his mask.
    FREDDIE: Pyroooo! I said to "take off his mask"! Not cut his face off and wear it like a mask!
    The MEDIC looks directly at reader and shrugs.
    MEDIC: Vell, zat's our Pyro!
    Entire group bursts into laugher.
    End Issue 184
  8. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Moby in SubSPUF Makes A Webcomic *Part 2/2.5*   
    Good times.
  9. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to The Irish Demopan in Doctor Who   
    How 12 responses to these complaints.
  10. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Guy923 in Payday General   
    What do you mean? The Clarion is a deagle.
    This is the FAMAS

  11. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Guy923 in Payday General   
    Obviously. Anywho, I have played the new pack enough to pass some full judgement on all the weapons. So let's go. Ratin em on a 10 point system, 10/10 being a car-4 or loco, 0/10 being an amcar/chimano
    Clarion Assault Rifle (A deagle)
    It's a mac-10 as a primary with some more ammo. That being said, it can actually manage 14 accuracy, 40 damage(with the enforcer 5%), and 25+ stability with just a short barrel and competitor's compensator Definitely gives the car-4 a run for its money once you pick up the retro grip. It's not extremely good as a pure stealth weapon, but it's good as a semi-loud/semi-stealth weapon, and fantastic as a loud weapon. 8.5/10 pretty good.
    Edit: I did forget to mention, the thing eats bullets and has a hell of a kick to it because of its ridiculous RoF. Be sure to practice ammo conversation with it.
    Gecko Assault Rifle (The Galil)
    A very good all-rounder. It can be customized to fit most roles, a long range sniper, a concealable plan B, a spray and pray room clearer, if you want it, this gun's got it. It's only major downside is it has a pretty long reload time for both the tactical & the long reload, somewhere around 4 secs for a full reload, 3 & a half for a tactical. It's a good all-rounder, but that long reload hurts a LOT. 7/10 would bang.
    GEWEHR 3 Assault Rifle (The G3)
    Meh. It's the new Eagle Heavy. It's got a better accuracy but has very, very poor stability. It's still alright, I just think the Falcon, Eagle, and AMR cover all the bases for hard-hitting ARs. 5/10 I'll take it I guess
    GL-40 (da blooper)
    It's nowhere near as good as the first game, due to its inability to one shot Cloakers & Tasers*.  Think of it as a saw or HE m1014. It's there for utility, not as an actual primary, so your secondary will have to do most of the work. Compared to an assault rifle or a sniper, It's okay. I think as it stands it definitely needs a buff, needs a larger AoE, or larger damage. Right now it's sort of an extra 6 replenishable grenades as a primary. 6/10 in usefulness, 8/10 in fun.
    And that's all I got. I would call the pack a solid 8/10, would recommend.
  12. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Moby in The Binding of Isaac   
    I still dont like the pixelated graphics. Seems everytime people use them is to induce 'LOOK ITS INDIE'/'LOOK, NOSTALGIA FROM GAMES YOU PROBABLY NEVER PLAYED' or because its easier to do.
    Oh well, will get it anyway.
  13. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Raison d'être in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    Well, Devin, I can certainly see why you think fun is optional in games seeing as all your creations seem to be artsy hipster crap.
  14. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Rammite in Dota General   
    keeper of the lan
    etherinet blade
  15. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Guy923 in Payday General   
    Payday general (on /vg/) is a nice place.
  16. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Razputin in share your worst jokes   
    What do nine out of ten people enjoy?

  17. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Rammite in share your worst jokes   
  18. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Grobag in share your worst jokes   
    Don't trust atoms.

  19. Upvote
    <Witty Name> got a reaction from Binary in Dota General   

  20. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Rammite in In which Rammite attempts cosplay   
    I've been doing this for the past few days!
    Tomorrow, I use an electric saw to cut this basic outline. After that, I take the hand saw and just start carving out the sword's edge, along with all the odd shapes around the handle. Then, I'll use a knife to get all the details, then sand it all down.
    When the shaping is all done, I'll cover it with a layer or two of either spackle or glue to fill up the foam and give it a smooth surface, then paint it and then done!
    I probably won't make any clothing or armor, but it does feel weird going around with just a weapon.
  21. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to kayohgee in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
  22. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Arm the Homeless in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
  23. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Doopliss2008 in share your worst jokes   
    How may black teenagers does it take to start a riot?

  24. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to tam in share your worst jokes   
    what's the least funny paint in tf2

  25. Upvote
    <Witty Name> reacted to Paero in share your worst jokes   
    An Afghan, an Albanian, an Algerian, an American, an Andorran, an Angolan, an Antiguans, an Argentine, an Armenian, an Australian, an Austrian, an Azerbaijani, a Bahamian, a Bahraini, a Bangladeshi, a Barbadian, a Barbudans, a Batswanan, a Belarusian, a Belgian, a Belizean, a Beninese, a Bhutanese, a Bolivian, a Bosnian, a Brazilian, a Brit, a Bruneian, a Bulgarian, a Burkinabe, a Burmese, a Burundian, a Cambodian, a Cameroonian, a Canadian, a Cape Verdean, a Central African, a Chadian, a Chilean, a Chinese, a Colombian, a Comoran, a Congolese, a Costa Rican, a Croatian, a Cuban, a Cypriot, a Czech, a Dane, a Djibouti, a Dominican, a Dutchman, an East Timorese, an Ecuadorean, an Egyptian, an Emirian, an Equatorial Guinean, an Eritrean, an Estonian, an Ethiopian, a Fijian, a Filipino, a Finn, a Frenchman, a Gabonese, a Gambian, a Georgian, a German, a Ghanaian, a Greek, a Grenadian, a Guatemalan, a Guinea-Bissauan, a Guinean, a Guyanese, a Haitian, a Herzegovinian, a Honduran, a Hungarian, an I-Kiribati, an Icelander, an Indian, an Indonesian, an Iranian, an Iraqi, an Irishman, an Israeli, an Italian, an Ivorian, a Jamaican, a Japanese, a Jordanian, a Kazakhstani, a Kenyan, a Kittian and Nevisian, a Kuwaiti, a Kyrgyz, a Laotian, a Latvian, a Lebanese, a Liberian, a Libyan, a Liechtensteiner, a Lithuanian, a Luxembourger, a Macedonian, a Malagasy, a Malawian, a Malaysian, a Maldivan, a Malian, a Maltese, a Marshallese, a Mauritanian, a Mauritian, a Mexican, a Micronesian, a Moldovan, a Monacan, a Mongolian, a Moroccan, a Mosotho, a Motswana, a Mozambican, a Namibian, a Nauruan, a Nepalese, a New Zealander, a Nicaraguan, a Nigerian, a Nigerien, a North Korean, a Northern Irishman, a Norwegian, an Omani, a Pakistani, a Palauan, a Palestinian, a Panamanian, a Papua New Guinean, a Paraguayan, a Peruvian, a Pole, a Portuguese, a Qatari, a Romanian, a Russian, a Rwandan, a Saint Lucian, a Salvadoran, a Samoan, a San Marinese, a Sao Tomean, a Saudi, a Scottish, a Senegalese, a Serbian, a Seychellois, a Sierra Leonean, a Singaporean, a Slovakian, a Slovenian, a Solomon Islander, a Somali, a South African, a South Korean, a Spaniard, a Sri Lankan, a Sudanese, a Surinamer, a Swazi, a Swede, a Swiss, a Syrian, a Taiwanese, a Tajik, a Tanzanian, a Togolese, a Tongan, a Trinidadian or Tobagonian, a Tunisian, a Turkish, a Tuvaluan, a Ugandan, a Ukrainian, a Uruguayan, a Uzbekistani, a Venezuelan, a Vietnamese, a Welshman, a Yemenite, a Zambian and a Zimbabwean all go to a nightclub. The doorman stops them and says, ‘Sorry, lads, I can’t let you in without a Thai.’