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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/13 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    REFERENDUM: The Future of SPUFpowered

    We will be what we always were.   Probably the densest collection of nerds on the internet.   <3
  2. 3 points
    Picture Comeau's reaction "I come back ONE DAY before shit starts falling apart?!"
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    You better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town!
  6. 2 points

    REFERENDUM: The Future of SPUFpowered

    Everyone calm down.   Nothing is happening to your beloved subSPUF. It will still continue to be up and maintained (well, as long as the dolla necessary to keep it up remains inbound, but we haven't had an issue with that yet).   The projects have been moved off of the forum. Currently the senior management is working out what their future will be, but in the near future most of them are remaining up. The SPUFserver has been taken down and the High Admins Council dissolved, yes, but that's until we figure out what to do with it. We have plans to continue all of them in the future.   I'll let you know if anything changes.
  7. 1 point

    SPUF Character Profile Master General

    Real!Skye [spoiler2]Name: Real!Skye Aliases: Jack Abilities/Powers: Being English, scarf-related topics, stealth, stealth games, things related to stealth, things vaguely associated to stealth, immunity to sugar rushes, incredible luck Personality: Usually quiet and stoic, tends to keep to himself. The quiet demeanor is not to be confused with nervousness or frailty; he is very self-confident and not afraid to stand out in a crowd. Does his best to be polite, although a low emotional intelligence gives mixed results. May be autistic, but has never bothered to find out because "I'd have to sign paperwork n' shit." When attempting to be more humorous (joking with friends, performing a show or a cast, etc.) he can flip his personality to much louder and energetic. Bio: Skye is a white English male adult. Skye holds the record for probably being the most generic person here. Affiliations: None. Politics are dumb. Other: Does not actually wear a scarf that much, but running jokes are the best jokes.[/spoiler2] Nuzlocke!Skye [spoiler2]Name: Nuzlocke!Skye Aliases: Skye Poppyson, That Kid from Pallet Town Abilities/Powers: Pokemon Training, red eyes, surprising maturity for his young age, familiar with a variety of Kanto Pokemon, can speak with Pokemon Personality: A mild-mannered boy from Pallet Town who is afflicted with red eyes and a strange condition which causes Pokemon to fade away in battle. Despite the obvious dangers of a journey with this condition, his Pokemon are supporting of him and have placed their confidence in him. He is an adept strategist and a great mediator for his team, although this comes from the confidence others have place din him more than his own (of which he has little, due to his lack of experience.) He seeks to find out what caused his condition. Bio: A young boy with thick hair, who always wears a red hooded coat (even in the middle of a summer in Kanto.) Affiliations: Anything that opposes Team Rocket. Other: Eventually moves to Johto for unknown reasons.[/spoiler2] BFNY!Skye [spoiler2]Name: BFNY!Skye Aliases: Insane!Skye Abilities/Powers: Too insane to predict, otherworldly powers, unparalleled at sneaking and stabbing, crazy prepared Personality: The "what if?" story of Battle for New York explored what would happen if Skye started to blur the lines between fantasy and reality - which resulted in him going homicidal and aiming to kill anyone the voices told him to. It's unknown if the voices were merely his fractured imagination, the real voices of fictional beings, or perhaps the hauntings and the plans from another unknown assailant. Skye was successful in misdirecting other New York survivors and nearly succeeded in killing one, but was slain by Idiot Cube's BFNY self (who, ironically, was also going insane due to external voices.) Bio: A young man with dark hair, always wearing a black hooded coat (with the hood always up) and leather gloves and boots. Runes and talismans are worn on his coat, and a black insignia marked one of his hands. Affiliations: Unknown; the voices were either his own insanity, or they were real and their source is yet to be known. Other: BFNY!Skye remains as one of the competent New York survivors, managing to survive for a considerable time, avoiding detection from several others, and managing his own base of operations with crude but effective defences. Nonetheless, as a villain, his downfall was inevitable.[/spoiler2] More will probably be added later. Maybe. pfth
  8. 1 point
    Well shit, guess i'm a nobody again. How will people respect me if not for my contribution for SPUF. Har har.... Look, I'm just as curious and confused as the rest of you. Even after talking with cmndr about it through steam multiple times, I'm still confused as to what the hell is going on. I'm not afraid to admit that I haven't been here as long as some people, so yes, I'm an ignorant newbie, so please forgive me for being one. I just don't need someone mocking me to tell me that, thank you. What the fuck, for once that wasn't even supposed to be a dig aimed at you. I was referring to the fact that I hadn't been active on SPUF in almost 2 years; Yet you decided that I might have been attacking Commander's Little Protege himself. Chill the fuck out, stop acting like deciding whether or not to keep the connection with SPUF is some stressing process that needs to be decided within some urgent deadline. This is a forum that is primarily used for close friends (I'm assuming that everyone that isn't me on here are at least mutual friends) to keep in contact, discuss inane shit and maybe organize viyda events. The true state of affairs with regards to the server is that TF2 is dead as fuck and I can guarantee you that we wouldn't lose a single member of this returning community whatever fucking choice is made.
  9. 1 point
    Guys, what are you talking about. Commander asked if we wanted to make the forum public or move some stuff. It was decided to move the stuff. The stuff moved. Nothing's falling apart. Except the stuff.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point

    REFERENDUM: The Future of SPUFpowered

    I'm well aware that I am not the most active or the most involved member of this community, in fact I tend to sit on the sidelines in various off-topic threads and post snide remarks because I'm a wannabe cynic, but this particular subject is something I do have a bit of experience with. I'm an administrator of another community which is very similar to subSPUF's current situation, but it wasn't always like this. Rather it used to be large and public, with new members joining every day and went on to become a more closed and secluded community. The thing about large and open communities is that it will attract a lot of different people, especially if it is advertised. Here's a fact: You will not like some of those people. Ultimately it is what made me very wary about forum-users, because I (initially) administrated the other community with as much friendliness as possible and I had a real sense of duty to make sure problems were resolved, be it technical or emotional problems between users. This essentially spun out of control and ended up having the administrators and moderators act like councillors for everyone and their everyday problems, because here's another fact: The vast majority of the internet population are retarded and can't deal with their own problems, nor can they let a grudge go. Eventually it boiled down to so much stress on the administrators and moderators, that 70% of them quit their "job" and the community within the span of a year. The rest of us started getting jaded, stopped giving a damn about the community and its problems (because we were bombarded with trivial issues on a daily basis). Essentially, the lack of administration caused a shift in the community, that ended with 80% of the active users to become inactive, leaving only a tight-knit core that's still there today... Much like subSPUF is right now, a tight-knit core of ~25 regular posters. This entire thing happened over the course of 2 years. That being said, there were quite a few benefits to a public community with no real recruitment policies (Anyone and anything goes). A: Even if 90% of the people who joined turned out to be clueless, there were several good people, who we would have never gotten into contact with, had our community been secluded. Good people who I still talk to on a daily basis today. B: Our "services" were packed to the brim on a daily basis. Game servers, Mumble servers, forums etc. All of these were packed with people with a wide range of interests, not to mention our forums got several hundred posts per day. We were definitely getting a bang for our buck in terms of servers and advertisement. Today we've cut down and now run only a single game server, a single Mumble server and our forums. C: With a large community comes a large range of options. I'm not going to lie, we were actually making a lot of money in monthly donations (We offered donator perks on our game serves in the form of coloured text and other visual goodies, nothing p2w, along with access to hidden donator boards on our forums). Enough to sustain our servers and even do little things outside of it (Weekly events, where we offered games as prizes). It allowed us to try things out and better the community, make it an interesting and fun thing to be a part of. That's not even touching on the many in-houses we held in various team-games, back when we were enough members to actively and regularly square large teams (TF2 Highlander, for example) off against each other. *** I have no strong feelings one way or the other regarding this. I am not as involved with this community, as I am with the other one. I just want to make sure that everyone who voted to keep subSPUF secluded read and understood that SupremeCommander would be moving many of the projects, that currently has a home here, to another place where they can better be advertised and gain attendance/viewership/listeners/whatever. There are merits for a larger community and there are merits for a smaller one. An open subSPUF doesn't necessarily have to go down the drain, like my old community did (To be fair, the MAIN reason for my old community "dying" as it did, was because the head honcho kinda left without a word for the better part of six months).
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    "Simon, with your drill so bright, won’t you pierce the heavens tonight?"