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Status Updates posted by Razputin

  1. Watch out ladies, Raz is wearing shorts today

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      are they comfy and easy to wear

    2. Razputin


      your anus is comfy and easy to wear

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      [citation needed]

  2. Kek

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette




    2. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      "Kek." - Europe on the 2016 election.

    3. Jordax



  3. is there a way to remove this so the front page is less clusterfucky

    1. Kraszu


      There should be little X to the right of box title.

    2. DualJay
  4. play hunstman sniper, get invited to a 6s team and have the most intense match of TF2 I've had in over a year

    1. A 1970 Corvette
    2. Razputin


      well good gaming day at least. But shit I forgot that tf2 can be actually physically exhausting at the top of your game

  5. boigah for bweakfast

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      A burger for breakfast?! BURN THE HEATHEN

    2. Wulff
  6. The canals youtube recommends to me downrigth offend me

    1. Simon


      I dig canals.

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      wow you went there didn't you simon

  7. I have an exam in the early morning and have to wake up in four hours why cant I sleep fuck

    1. Razputin


      I have officially given up. I can just as well keep studying and hope I crash AFTER the test

    2. Razputin


      Test went well, was p easy. Now I'm gonna try and stay awake for another 5 hours or so to reset my sleep rhythm

  8. Alright only one more subject and I'm FINALLY done with reading up for my exam. Time to delve into the world of Body Dismorphic Disorder

    1. Idiot Cube
    2. Razputin


      "7% of BDD patients rapport performing do-it-yourself-surgery (staple gun)" aaaaaAAAAA WHY JUST STAPLE GUN BETWEEN BRACKETS

  9. ERMEGERH I passed a test I thought I failed oh God I'm so happy right now

  10. Time to watch Aladdin. Good ol' family racism

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Good thing those starving kids were in that particular alley at the moment Aladdin dropped in with his ill-gotten bread, or we'd never know he's got a heart of gold!

    2. LadyBernkastel


      This movie has to have the most stereotypical blue person in all of fiction.

  11. How expensive are killstreak kits nowadays? I kind of want one for my Scattergun

    1. Verumae


      fucking p2w bullshit game

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Normal killstreak kits are cheap

      Spec Killstreaks will cost a bit more depending on weapon and sheen

      prof killstreaks hahahah good one

  12. Who is the one who blasts the assmen

    1. Huff


      fucking hell

    2. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      Morituri nolumnus mori

  13. April fools, I actually am a bear irl

  14. Oh Goooooooooooooood I'm so bored and I have to sit here for another hour ffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuck

    1. Davjo_


      you can talk to people on steaaaaaaaaaaaaam and talk about random stuff

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      dont listen to him

      instead write homoerotic fanfiction on a napkin and then when you're walking in the street hand it off to a little kid and run away

  15. I control the rep. I control the universe

    1. Kraszu


      "Self confidence tapes: Raz limited edition"

    2. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      It is by rep alone that I set my dong in motion.

  16. football happened

    1. A 1970 Corvette
    2. Razputin


      After an excruciating game going 0-0 NL won with penalties

  17. Is there a brand of muesli that isn't gross

    1. Sir Slick

      Sir Slick

      Uncle Toby's

    2. ScampSixteen


      Alpen's great, but you've probably tried it.

  18. mmmmm midnight sandwich

    1. Arm the Homeless
    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      if that's what you kids call it nowadays

  19. Bionicles were life's tutorials for Ikea furniture

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      Holy fuck did those hurt my hands sometimes.

    2. Medic


      Pretty much.

      *insert something here about Bionicle 2015*

  20. Goddammit Steam get it together

    1. Expresate


      Get it together steam developers. This connection is poopy diarreah dick barfed from a badger's anus.

    2. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      pls no bully

      - gabe

  21. Google's Halloween banners are adorable

    1. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      Still not as good as the Freddie Mercury one.

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      wow they really are

  22. ahaha what the fuck is happening with /pol/

    1. Kraszu


      It's still going on?

      moot, you fucking faggot, have some mercy

    2. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      what happened was a guy found an exploit to post as moot and then moot decided to 1 up him by making /pol/ into what /pol/ is without having anyone from /pol/

  23. try to imagine 100 tiny gorillas

    1. tam


      now multiply that by 30

      that's a LOT of gorillas

    2. ICBMoose
  24. rip me im sick 2; sick harder

    1. ICBMoose


      elecsick boogaloo

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      this time it's personill

  25. one of ky cats is getting neutered and now the other one is at home constantly looking for her and it's sad ;_;

    1. Razputin


      now she's back and the other one is angry because she smells weird ;___;

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      at least your cats actually like each other
