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A 1970 Corvette reacted to Gyokuyoutama for a status update, We need a good quick term for ChatGPT and StableDifussion style algorithms other than
We need a good quick term for ChatGPT and StableDifussion style algorithms other than AI.
Seeing people talk about "AI" as if no one ever used the term before two years ago feels like being gas lit. I've even seen someone say "I want to be one of the first people to make games that use AI."
A 1970 Corvette got a reaction from Gyokuyoutama for a status update, We're not done yet!
We're not done yet!
A 1970 Corvette reacted to Raison d'être for a status update, https://neal.fun/password-game/
A 1970 Corvette reacted to Raison d'être for a status update, The verdict? Guilty. His sentence? Loading up an in-progress strategy game save file
The verdict? Guilty. His sentence? Loading up an in-progress strategy game save file from 5 years ago and being forced to figure out what the fuck he was trying to do.
A 1970 Corvette got a reaction from Gyokuyoutama for a status update, tfw your favorite band takes a new direction and you spend the next three albums liki
tfw your favorite band takes a new direction and you spend the next three albums liking what they put out less and less
A 1970 Corvette reacted to Gyokuyoutama for a status update, Every time I get dragged into a real life political conversation I have to cut myself
Every time I get dragged into a real life political conversation I have to cut myself off just before I start using various phrases favored by Terry Davis.
A 1970 Corvette reacted to John Caveson for a status update, I can now unironically say: BTW I Use Arch I guess I'll die happy now.
I can now unironically say:
BTW I Use Arch
I guess I'll die happy now.
A 1970 Corvette reacted to Gyokuyoutama for a status update, Played some TF2 for old times sake. Got some guy to key on me to the exclusion of all
Played some TF2 for old times sake.
Got some guy to key on me to the exclusion of all other players or goals by saying that gardevoir is a pleb tier pokemon.
A 1970 Corvette got a reaction from Gyokuyoutama for a status update, who is ur fave 2hu
who is ur fave 2hu
A 1970 Corvette reacted to aabicus for a status update, I got voted to give the graduation speech for my Master’s class :D
I got voted to give the graduation speech for my Master’s class :D
A 1970 Corvette reacted to LordCOVID Monkey for a status update, Hello all! It has come to my attention that a very large majority of you, my SPUFFY F
Hello all! It has come to my attention that a very large majority of you, my SPUFFY Friends, are really into monster girls! (You bunch'a freaks!) Thankfully, I'm not one to judge all that much, and in fact, I have come here today to give you guys an official ranking of all sorts of monster girls! Consider it a fantastic dating guide for all things monster girls. (I'm an actual expert, with a degree in Monstergirlology.) That way, those of you who insist to fawn over a magical creature at least do so properly! Here we go, I present to you all, THE DEFINITIVE MONSTER GIRL TIER LIST!
The DEFINITIVE Monster Girl Tier List!
And now you all know which monster girls are the most acceptable to have the hots for! Please bear in mind that, like all my ranking lists, this list is indisputable by nature. Any attempts at arguing it will be met with heavy criticism. That being said, if you like a Monster Girl who didn't make the cut, then it's time to get an upgrade. I suggest Insect-Girl. There's plenty of her to go around!
A 1970 Corvette reacted to LordCOVID Monkey for a status update, Heya, pals. It would seem that I’ve taken up a great task, and I’ll be tiering someth
Heya, pals. It would seem that I’ve taken up a great task, and I’ll be tiering something ONCE AGAIN! Only this time, I’m stepping out of my comfort zone, and discussing something that's NOT-TOUHOU. Yikes! This has the potential to get real nasty! But never fear, because when a list is as indisputable as this, there is no room for argument! I present to you all, THE DEFINITIVE 100% ORANGE JUICE TIER LIST!
The DEFINITIVE 100% Orange Juice Tier List!
There you have it! 100% Orange Juice, thoroughly ranked in a proper, competent tier! Please remember to be considerate of my feelings, for I am only the messenger of objective fact! If you find yourself disagreeing with this list, then I’ve got news for you…!
A 1970 Corvette got a reaction from Idiot Cube for a status update, メリ・クリスマス、スパフ!!!!
A 1970 Corvette got a reaction from Silent for a status update, shoutout to my bro @Facade whose hugely overleveled card let me breeze through event
shoutout to my bro @Facade whose hugely overleveled card let me breeze through event stories I couldn't have done otherwise
A 1970 Corvette got a reaction from Silent for a status update, Opinions on far cry: primal?
Opinions on far cry: primal?
A 1970 Corvette got a reaction from aabicus for a status update, Kraken Progress: 1/5 I started with the hardest launcher, it's all downhill from here
Kraken Progress: 1/5
I started with the hardest launcher, it's all downhill from here.
A 1970 Corvette got a reaction from hugthebed2 for a status update, quick type clear bgp * in your routers' privileged exec mode
quick type clear bgp * in your routers' privileged exec mode
A 1970 Corvette reacted to Expresate for a status update, Bitches don't know about my multi-area OSPF.
Bitches don't know about my multi-area OSPF.
A 1970 Corvette reacted to Binary for a status update, New themes are up and running! Take a look, let me know if I missed anything, or if t
New themes are up and running! Take a look, let me know if I missed anything, or if there's anything else you want to see!
A 1970 Corvette reacted to Wulff for a status update, that moment when you suddenly realize that your flatmate's girlfriend of several mont
that moment when you suddenly realize that your flatmate's girlfriend of several months is actually cute as fuck and will also be living with you for the foreseeable future.
penis, cease your actions this goddamned instant!
A 1970 Corvette got a reaction from FrozenFirebug for a status update, Don't be a loser, buy a defuser!
Don't be a loser, buy a defuser!