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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/12 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Just a Gigolo


    Tyrone can never die, because he lives on in you, me, and everyone's hearts.:pinkiegasm:
  2. 1 point

    The SPUF Civil War

    yay more bad fanfiction i expect this thread to die within a week Chapter 1 Huff gripped his enchanted Fire Axe, slowly stepping so he wouldn’t make any noise. Ever since most of the SPUFers had been revived by Necromancers, the Axe’s enchantment had weakened, but it still remained. It was sad that some of the SPUFers remained dead, Huff thought. Gold’s body had been too overpowered by Rep too even attempt it – same with Silent (they had no idea how the guy was even alive.) Raison could not be saved, and Demospam was in a coma, only kept alive by life support. Witty and KigYar opened up an Illegal Black Market Shop selling Rep and were currently being chased by the Moderators. DualJay had elevated to the status of Moderator and Ian had elevated to Valve level, leaving SPUFVille for his Valve Duties. The Revived Janobi had stepped down from his moderator duties and Slacks had taken his place. A grunt from the two Trolls he was about to attack snapped him out of his memories. He peered around the tree he was hiding behind. A small circle of rocks and sticks, which Huff assumed used to be a fire, sat in a small cave under SPUF manor. Huff ran out from behind the tree, charging towards the trolls. He got a good look at them – both pale skinned, one with red hair and the other with a dull brown. The redhead had a pair of glasses. Both had ragged clothes of dulled color. And then Huff slammed his axe into the chest of the Troll with brown hair, causing him to topple back on the remains of the fire. He turned on the other, but the Troll was already running off. “Coward!” he yelled after him, then took his axe from the other Troll’s body. He sighed in annoyance again. The Troll sightings were getting more and more frequent, especially near SPUF Manor. He noted the cave’s location as he walked out – another demolition for Rammite. ***** Cell held a paper in his hands as Cube held 2 Vials of Rep behind him. Cell frowned as he read the words on the paper, and he reread them, although they obviously didn’t change. He sighed as Cube put the vials down. “What is it now?” Cube asked, falling back into the chair and knocking a vial of Rep in his hand, causing it to roll into the trashcan. “The Rep,” Cell muttered. “We made seven vials of Rep this week… But we only have 5.” Cube nodded as he listened, trying to ignore the small green flame that popped up from the trashcan. “So what does that mean exactly…?” “I keep close track of all the Rep we make,” Cell said. “I wouldn’t have lost them. And the trolls that have been springing up… They’ve been reported to be using weapons that have a light green glow. Sound familiar?” “Ignore the drama and just tell me what all this means,” Cube said as he stood up and threw the trashcan out the window. “It means someone must’ve snuck in and taken the Rep,” Cell said. “We need extra security here, someone is giving weapons to the enemy.” ***** Ted stepped slowly into the large building, wondering why there was no security. It was a large building, and the room he was in had a simple wooden desk. The floor had a blue rug covering in, and alone on the desk was a cupcake. Yes, a cupcake, with a small turtle on it. He walked over to the desk, resting his hands on it. He felt the dart entering his neck and the poison slowing his body down, and he toppled to the ground. The owner of the building clapped as he opened the door. “Ah, you Lurkers are useful for something!” He dismissed the Lurker with a wave of his hand and walked over to Ted’s body. “Now, how am I going to have fun with you…?” ***** “So Rammite,” Cube said casually. “It seems your house has burned down in a fire related accident involving a trash bin that I have absolutely no knowledge of.” Rammite got up quickly and ran out, yelling, “DANGIT BINARY, I SAID YOU COULDN’T KEEP PRACTICING COOKING IN MY HOUSE!”
  3. 1 point

    The SPUF Civil War

    Sure :P
  4. 1 point
    Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Seriously, calling someone stupid for outsmarting you multiple times you doesn't say very nice things about you. Either that, or anyone who doesn't agree with you is stupid, which makes everyone in this thread stupid I guess. Maybe in the future they'll have a surgery to remove fanboy goggles, but until then, enjoy living in a fantasy world.But anyways...http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c2Vb7CqTdc :pinkiegasm:
  5. 1 point

    Steam Greenlight.

    I gotta say, he's actually right this time, and I actually like the Yogscast and think most of the hatred is from a perception that if you're successful you've either cheated or are full of shit, but this game looks boring as hell, I wouldn't even call it a Minecraft clone as it doesn't even deserve that title as it indicates that it's at least based on a good game.
  6. 1 point
    Stackbabbin' Bumscags


  7. 1 point
    Raison d'être

    Steam Greenlight.

    Because if they show me something, and it looks like shit, I'm not going to say "Well, maybe this shit will become gold."
  8. 1 point

    Steam Greenlight.

    Pretty sure they dropped Terraria to start a new game.
  9. 1 point
    Napkin Dust

    Steam Greenlight.

    While I like the Yogcast, it would be better if they made a game not so like Minecraft. Not saying Minecraft started the open-world genre, but their game looks a bit too much like it for my tastes. I'd like to see them do an RPG or something.
  10. 1 point

    Steam Greenlight.

    I know what I won't be voting for. Train Simulator DLC.