Hello subSPUF. With Winter peaking just around the corner, the time has come to organize the long-awaited SPUF contest of Write Some Moar! and help from my fellow mates is most appreciated and rewarded (with honor and respect)! I'm planning on using this thread as the basis of constructing this event.
I'll be listing out the current ideas into this thread. This is open up to discussion, and I encourage discussion because I want to create a fun community contest. If you have a great idea or see something that can be improved, please talk about it and I most likely will implement it.
The current plans are as such: BACKSTORY:
I'm planning on having it be turned into a comic intro by 3fort, but that requires dosh so it may be ultimately scrapped if something goes wrong. However, he is doing a rough sketch of it now so it is still a plausible idea. NEW CATEGORIES: Old ones returning: Drama, Comedy, Action/Adventure
New one(s): Poetry (still to be decided whether it will be broken up into more specific types of poetry or one cluster), possible others such as the horrid story category. SUBMISSIONS/REQUIREMENTS:
All of last years rules are returning (At least 500 words, no overly-romantic or sexual content, no limit on submissions), and must be original writing
Possible new rules for poetry, which would lower word requirement down to 300 and no word requirement for haikus.
Also, submissions can be stories from Sir Donald's contest and everything written after the first contest. The Medic suggested that there be some sort of broader theme to be the basis of all writings. While I do see the logic behind this (it would make judging much easier), it needs to be broad enough that it won't stop variety in stories, but at the same time, it needs to be big enough that it would be noticeable. NEW JUDGING SYSTEM:
Instead of having a mass vote, there will be a panel of judges (hopefully all from subSPUF to keep it as underground as possible). There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the mass vote system proved to be inefficient because people submitted multiple votes with the use of proxies. Secondly, it is easier to end a contest with a known amount of people rather than trying to guess an appropriate amount of days to open voting. Also, judges will be able to vote for categories they submit into as long as they don't self-vote (controversial, but I think that if judges are also actively submitting, the judges will become useless).
I'm thinking of returning the old 1st through 3rd place for each category, along with Overall Winner(s) and Honorable mention(s). This, however, can be changed depending on how things go.
Current Judges are: PRIZES/FUNDING:
This is a non-profit, donations-run contest. I will try to cover most of it (as the creator of this), but help is beyond appreciated. Things that need to be addressed and covered include:
[*]Will there be only one-type of prize or something of that sort? If so, what?
[*]How much of the prize do we want (ex. 29 stovepipes or as much as possible and divide that?)
[*]Should there be extra flourishes, such as name tags or paints?
[*]Funding a comic or event poster by 3fort?
[*]Should SPUF public be able to donate or purely subSPUF? Helping fund this contest will result in name being put into credits of the contest. But, unlike last year, I won't accidentally fuck up that by deleting it all and not remembering who did what. PROMOTION: In my previous thread about this subject, The Medic also said that she could write a blog post about the event. I think this would be a fantastic way to promote the contest and it would be just about all the promotion we'll need. However, since the Medic has volunteered, I will not force her into doing this, so the article may end up by be written by someone else. DONATIONS:
A list of donations given so far.
The contest hopefully will be up by January, will have a lot of enthusiasm, and WON'T be moved into the Community Content section by eram. If I didn't cover something, I'll put it up along with anything that is contributed below!