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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/14 in Posts

  1. 3 points


  2. 3 points
    Batty Batterson

    TF2 general

  3. 2 points
    Raison d'être

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    He broke the fourth wall to gaze at me with eyes full of contempt, letting me know that even getting shot through the brain is nothing compared to his hate for me.
  4. 1 point


    Reset bag resets *all* your evs. So you can choose to ev train it later if you just want to roll some NPCs now. A lot of people don't like supertraining (because it's slow, tedious, etc), but it's super accessible compared to the cryptic shit we had before.
  5. 1 point
    Arm the Homeless

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Free Spiderman Simulator
  6. 1 point

    Touhou Containment Thread

    DImension traveling boundry loli bonus pic:
  7. 1 point


    Who ever did this to the signs inside my house, go eat some barbed wire:
  8. 1 point
    "[suspect Anissa E. Weier] told police that Slender Man is the 'leader' of Creepypasta, and in the hierarchy of that world, one must kill to show dedication. Weier said that [fellow suspect Morgan E. Geyser] told her they should become 'proxies' of Slender Man — a paranormal figure known for his ability to create tendrils from his fingers and back — and kill their friend to prove themselves worthy of him. Weiersaid she was surprised by Geyser's suggestion, but also excited to prove skeptics wrong and show that Slender Man really did exist." How the fuck can anyone be this ignant like this isn't even remotely close to correct.
  9. 1 point
    Idiot Cube

    Star Citizen

    I'm imagining some cadet running up to the captain's chair, shouting "EJECT, EJECT!" and laughing his ass off as the captain gets launched into deep space.
  10. 1 point
    You realize eventually they plan to have an entirely user-driven store, and completely ditch greenlight? As in, anyone can put anything (that is their own work) up for sale? This is a move towards that.  Personally, I'm completely fine with the terms they have provided. It covers their back legally, and its easier than forcing devs to finish their games, or hand out mass refunds.      Emphasis on the last sentence. This is what I do. I get early access because I like what they have so far, and what they promise to do is a bonus. I didnt think Space Engineers would have all the content it would get, but I hoped for it. I bought it because I wanted to crash spaceships together. Same with Prison Architect and Tabletop Sim, and Starbound.    I've been burned by alpha backing as well. I backed Rawbots on their website, and haven't received a single update in over a year, and now their website is down. But I still enjoy the build I have installed, and knew the risks by backing.   I don't think it's valve's job to police it, but they should inform people, which they have done with this. They could do better, sure, maybe a disclaimer before you check out or something, but as the library of Early Access games grows, it'll get harder and harder to decide what is "abandoned." 
  11. 1 point

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I was watching the trailer for the game "The Forest" and it got me wondering why "hardcore" survival games don't use time or daylight as a thing that can actually be spent and managed rather than something that just passes normally. So you've cut down a bunch of trees and you have a ton of logs in your inventory and you want to make a spiky log wall. In most games if you have the resources, you just press "E" and a big ol' segment of wall just pops up in front of you. That's fine, because obviously no one want to watch a canned animation of you digging holes in the ground and putting the logs in like stakes and sharpening the tops every single time. But in a realistic situation, setting a wall or a trap up would take a lot of time and I don't think most survival games take that into account. What if they did? What if a spiky log wall doesn't just cost "4x wood" but instead it costs you "4x wood and 2 hours", so you put the wall down and the day literally skips ahead two hours. Or, you can choose to spend only one hour, but that leaves you with a half finished wall and some time later you're gonna have to come back and spend the other one before it's finished. Now you don't only have to worry about resource management (which ultimately becomes a non-issue for most games as they progress) but you have to plan your builds out so when the game fades back in after the time skip you aren't standing in the dark in the middle of the woods next to the giant marble penis you just made, starving to death because you haven't eaten in a week.
  12. 1 point