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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/14 in Posts

  1. 5 points
  2. 5 points
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points

    The Binding of Isaac

    Rebirth modding! Is there a code to make the images smaller?
  6. 2 points
  7. 1 point

    Jurassic World

  8. 1 point

    Dota General

    I've been reading up on Phantom Assassin and I am surprised that her winrate isn't higher than it is. I see her in almost every game and she is the most played hero of the month, not to mention that she is quickly gaining speed in the most played hero of all time list. I understand that a lot of the playtime she is getting is because of the Arcana and the Nemesis event, but I just don't understand how she is winning at such a poor rate. The hero is incredibly frustrating to play against and can really only be harassed out of lane by early magical nuke spam. She is hard to gank without chainstuns due to her insane mobility with Phantom Strike, especially if the PA player is smart and uses Helm of the Dominator to position creeps as convenient blink escape routes. Even if you pressure her lane, she can retreat into the jungle with a Morbid Mask and still be a presence later in the game with very few items. And if you don't pressure her lane and let her farm, she will get that presence much earlier. Coup de Grace causes her to innately scale ridiculously well with straight up damage, which is a stat found on several strong items, namely Black King Bar, which also happens to cover her greatest weakness, magical nukes. Not to mention that her great mobility, long-range farming ability and 1-point-wonder passive on top of her excellent damage scaling allows her to lane pretty much anywhere without massive issue. PA can go into the solo offlane role, the mid lane role and the safelane farmer role with relative ease if the player behind the wheel is knowledgeable of what such roles entail. Not to mention that she is able to have relative flexibility with her items. You can aim for the late game by allowing her to farm key items such as Midas or Battlefury, both of which she gains decent benefits from (AS from Midas is good for PA, the straight damage on BF is good for PA, in comparison to a hero like Morphling, who doesn't benefit in the same degree from the Midas AS, as that hero would rather have stats to shift around, making these "aim for the lategame" items more desirable on PA in comparison to a lot of other carries). Alternatively, you could go for early stat items such as Drum of Endurance and Helm of the Dominator. With t2 boots, be it Phase or Treads, alongside a set of Drums, HotD and level 6, PA becomes a fighting force to be reckoned with and it allows her to actively participate in early/midgame teamfights. This alone makes her more desirable than a lot of other carries. Obviously the hero is not without flaws, as she suffers heavily against BKB herself (Makes it impossible for her to stick on a target, as neither Stifling Dagger or Phantom Strike functions against a magic immune target) and she is at the end of the day, based on pseudo-random crit and evasion chance. Not to mention that her evasion passive can be completely negated by a 5400 gold item. I would like to point out though, that most carries will find themselves in an extremely poor situation if they rush MKB to deal with PA and when the enemy carries have to get another big item or two before being able to focus on the MKB, it allows PA to easily run away with the game. The super high tier players/professionals also seem to deal with PA decently, which is what matters at the end of the day. Dota 2 is mainly balanced around the highest level of play. I do concede a fair amount of points regarding PA, but I still believe that her flexibility and excellent scaling is what currently allows her to stomp lower skilled pubs with ease. It is a hero you can pick and run away with the game with on your own, if you know what you're doing. I have a degree of an understanding that pubstomping heroes will always exist, but I think PA is on a different level than most of them and needs to be tuned, just a slight bit.
  9. 1 point
    Why is Goku there
  10. 1 point

    Dota General

    Still love Ability Draft.  
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point

    TF2 general

  13. 1 point
    Just a Gigolo

    Star Wars Thread

    Juraasic Park 3 didn't already fuck up the franchise?
  14. 1 point

    Payday General

    Got a mod to show the actual gun damage, accuracy and stability numbers >The game round 34.1 to 35 >Almost no weapon had true 30/35/40/50/60 damage
  15. 1 point


    Ask yourself this question, what type is Servine? Is it Dark? No? I believe we had a "1 uber legendary per team" thing going on?