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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/13 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    You're operating under the flawed assumption that all humans are reasonable.
  2. 2 points

    The Government was shut down...

    grumblemumble twopartysystemisbad mumblegrumble other than oldmanraz rambling I am completely in favour of free healthcare so go team Obama I guess
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point

    The Government was shut down...

    I would think that those big Medicine producing industries would be the most opposed against it, because of 'muh profits' like the arses they are.
  6. 1 point

    The Government was shut down...

    But if America got free Healthcare, Breaking Bad would not have existed!   I am convinced this is the main reason Republicans are against Obamacare, next to it simply being called "Obamacare", and not the obviously more preferable "Romneycare". Not-dying doesn't have too many downsides.
  7. 1 point
    A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    It's like what they say about train wrecks: You don't want to see it but you can't look away. And designator pls tsundere best type
  8. 1 point
    I suppose this means I'm the only one who... stayed classy. (If this pun displeases you, note that I live in San Diego and cringe harder.)
  9. 1 point

    The Government was shut down...

    I'm aware. Just sayin' if you're going to give one side you have to give the other too. Obama is neither of these things. He's not a saint and he's not the unholy amalgamation of Anti-Hitstalinchristler some want to make him out to be. He's a guy with a job and he's trying to do that job. Some people don't agree with how he does his job. This is fine. Some people want to use their disagreement of how he does his job as an excuse to neglect their own job. This is not fine.
  10. 1 point

    The Government was shut down...

    That's a bit one-sided since the majority of things I hear are "Evil Socialist Hitler Hussein Obama can't agree with the Upright and Heroic Republican Party of Truth and Justice and the American Way".
  11. 1 point
    John Caveson

    The Government was shut down...

    Oh you know, just the usual "Government shutting down for the 1000th time" because poor, helpless President Obama can't agree with the evil, dastardly Republicans (in the media's eyes) on what to do with Obamacare.
  12. 1 point
    Because our glorious clusterfuck of a Government we have cannot come up with a spending plan, part of the US Government will shut down on Oct. 1st. Republicans are trying to get a bill passed that will delay the implement of the Affordable Care Act (Also known as Obamacare) for an entire year.
  13. 1 point

    The Government was shut down...

    Did I miss something
  14. 1 point

    Anime General Discussion

    I like those as well. Deconstruction anime (Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Maria Holic, Berserk etc.) are anime that "deconstruct" a typical setting within the medium, in Madoka's case: The Magical Girl setting. Sometimes they're fucking awful to watch in a way, because everything goes horribly, horribly wrong (Madoka, NGE, Berserk) and everything is just suffering and mindfuck. Other times it just takes a completely different turn, but not necessarily a turn to the depraved (Maria Holic). I find it very interesting to see which direction they turn to. Also, Yandere is my favourite character type (When they're done well) and a lot of Deconstruction anime have characters that to an extent go a little bit Yandere'ish
  15. 1 point
    It was confirmed that they were working on controllers a while ago via a patent submission. The difference is that their prototype actually looked usable.
  16. 1 point
    I come from a family of nude models.
  17. 1 point

    Katawa Shoujo

    You should all read Richter Bromont's stuff at http://pastebin.com/QuxxBpM0.An example (and in my opnion, the best): You bust through Hanako's door a throw a box down on the floor in front of her."HANAKO! I GOT YOU A PERSIAN BELLY DANCING OUTFIT!""Y-You what?", Hanako replies, still scared from the sudden intrusion."BELLY DANCING!""B-Belly Dancing?""BELLY DANCE-AN!", you boast as you steal the box's soul and watch it deteriorate into nothingness.You show Hanako a photo of a Belly Dancer's attire and shove the clothing into her hands."What b-brought this on!?""YOU'RE SCARED TO DANCE BECAUSE OF YOUR SCARRED FACE, RIGHT? WELL, BELLY DANCERS CAN COVER THEIR FACES IN A THIN SHEET OF CLOTHE-""I-I don't even want to dance... Wait.. H-How did you know my clothing sizes?", Hanako asks as she looks at the tags."LILLY TOLD ME!""But she doesn't... know my sizes""I GOOGLE'D IT?""...What-""BELLY DANCING!", you roar as you through you hands into the air....Hanako stares at you with confusion."Just put the damn outfit on and I'll leave you alone" You sit on Hanako's bed and wait for her to finish changing in the closet....?You dig around under Hanako's mattress and uncover a couple pornographic doujins."NYOHOHO!", you giggle as you read through them."A-Alright... I'm done", Hanako blurts out from behind the closet."HANAKO, COME OUT OF THE CLOSET!", you speak as you flip through a yuri magazine."D-Don't look!", she yells out."YEAH SURE, I'LL AVERT ME EYES", you cover your eyes poorly....Hanako reluctantly walks outside the closet, wearing a Belly Dancer's uniform, her exposed midriff shows her scarring going down one side."VAVOO~", you exclaim as you growl."I-I TOLD YOU NOT TO LOOK!", she yells out as she runs back into the closet."GOOD, YOU FILL OUT THOSE CLOTHES LIKE A BOSS! NOW ONTO BELLY DANCING LESSON!", you roar."I-I'M NOT COMING OUTSIDE OF THIS CLOSET!""Well then, I guess I'll just write 'Property of Hanako...whatever your last name is' on these hentai mags and leave them lying around the school grounds"...Hanako shoves the closet door open with a rather pissed off look in her eyes"H-How.. Do I Belly Dance?", Hanako asks as she crosses her arms."Move your body around, like this!", you explain while putting one hand around the back of your head and circulate your body around."All...R-Right", Hanako poorly mimics your body movement."DAMN IT HANAKO, THIS IS DANCING, NOT PIG HUMPING, PUT YOUR BACK INTO IT!""O-OK!", Hanako puts move emotion into her body movement."MOVE YOUR LOWER BODY AROUND LIKE A SNAKE! SHAKE IT AND SHAKE IT HARD!""HAH!", Hanako swings her lower body from side to side."NOW CHECK OUT THIS SHIZZLE!", you make her observe with her eyes.You swing your back down and shake your hands around one another.Hanako mimics you, despite you not even knowing what you're doing."BELLY DANCING!", you scream."B-B-BELLY DANCING!", Hanako roars out as she swings her hips forward and tries too hard...."HNNNNNGGGGG", you clutch your chest as you nearly die from the moe."H-HNNNGG!", Hanako mimics you."S-STOP DOIN- HNNNNNNNGGGGG!", you have ten heart attacks at once. You wake up in the Nurse's room."NURSE! NURSE! WHAT HAPPENED MAN!?", you yell into the room, not knowing if he's there or not."Looks like you had a heart attack from visual stimulation... what in God's name where you looking at?""LOVE, I WAS LOOKING AT LOVE""I... noticed you didn't have your heart medication in your pants pocket""YEAH""You didn't... throw your medication at Seagulls again, did you?""...""Hisao?""FUCK YOU, THEY STARTED IT!"You return to Hanako's room, and see Hanako still in her Belly Dancing outfit."BELLY DANCING!", you yell out.Hanako turns to her side and swings her belly around."B-B-BELLY DANCING!"...You have another heart attack.