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Napkin Dust

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  1. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to John Caveson in The Eternal Adventures Season 1   
    Brexit passed, the Cubs enter, then win the World Series for the first time in over a century, and Donald Trump won the election. Truly, these are the end times. And what better way to top off the apocalypse before Hell itself freezes over and pigs fly, than with a new chapter of Eternal Adventures!?
    And not just any chapter, but the season finale!!! Hope you enjoy.
    SE 01 CH 18
    Familiar Feeling
    Location: Dracium 9; Shuttle en route to D.R.F. Imperial
    And with that, Season 1 is done. I thank you all of those who enjoyed reading these as I enjoyed making them. As we wrap this up, any final thoughts or feelings, criticisms, etc. on Eternal Adventures? I would certainly appreciate the feedback. Thank you oh so much.
    Please stay tuned for Season 2, which have major improvements and additions coming its way. Until then, see you around. 
  2. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to John Caveson in The Eternal Adventures Season 1   
    Another big one for you guys. But again, not a lot of action. Hope you don't mind. Enjoy.
    SE 01 CH 16
    A Dance with Destiny
    Location: Dracium 9; Royal Palace, 1 hour before midnight.
    TL;DR John and Rakarl are in for an....interesting evening at the royal palace.
  3. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Rynjin in The Shanghai Incident   
    Apparently it's just because he's an ass.
    More seriously I read some stuff on /r/OutoftheLoop earlier and it sheds little light on things. Basically, details unknown but this James Harding guy apparently has a reputation for being a douchebag, but he's popular anyway. Coupled with production issues, and probably some specific triggering event, Gaben just said "Screw this guy" and fired him.
  4. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Raison d'être in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
    Your comparison is flawed. The owner of the phone is the company the terrorist worked for; they gave the go-ahead. This is like if you shot 20 people and the owner of your safe reverts to the company you worked for, who bought it for you. The company tells the FBI "Yes, you can search it." FBI realizes they can't open it, so they go to the locksmith who made the safe, and he refuses to open it because "WELL IT MIGHT COMPROMISE SECURITY FOR EVERY OTHER SAFE I MADE" despite the fact the key will never leave his office. The FBI has the power to make Apple create the firmware, as they are the only people on the planet who can make it, making it would not be an undue burden (it's a software company making software), and the reason is just (any reasonable person can see why the FBI wants access to a phone used by actual terrorists who actually killed people).
    All the FBI is asking Apple to do is to make a firmware update for this one phone so they can crack that fucker open. The order even says they have to do this on Apple's property, that they can remove the firmware before they send the unlocked phone back to them, and that the firmware doesn't have to leave Apple's property. Apple can destroy it after the phone is unlocked. Or they can spread it far and wide. It's their choice. All the doomsday talk about the FBI having the key to your iPhone is fucking moot because they won't even have the fucking key. Apple will.
    This shouldn't even be a fucking issue. The only reason Apple is refusing is because they think it will hurt their brand and are spinning this into "FBI WANTS US TO HACK INTO YOUR IPHONES! ISN'T THAT AWFUL? BET MICROSOFT WOULDN'T TAKE A STAND..."
    Fucking slimy rats. You literally could not make a more just and constitutional order than this if you tried.
    Here's the order itself. Pages 19, 20, and 25 contain the important bits, but you should read it all. Funnily enough, this might lead to phones becoming less secure.
  5. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to John Caveson in The Eternal Adventures Season 1   
    After several delays due to both the holidays and me being sick, here is the next chapter.
    SE 01 CH 11
    Jack's Folly
    Location: Klitten Beta, Eternal interior.
    TL;DR On their way to Aratzua, Rakarl lets his curiosity get the best of him, as new revelations on the Canden murder surface.
  6. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Silent in Dota General   
    ​they updated the base zeus model too, friend
  7. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Moby in Undertale   
  8. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to kayohgee in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    ​Wait a minute...

    Oh my god how did I not realize...

    oh holy fucking jesus 

    oh FUCK OH FUCK 

    ... never mind america 
    pretty sure we're safe
  9. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Huff in Undertale   
    thanks chris

  10. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Silent in Undertale   
  11. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Razputin in Undertale   
  12. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Silent in Undertale   
    Love the colours in these
  13. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to John Caveson in The Eternal Adventures Season 1   
    What's that? You (silently) want more? As you wish.
    SE 01 CH 09
    The "Thrill" of the Hunt
    Location: Interstellar Space, Eternal interior
    TL;DR John and Rakarl may finally have found where Jack Vessial is hiding.
  14. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Razputin in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   

    Rammite lives in a harem anime
    He's oblivious to any advances and we've already established both the childhood friend and the incest bait, it fits perfectly
  15. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Rammite in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    i know it's a very click baity title but seriously this is big 
  16. Upvote
    Napkin Dust got a reaction from Rammite in Dota General   
    I don't think I mentioned it, but I went to ESL One New York! One good thing to come from living in Jersey. Only Saturday though, as New York two days in a row is a bit much. 
    Despite the stream apparently being full #productionvalue and awful, the event was really fun in person! The crowd was huge and very hype. The wait in the Secret Shop line was longer than respawning after getting Reaper's Scythe'd after buying back, but I got a golden Bloodseeker Demihero out of it.(and some other cool stuff)
    Went to the pubstomp as well, and the food was great, the drinks were good, and the bit of Smash I saw was salty. 
    10/10 would New York during horrid weather again. 
  17. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Grobag in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    Sounds like there's trouble afoot
  18. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Jordax in The thread about a serious problem   
    If there is something you should really improve on, it is your self-esteem. Seriously, you keep on being so negative over yourself most of the time in whatever thing you are doing. I don't think people over the internet can help you with that so much except for showing that one Shia LeBoeuf clip non-stop, so you should look into that self-improvement stuff yourself. Be more positive about yourself, and really fucking go for the chances you want or still have. Not even trying is the worst you can do in those cases.
    It might also have to do with stressing yourself out too often. Like Moby said, having a hobby that helps you relieve stress really much does help a lot. Doesn't really matter what hobby it is though, as long it helps you relieve stress instead of adding more stress. Doesn't even have to be a year-round hobby, maybe doing something fun in the winter like skiing is something you like, for example. It could also help if you meet more people while doing that too where you can get along with more easily. Although I am not a great authority at that either.
    Also, you're still pretty young compared to most people here. There should still be enough time to improve yourself and get your stuff on track again. Just try to prioritise your IRL business. You're still in High School, and let's be honest about it, it might suck pretty much, but you really need to get yourself through it to do an education afterwards that you do actually like. It should really improve after graduating HS. Although drinking stays a pretty big interaction point, but I am fairly sure that not everyone you are going to meet is going to drink themselves into unconsciousness or is going to drunkenly juggle with knives at every social outing. Just keep with a group and keep it with IRL stuff. If they are not interested in internet stuff, just don't bring it up. Or rather, don't bring it up at all. Saves loads of bothering and bickering in my experience. Just get that feeling of what said group likes to talk about and try to contribute a bit with those conversations without it being terribly out of place with their interests. For example, I am not going to bore people with the loads of interesting but useless F1 trivia I know when I know that they don't care about it.
    Another thing is, considering your age, you're most likely still going through puberty, which would explain your mood swings you seem to be having most of the time. I don't know how to help you with that one considering that it wasn't so drastic for me, but try to seek help for it if you feel that it is needed on it. At least you're already seeking help on other things, so that is a start. They should be more helpful for it than we probably are. Getting your social anxiety helped with would be a great start I think.
  19. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Paero in we media now   
  20. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Razputin in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    Could videogames be letting loose tiny Hitlers by killing polar bear cubs? "Not 100% impossible", says theoretical scientist
  21. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Arm the Homeless in TIAM: General Gaming edition   

  22. Upvote
    Napkin Dust reacted to Rammite in In which Huff likes hurting other people.   
    It's fine, you can be Beer Jacket
  23. Upvote
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