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Arm the Homeless

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Status Updates posted by Arm the Homeless

  1. The longer Game Theory goes on, the more and more bullshit it gets.

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      You know, it would be useful if the theories actually made sense and also didn't run off of looking at a few pixels of a sprite or making arbitrary measurements.

    2. Veez


      I think I gave up after the Pyro one where he uses SCIENCE! to determine the pyro is a gay male. And also the Link is dead one, seriously, why does everyone buy that one?

    3. ICBMoose


      The only one I am really familiar with is the "Pyro is a Gay Dude" one, where I was mildly irked by the fact he failed to take note of similar proportion discrepancies in othr characters with established gender and backstory, with the artstyle wonking things about, but it didnt strike me as completely awful.

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  2. The one good thing the new YouTube comments have created: a function for people to mute the the comments section of ALL of their videos of certain keywords. For example, you can remove people spamming links for "free gaems" or "OMG FREE MONIES!!!oNE11ONe" or the really bad screamers.

  3. The one thing I like about my dentist is that they have an arcade cabinet with some of the best Konami games on it. I always play Contra and Castlevania there.

  4. They're making a sequel to Blade Runner.

    1. Paero


      Blade Dancer, an interpretive piece.

    2. FreshHalibut


      I wonder if it'll be based on the parts of the book the first movie didn't use, or just be "Guise, sneekybreeky androidz" action movie.

    3. Razputin


      there is absolutely zero chance this will end up being good

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  5. Tribes Ascend is still fun. And now that the Unofficial SDK has been made by the community, that means custom maps and community run dedicated servers!

  6. Twitch home page. Internationals 4, Quakecon, Bethesda, Dreamhack Open 2014 Valencia, League Championships, then fucking Roblox. Truly a beautiful finish.

    1. Argeon


      Still no leaked footage of Doom 4. GG WP Quakecon

  7. Uninstalling Planetside 2 due to potential rootkit infestation. Good job SOE.


  9. veneration or something


    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      >not konnigratzer march


  10. waddle dee waddle doo

    1. Veez



    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      That's what we do best a N.M.E.

    3. Razputin


      oh well, waddle ya gonna doo about it

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  11. we esports now xD did you waifu?

  12. What kind of garbage is that


  13. What kind of shit game like Train Simulator has over 100 DLC on steam and it takes over 3000 USD to buy them all?

    1. Buddhazilla
    2. LadyBernkastel


      EA's latest project.

    3. The Irish Demopan

      The Irish Demopan

      Because a) you don't need it all and B) we have different eras of interest. Mine is UK steam. I don't buy American stuff or the German stuff.

      Take TF2, why does it have x hats and why does it take y money to get them all. You don't buy all the hats on tf2, you go get the ones you like.


    4. Show next comments  69 more
  14. what the fuck even was the point of putting status on the bottom of the page

  15. When I grow up I want to be the head mod of /V/ and anonymous

  16. When I was five, my uncle was decapitated by a watermelon

    1. Rynjin


      And that's why you becme Gallagher.

    2. Wulff


      when i was five, my uncle fucking shot himself in the head

    3. Guy923


      Hate it when that happens

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  17. when im on the mountain

  18. when will drevilbrain stop posting pictures of that BLONDE HAIRED WHORE with the SLUTTY YELLOW RAINCOAT?

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Saki a shit

      blondes are pretty ok

    2. Jaydor


      More like when will he start posting Krila art

    3. hugthebed2


      You're acting as if it exists

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  19. Whenever I hear Fernet's theme I think about fish.

    Whenever I hear Acolytes Of The New God I think about Lain

    Whenever I hear Hillside Ridge I think about Neptunia and Dead Center

    Whenever I hear PARTY IN THE CITY WITH FRIENDS AND KIMCHI I think about de_train

  20. Where my family's money goes into: https://i.imgur.com/RtP6wKm.jpg

    1. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      all of your instruments are useless; they don't have any wubs. absolutely disgusting i vomited

    2. Sir Slick

      Sir Slick

      your family must be loaded

    3. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      It's called, "Spending all of our money on instruments"

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  21. where's lightspuf at

    1. hugthebed2
    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      in the trash where it belongs 8)

    3. Kraszu


      using lightspuf

      shiggy diggy
