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  1. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Davjo_ in TF2 general   
    Played TF2 again after some time for fun. Our team got spawncamped heavily by several heavys, pyros and sentries and we couldn't manage to get out of spawn.
    Try a vote to scramble, it doesn't go through. Told my team to dance conga in spawn instead and spam noisemakers.
    The amout of rage of the enemy team was hilarious.
  2. Upvote
    Mersopolis got a reaction from ICBMoose in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    Sadly, no sound pack... YET...
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  5. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Just a Gigolo in Zoe Quinn   
    Phil Fish is always on the wrong side.

  6. Upvote
  7. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to <Witty Name> in Zoe Quinn   
    "the head mod over at /V/ and leader of 4chan.org and Anonymous."

  8. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Razputin in Zoe Quinn   
    I never thought I'd see the day where /v/'s spastic "/v/ is spelled with a lowercase, uppercase /V/ is wrong" would be useful to sniff out a scam
    Also Jesus self-victimising Christ this shit is pathetic
  9. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Jordax in Zoe Quinn   
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  16. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Idiot Cube in The Reaction Pictures Thread   
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  18. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Razputin in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
    Ok here goes
    "pickup line" in Dutch is "openingszin" or "opening sentence", a sentence to start/open a conversation with.
    "Opening" can also translate to "hole"
    "zin" can also roughly be translated to "to feel like doing" (Ik heb zin om dat te doen = I feel like doing that). In some contexts you could also use it to say you're horny (ik heb zin = I am horny)
    Which results in the following pun: Ik heb geen openingszin, maar jij hebt een opening en ik heb zin
    Which translates to "I have no pickup line, but you have a hole and I am horny".
    And that's how you get slapped in the face in the Netherlands.
  19. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Sir Slick in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
    Beneath this spoiler, there is the best pickup line you will ever see.
  20. Upvote
  21. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Paero in share your worst jokes   
    An Afghan, an Albanian, an Algerian, an American, an Andorran, an Angolan, an Antiguans, an Argentine, an Armenian, an Australian, an Austrian, an Azerbaijani, a Bahamian, a Bahraini, a Bangladeshi, a Barbadian, a Barbudans, a Batswanan, a Belarusian, a Belgian, a Belizean, a Beninese, a Bhutanese, a Bolivian, a Bosnian, a Brazilian, a Brit, a Bruneian, a Bulgarian, a Burkinabe, a Burmese, a Burundian, a Cambodian, a Cameroonian, a Canadian, a Cape Verdean, a Central African, a Chadian, a Chilean, a Chinese, a Colombian, a Comoran, a Congolese, a Costa Rican, a Croatian, a Cuban, a Cypriot, a Czech, a Dane, a Djibouti, a Dominican, a Dutchman, an East Timorese, an Ecuadorean, an Egyptian, an Emirian, an Equatorial Guinean, an Eritrean, an Estonian, an Ethiopian, a Fijian, a Filipino, a Finn, a Frenchman, a Gabonese, a Gambian, a Georgian, a German, a Ghanaian, a Greek, a Grenadian, a Guatemalan, a Guinea-Bissauan, a Guinean, a Guyanese, a Haitian, a Herzegovinian, a Honduran, a Hungarian, an I-Kiribati, an Icelander, an Indian, an Indonesian, an Iranian, an Iraqi, an Irishman, an Israeli, an Italian, an Ivorian, a Jamaican, a Japanese, a Jordanian, a Kazakhstani, a Kenyan, a Kittian and Nevisian, a Kuwaiti, a Kyrgyz, a Laotian, a Latvian, a Lebanese, a Liberian, a Libyan, a Liechtensteiner, a Lithuanian, a Luxembourger, a Macedonian, a Malagasy, a Malawian, a Malaysian, a Maldivan, a Malian, a Maltese, a Marshallese, a Mauritanian, a Mauritian, a Mexican, a Micronesian, a Moldovan, a Monacan, a Mongolian, a Moroccan, a Mosotho, a Motswana, a Mozambican, a Namibian, a Nauruan, a Nepalese, a New Zealander, a Nicaraguan, a Nigerian, a Nigerien, a North Korean, a Northern Irishman, a Norwegian, an Omani, a Pakistani, a Palauan, a Palestinian, a Panamanian, a Papua New Guinean, a Paraguayan, a Peruvian, a Pole, a Portuguese, a Qatari, a Romanian, a Russian, a Rwandan, a Saint Lucian, a Salvadoran, a Samoan, a San Marinese, a Sao Tomean, a Saudi, a Scottish, a Senegalese, a Serbian, a Seychellois, a Sierra Leonean, a Singaporean, a Slovakian, a Slovenian, a Solomon Islander, a Somali, a South African, a South Korean, a Spaniard, a Sri Lankan, a Sudanese, a Surinamer, a Swazi, a Swede, a Swiss, a Syrian, a Taiwanese, a Tajik, a Tanzanian, a Togolese, a Tongan, a Trinidadian or Tobagonian, a Tunisian, a Turkish, a Tuvaluan, a Ugandan, a Ukrainian, a Uruguayan, a Uzbekistani, a Venezuelan, a Vietnamese, a Welshman, a Yemenite, a Zambian and a Zimbabwean all go to a nightclub. The doorman stops them and says, ‘Sorry, lads, I can’t let you in without a Thai.’
  22. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to Veez in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   

  23. Upvote
    Mersopolis got a reaction from ICBMoose in What song are you listening to RIGHT now?   
  24. Upvote
    Mersopolis reacted to ICBMoose in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    I beat Bioshock.
    Bloody amazing game.
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