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Status Updates posted by Gyokuyoutama

  1. How does Kemomimichan get the meat?



    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Bullshit, you need two tails to do that!

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      How does Tails fly in sonic anyway wouldn't the tails get twisted up

    4. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Clearly he has some sort of rotary mechanism on his ass, just like a helicopter.

  2. MFW I switch my avatar to a furry to try to derail a conversation into further complaints about furries while claiming to want to get it back on track but it doesn't work because I'm posting on a website where everyone is too familiar with my shenanigans.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Moby


      I knew it was a 2hoo just because of the hat, so I just thought it was just a regular avatar change.

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I legitimately just did not register the hat being ran's hat. Somehow. 

    4. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Animal women are hot and I'm tired of pretending they're not.

  3. The gun is good.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      dick = unity
      so unity = evil??

    3. Gyokuyoutama


      The gun shoots death.


      The penis shoots seeds.

    4. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      It's like poetry, sort of, they rhyme. 

  4. Here's a challenge:


    Start a browser in private browsing, for a fresh history.

    Go to youtube without logging in.

    Repeatedly watch whatever video you want, then return to the front page, making note of the recommeneded videos.

    Your score is the number of videos required before Family Guy stops being recommended.

    Lower scores are better.


    Hard Mode: Get rid of late night talk shows, movie trailers, and sports shows too.


    Impossible Mode: Get rid of bullshit clickbait list videos.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gyokuyoutama


      Just to be fair I tried this myself, with the impossible challenge.  It's technically possible because the browser I use with months of history doesn't get any of those videos.  But I gave up on a fresh history after 160 videos.


      The interesting thing about it is that it feels like youtube is actively taunting you.  You'll get an almost perfect slate of recommendations, with one offending video (often the family guy asian drycleaner video, or the brian forced mating one).  Then you watch another video, come back to the main page, and nearly every single recommendation is stuff you'd get on a fresh browser, with nothing whatsoever related to what you've been watching.

    3. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Yeah my usual account will pass it all, but damn you have to go far before Youtube stops telling you Brain forced mating is something you want to see.

    4. ToasterToastin'


      On Edge, not logged in, with a search for "Ok Go I won't let you down" and watch of the first video, I went back to the home page and not a single Family Guy or Fortnite clip.


      However upon my next search (siivagunner, picked first clip) and returning to the home screen, Asian dry cleaner first in line. Unreal.

  5. Time to make the forum private again.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheOnlyGuyEver


      What happened?

    3. LordCOVID Monkey

      LordCOVID Monkey

      Some guest user made multiple threads with links to Viagra stuff. It's not as interesting as it sounds.

    4. aabicus


      Not as good as the “Free British bathrooms” guy on another forum I frequent. Viagra bot needs to up his game

  6. Remember, theme goes to SPUFOrange or you get grabbed by the ghoulies.

  7. (」・ω・)」うー!(/・ω・)/にゃー!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      I...think it's trying to communicate guys. I can't tell.

    3. Gyokuyoutama



    4. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      [ ⌐□_□] ネルド。

  8. Somehow I legitimately like almost every piece of sonic the hedgehog music.


    Except for reach for the stars.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hugthebed2


      Sandopolis 2 boys ww@

    3. ToasterToastin'


      Does this apply to Sonic R?


      because it does to me.

    4. Gyokuyoutama


      Sonic R, Sonic Rush, Sonic Forces, Sonic 2006, Sonic Shuffle, Tails's Adventure.




      (Except Reach for the Stars)


      (Okay, and except Sonic Chronicles, but that music is so bad it's kind of charming)

  9. Why are we still here?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      because I crave validation for my dumb jokes and cartoons

    3. Gyokuyoutama


      Every night I can feel my lost account, my lost stars, even my lost rep.  The site I've lost, the fellow shitposters, it's like they're all still there.

    4. hugthebed2
  10. I thought people were exaggerating when they said that the Japanese writing system was intentionally designed to be obtuse.


    Then I discovered round katakana.




    (Maybe this should have just been a PM to Corv since he's the only one who's going to get this).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gyokuyoutama


      The standard way of writing it would be more like:




      The effect is somewhat like posting in this vile font for roman Characters:



    3. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Is it wrong I could read that pretty quickly and easily? Not to say the font doesn't suck. It definitely does.

    4. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      To think I started with Korean that has well-structured rules and simple concepts that are easy to understand

  11. Studies show that if you still post on message boards in 2018 that you have some form of social disorder.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheOnlyGuyEver


      But it's still 2017 where I live.

    3. ToasterToastin'


      The human condition is a social disorder.

    4. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      But how else do kids these days form long-lasting bonds with strangers on the internet?

  12. 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

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hugthebed2


      can't believe i'm dead

    3. Gyokuyoutama


      Sorry about the tired payoff.  Maybe this will be more to your liking:




      Since this one is more obtuse than the last one I'll give a couple of hints: First, this should be viewed as a number, but you'll want to look at it in a different way.  Second, notepad with wordwrap will help

    4. Expresate


      lol. That's actually cute.

  13. Something I've always wondered: Do people in the US generally have to deal with Canadian quarters getting mixed in with US currency?  Or is this just a northern border state problem?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      That never happens to me. But those dollar coins from the vending machine at work might as well be foreign currency.

    3. TheOnlyGuyEver


      I've seen one of those once in a coin collection.

    4. hugthebed2


      I always saved every piece of foreign currency I got as a kid, I think in my home state I've only ever gotten 3 canadian pieces of currency. Got more on many vacations though.

  14. The perpetual Minnesotan game: Trying to get out of staters to pronounce "Wayzata."

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gyokuyoutama



    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      More like "why haven't we got rid of your state yet" amirite

    4. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Yeah you tell 'em

  15. Why does my profile banner never cease to be relevant.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gyokuyoutama


      I mean there's a good chance I'm older than you so I should be spreading doom to you.

    3. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Probably, but we're all old men here... the exact numbers matter not.

    4. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      If I ever find out the foxwife summoning ritual I'll def let you know

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I want you guys to know, if I'm ever found dead in my apartment and it's ruled as a suicide, it was probably a setup by the people who hate Candlejack memes. They've been after me ever since I

    3. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Candlejack isn't even fucking re

    4. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      oh i got a better one
      i have details that will lead to the arrest of hillar

  16. There needs to be some separate term for modern Isekai.


    I've previously talked about "Western Isekai" (ex. Narnia, Three Hearts and Three Lions, John Carter, The Dragon and the George, etc.) But even in Japan if you look at classic anime like Dunbine, Escaflowne, Those Who Hunt Elves and so on and you see very little resemblance in terms of plot structure and cliches used when compared to the modern form of the genre.


    (Though I'm not even sure if "modern" is the right term here. I haven't seen it, but from what I've heard about the Tanya show it doesn't seem to hit the same notes as other "isekai" shows.)


    So there needs to be some new term that refers to specifically this subgenre.  This is important because "other world" fiction has a long and rich history, with much of it being very creative.  But the modern subgenre allows only the most minor ("gimmick based") innovation.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Honestly I think you're right on the mark about how they treat the setting. A recent isekai that I think actually does take the world seriously is honzuki no gekkokujou. Not a super serious story and it has a lot of levity in it but it generally takes the world it's set in seriously* which I think gives it a different feel from the more boilerplate isekai shows.


      *There's like ONE gag sort of but the thing is that it's both plausible for an alternate universe to have that kind of weird coincidence with the "real" world and also the main character/setting overall rolls with it and doesn't really keep pointing at it and saying "ha ha isn't this so wacky"

    3. Gyokuyoutama


      On further reflection, I wonder how much of this is due to genre being a spook.


      What I mean is that way back in the 30's or so there wasn't really set "genres" in the way that we think about them today.  There were "types" of stories but it was more like "moods": adventure, romance, mystery, wonder, strangeness, etc.  If you look at a pulp like "Weird Tales" the stories have a particular "flavor" to them but don't fit particularly well in any modern genre.  Some would be called fantasy, some horror, some science fiction, some might be "magical realism," etc.  It's not until much later that you get a hard divide between science fiction and fantasy, modulo some people mixing the two and thinking that they are doing something unprecedented.


      But even after the initial definition of the genres, they just got more and more specialized.  Take fantasy: after Tolkien it got dominated by "high fantasy" or "epic fantasy"; think stuff like Terry Brooks, Raymond E. Feist or the prolific Weiss and Hickman duo.  Always lots of discussions of alternate cultures and worlds, the world is always doomed in some way or other, etc.  Something like an old Conan story where Conan simply robs some ruins or fights pirates or something no longer fits, even though you'd have to call that "fantasy" if you're going to give it a genre at all.


      And of course the same thing happened in anime.  In both the east and the west a lot of the driving force was ultimately video games, with usually the pipeline being future author plays RPG tie in game -> future author makes pnp RPG campaign -> author now sells works based on campaign world.  (This is also why D&D gets considerably more "video-gamey" with every edition, even in the 1st to 2nd edition transition.)  As a result of all of this popular works narrow the field more and more and more.  It's not "wonder" stories anymore, they have to be "fantasy" storeis in magical kingdoms.  And you have to have a certain type of epic scale to them.  And that epic scale has to be realized basically in a Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy way.  And it's only after you do all that that writers even think about filling in their own details.  So naturally everything becomes the same.


      It's not like Japan is forced to do this; Spice and Wolf is a great example of how to write a story in the same broad "genre" that barely follows any of the conventions, but also isn't trying to destroy them (it's just telling a story with a different mood and focus.)  But we've hit a critical mass where aspiring authors only see video games, books, and TV shows that are all in this very narrow subgenre, so they have a difficult time even comprehending that they could do something else.


      But as much as I hate Isekai, they're still probably in the better situation, since over here it's the same basic problem but with capeshit instead.

    4. Rynjin


      I think you have things a bit backwards; traditionally "western isekai" were known as "portal fantasy" works, if they were referred to as a separate genre at all. Much like "anime" is distinct from "cartoon" only in the language used from a technical sense, so is "isekai" separated from "portal fantasy" or "other world fiction".

  17. Decided that my least favorite way to lose in card games is when I'm playing second in control vs. aggro, draw a bunch of late game cards, mulligan, get more late game cards, and the aggro deck proceeds to get the perfect curve-out play.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      My favourite way to lose is to be voted out of the game for being too good.

    3. aabicus


      My favorite way to lose is when the other guy draws all five cards of the Exodia

    4. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      My favorite way to lose is to be banned for unsportsmanlike conduct. 

  18. Mergesort-tan is pretty moe.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MysticTheMeeM


      How the fuck do you anthropomorphise an algorithm.

      No, really, show me, I want to see.

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      The same way you anthropomorphise websites.


    4. TheOnlyGuyEver
  19. I think I'd do a good job as that guy at every video game company that lies and says that every feature imaginable will definitely be in the next release.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aabicus


      No lie, I'm really close to maybe getting that job. It's usually the poor marketing intern who has to shoulder the internet's wrath

    3. Gyokuyoutama


      In terms of overall success, Peter Molyneux seems to be the guy to model yourself after.  He may be a joke, but he doesn't seem to get the hatred that people like David Cage, Todd Howard or whoever the spokesman for No Man's Sky do.  This in spite of (or maybe because of) his claims being easily the most ludicrous.

    4. Expresate


      People say Todd Howard lies, but I haven't seen him do so. "It just works" was in reference to doors working after you place them in settlements. That is true. He didn't say "there will be no bugs in this game at all."

  20. What's the minimum number of hours of sleep you need before you die?

  21. I need to go deliver a bunch of documents to an office on the third floor of a building which only has two floors.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      You've stumbled onto a major company conspiracy. I suggest you go off the grid for a while.

    3. TheOnlyGuyEver


      You need 70 stars to unlock it.

    4. Gyokuyoutama


      I hate to end the speculation but it turned out that the culprit was that the company directory once again had inaccurate information.  The office number was correct, it was just in another building.


      I had a suspicion it was something like that, seeing as how my department as listed in the directory only contains one person who actually still works here.

  22. Researching the early history of virtual youtubing is like descending into a fever dream.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      The "people" making nightcore are sophisticated enough to assemble a community?! I assumed they were all just failed anime twitter bots

    3. TheOnlyGuyEver


      >Believing that music genres exist

    4. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Yeah the nightcore community is weird from what little shit I've seen of it. It's like someone smashed a group of ravers and a group of weebs together and decides fuck it, let's see what happens.


      That being said I'd be lying if I said I didn't like some nightcore. The quality goes from "total fucking shit" to "pretty good" and it mostly depends on the original song. EDM will always take it a lot better than fucking New Divide.

  23. Heard someone describe "Country Roads" as a "really Texan sort of song".

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      A lot of non-Americans think of America as California, New York, and Texas, so they probably just assumed West Virginia was merely a place in Texas along with the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Shenandoah River. And you gotta admit "Country Roads" sounds more like Texas than California or New York.

    3. TheOnlyGuyEver


      John Denver was from Colorado at that.

    4. Expresate


      As someone from an Appalachian state, that offends me. We need to invade Texas.
