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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/14 in Posts

  1. 6 points
  2. 5 points

    Cute stuff.

  3. 5 points
    Just a Gigolo

    Smache Brothers

  4. 4 points
    Idiot Cube

    Cute stuff.

  5. 4 points
    Found this on Wikipedia's "Cyberbullying" article:
  6. 3 points

    "IAMA North Korean Defector"

    So this isn't your AMA thread?
  7. 2 points


    EVs (Effort Values) are basically experience for your six stats. 4 EVs will level up a stat.   Maximum of 255 EV per stat, or 63 of that stat. Maximum of 510 EVs per pokemon, or 2 maxed stats.   Each pokemon gives a certain amount of EVs when KO'd (Usually 2-3), and X/Y has Super Training to make this even faster.         IVs (Individual Values) are basically genes. They cannot be changed whatsoever, and you have to breed new pokemon in order to see any change.   IVs range from 0 to 31. A level 100 pokemon with 31 Attack IVs will have a bonus 31 Attack. If you halve the level, you halve the bonus stats. All pokemon will have randomized IVs, 0-31. This means you might randomly happen upon a Caterpie with perfect 31 Speed IVs.   You breed a new pokemon named Babby. One of Babby's IV's will be copied from its father. Another IV will be copied from its mother. A third IV will be copied from a random parent. The remaining three IVs will be randomized 0-31.   You can manipulate these mechanics to get a pokemon with 3 or 4 perfect IVs. You can get all 6 perfect, but that takes literally forever.
  8. 2 points

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    If I could actually carry that much I could become a professional pack mule. youve never carried in your god damn life ñuñez
  9. 2 points
    Monster Dong Two: Electric Dongaloo
  10. 2 points
    Just a Gigolo

    Smache Brothers

  11. 2 points
  12. 1 point
    With permission from Just a Gigolo himself, I present my first ever work of subSPUF fiction. Enjoy. Chapter 1 [spoiler2] Chapter 1: In the beginning, the signs were clear to me; >the unusual mountain climbing trip, >Tyrone's magical reappearance and growth of double dongs, and now, Rammite's weird seclusion? It was obvious to me. The Dongpocalypse was descending, and FAST. I managed to stay away from the rest of them for the longest time now, working on my Anti-Dong weaponry and my power armor. I needed not only the time, but I wanted to avoid getting involved in the weird reality control the dongs have. I know this may be too late to fight; that we're all sitting ducks, waiting for the world's food supply to be warped into steak, for all of us to grow 6 feet long dongs and start having sex for no reason. But damnit, I know that I'm going to fight back! I can't let these . . . things consume my friends lives! --------- The notebook felt warm in Comeau's hand. It was a clear sign the Donger Warping had created spacial distortion; which meant the worst had begun. The dongers had already started to create massive shifts in the fabric of reality. It was only a matter of time before they would take a host. "I'm tired of sitting around. Let's kill some fuckin' dongers." Strapping on his suit of powered armor, Comeau grabbed his weapons (a Swedish backsword except with a laserblade, a C7CT Designated Marksman, and a Heckler and Koch USP respectively) and flew out the door. [/spoiler2]
  13. 1 point
    I'd watch this anime.
  14. 1 point
    Just a Gigolo

    Cute stuff.

    http://www.reddit.com/r/TsundereSharks/ Tons of kawaii sharks.
  15. 1 point
    Batty Batterson


    http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Shell_Armor_(Ability) http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Armor_(Ability)
  16. 1 point


    Google It is your friend
  17. 1 point

    TF2 general

    It was a joke. Reddit's OK I guess.   I've derailed this thread enough though. In order to rectify this I am posting a picture.
  18. 1 point


    Dicktree is working surprisingly well. I had this surprisingly difficult battle with a Japanese player just a few minutes ago. I wish I saved a replay of it.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point

    Civ 5

    Well, you know what they say.
  21. 1 point

    Dota General

    Dotabuff added a nifty thing to check your most built items, it's pretty cool. You can really tell what kind of a player someone is from it. d-do you want some wards with that?
  22. 1 point
    Idiot Cube

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Yeah, wouldn't want someone abusing an easy way to get points in such a supersrs game.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point