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1Fort 2Fort

Graphics Designers
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Status Updates posted by 1Fort 2Fort

  1. Hey guys, I'm looking for a big boy job right now, so I'm looking for people who have gotten art from me to write a review about my service to put on a digital portfolio, would anyone be kind enough to help?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1Fort 2Fort

      1Fort 2Fort

      Aw sweet thanks m8

    3. ICBMoose


      wish I could help, good luck in your job-findery

    4. 1Fort 2Fort
  2. what happened where am i

    1. hugthebed2
    2. kayohgee



      Ծん ǤԾÐ 刀Ծ イん乇 ᄊ乇ᄊ乇ㄎ ム尺乇 ん乇尺乇 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    3. ICBMoose


      hi Forts how have you been

    1. Doopliss2008


      im sure thats someone's fetish, somewhere.

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I'm sure your face is someone's fetish.


    3. Skye




      =u= <3

  3. http://www.livestream.com/vainsstuff?t=469592 live streaming some art (its infamous though
    1. 1Fort 2Fort

      1Fort 2Fort

      An art


  4. http://www.livestream.com/vainsstuff?t=469592 we gonna watch memories anime movie, come if you'd like
  5. f to pay respects

  6. -sniff- im gonn play ssbb all by myself then...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Dinner hath been makled!

    3. 1Fort 2Fort

      1Fort 2Fort

      I am glad at least part of spuf can cook.

    4. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      If I didn't cook nobody in my house would eat, 'cause I be the house chef.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Huff


      idk sounds dumb

      purple girl is cute tho

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      i like the guy with the darts a lot

    4. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      Meanwhile subSPUF talks about a variety if dumb things and requests music

  7. A while ago I did a bunch of art on spuf to save up for my own pets. its been 2 years and they've helped me whenever I've been depressed. Here they are https://31.media.tumblr.com/a9cb04ac56e20da276dc0b071f616722/tumblr_inline_nkk5t9VQMz1r8fy9q.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Argeon


      You need a third one named Jensen

    3. FreshHalibut


      Dr. Shrunk in the house.

    4. ICBMoose


      I remember the axolotls

      they are so damn cute

  8. Alright people still owe me money. $30 from one, $70 from another. I am angry, plus my paycheck from work has no eta .

  9. Alright, here's the full details on the guy who didn't pay for his commission, I wrote up something and put together some chatlogs/pictures. http://adamn-it-jensen.tumblr.com/post/83879914211/prof-bonkers-is-the-guy-who-did-not-pay

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Davjo_


      Steamrep time

      Or that other website that now has the trading section sorta thing. Report him there.

    3. 1Fort 2Fort

      1Fort 2Fort

      I'm not gonna bother with court, he's literally a 15 yr old punk on the internet. I'm just gonna warn people about him because I've been told he fucks with people. Gonna bring it up with a steamrep admin.

    4. Verumae


      it's unfortunate that you had to go through with that, but at some point you're going to have to accept that it happened. obsessing over it and doing whatever you're trying to do won't get you your money

  10. and then 3fort returns to spuf muahahaha

    1. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      You'll never last, you're an institutionalized man now, you can't survive on the outside.....I'll give you a week.

    2. Argeon


      I'm sorry man, but it'll be all ogre soon.

  11. Another deus ex announced woop woop

    1. tsc


      Hopefully they do the smart thing and release Director's Cut as a DLC for DX:HR, because I don't want to pay for hte game again.
