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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/14 in Posts

  1. 8 points
  2. 4 points
  3. 3 points
    Just a Gigolo


    Another Overwatch panel started, I'll post anything interesting here. -Pharah was originally called "Rocket Dude" and one of the sketches was a fat dude. -Blizz agress Tracer is best girl. -Blizz wants to keep making diverse characters. -Overwatch characters will most likely be in Heroes of the Storm. -Blizz is open to the question of hats that has "taken the internet by storm." -Plans for more movies and other ways to tell stories. -Also open to the idea of skins. -Open to story mode, but nothing planned yet. -Being compared to TF2 is "World's greatest compliment," and also name dropped Robin.
  4. 3 points


    DOTA had ~15 years to balance, and all of that was as a free game, so gameplay and marketing never once came at odds.     I personally hate this argument. It's a game, not a spouse. You're allowed to play more than one game at a time.
  5. 3 points
    Just a Gigolo

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    That's 48 hours too long.
  6. 2 points
    A 1970 Corvette


    When I first saw this I thought it was a Half-Life related arena shooter where you play as combine vs rebels and they all have their own wacky mechanics
  7. 2 points


    I don't know what to think about Overwatch honestly. On one hand, I think its nice to see that Blizzard are branching out and trying something new (for the company). I also find the artstyle they've chosen to be very endearing and truth be told, I can see the potential in Overwatch. On the other hand, it's another arena-based class shooter with some tiny twists. It's new for Blizzard, but not exactly the new innovation in gaming history. I worry greatly about the development team's ability to balance such a game, considering their limited success with games such as World of Warcraft and to an extent, Starcraft 2. It's not that Blizzard does not have the ability to create a balanced game and World of Warcraft is a bit of an unfair comparison, because that game is vastly bloated with abilities and gimmicky mechanics. That being said, if you've followed Starcraft 2 even a little bit on the competitive level, you will know that Blizzard have become notorious within the Starcraft community because they seem unable to pay even the slightest attention to the issues, that the community brings up. That isn't always a bad thing, but it is definitely a big part of Starcraft 2's extreme stagnation. As far as I am aware, they haven't said anything official about the payment plan for Overwatch. I assume it will be F2P with a cash shop for cosmetics etc. Unfortunately, that also worries me a bit, especially considering some of the ridiculous items Blizzard have made available for purchase with real life currency in World of Warcraft and Heroes of the Storm. It's not Pay 2 Win by any means, but in both games they took the immediate leap into butchering any semblance of art direction. It's like Team Fortress, except rather than it happening gradually over years, it was just immediately in the game from the get-go for the sake of cash grab. I don't want to immediately write the game off and I have already signed up for the beta, but I have serious reservations about it. I'm hoping that Blizzard will be a bit more serious about this new IP, compared to their latest "releases" (Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm (Which is still in testing, I know)). It's clear that those games are meant for a casual audience and as such, I don't really mind the fact that they're riddled with sillyness (Heroes of the Storm specifically), but for me it kills any interest. I don't think worse of anyone for enjoying those games, but I lose interest really fast. So hopefully, Overwatch will be a more serious investment from Blizzard's end in terms of regular content update and balance patches, even outside of the beta. Edit. Oh and I really liked the look of Reinhardt.
  8. 2 points

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Summary for the classes if anyone is interested: Tracer: Fine young British lass with goggles. Offense. Wields two pulse pistols. Can blink short distances, can "rewind" herself to a few seconds ago (reverting any health and ammo changes as well) and has a powerful pulse bomb which can stick to surfaces or enemies. TF2 comparison: Scout if he was in Timesplitters. Reaper: Dark and edgy guy in black robe and skull mask. Offense. Wields two shotguns. Can become intangible for a short time (takes no damage, but cannot attack or use abilities), can teleport distances (longer range than Tracer's Blink, but takes more time to use) and can go John Woo with Death Blossom (goes invincible and fucks up everything in a nearby radius.) TF2 comparison: Spy if he used a shotgun. Or Corvo from Dishonored. Widowmaker: Purple-skinned ponytail lady with spy visor helmet thing. Defense. Wields a submachine gun which transforms into a sniper rifle when scoped. Can move around with a grappling hook, can drop a mine that deals poison to enemies who trigger, and can activate Wallhack Vision to see enemies through walls (which is also shown for her teammates.) TF2 comparison: Sniper, but not boring. Winston: A damn dirty ape in space gear and glasses. Tank. Wields a tesla cannon (effectively an electric flamethrower.) Can use his Jump Pack to leap huge distances and deal damage when he lands, can make a bubble shield to stop incoming ranged attacks, and can go berserk (boosts health and melee damage, and reduces Jump Pack cooldown, but restricts him to melee for a short time.) TF2 comparison: Pyro with a side order of Steak-only Heavy. Pharah: Egyptian lady in big blue bird armor. Offense. Wields a rocket launcher. Can use Jump Jet to leap high in the air and to hover for a brief time, can shoot a Concussive Blast that knocks enemies back, and can unleash a cluster barrage of rockets on a target location. TF2 comparison: Soldier with a Jetpack. Reinhardt: Very tall modern day knight with a hammer bigger than you. Tank. Wields a rocket hammer. Can create a shield to absorb damage in front of him (but cannot attack while doing so), can charge forward and grab enemies in his way (dealing huge damage if he collides with something and pins them), can shoot a fireball from range, and can knock down and damage nearby enemies with a earthshattering hammerfall. TF2 comparison: Demoknight (he even has the Ali Baba's Wee Booties, go on, check!) Symmetra: Indian lady with Portal gear and a sweet blue dress. Support. Wields a photon gun (fires a short range beam, or fires a large but slow projectile.) Can make multiple small turrets, can buff allies with a damage-reducing shield, and can create a teleporter (which can be used instantly.) TF2 comparison: Gunslinger Engineer, but less bullshit. Torbjorn: Swedish man who is basically a modern-day Warcraft dwarf. Defense. Wields a rivet gun (fire small rivets at long range, or fire molten buckshot at short range) and a hammer. Can build a single powerful turret, can drop damage-reducing armor packs for allies or himself, and can activate his Molten Core to significantly increase his firing speed and his turret building/repairing speed. TF2 comparison: Engineer with a berserk button. Bastion: Blocky white-green robot with a pet bird. Defense. Wields a submachine gun. Can transform into a stationary turret with a shield, can self-repair to restore his health (but cannot move or fire while doing so) and can create a Remote Mine (think a mine on an RC car) to plant somewhere and deal large damage when tripped. TF2 comparison: The Heavy with just a dash of Demoman. Hanzo: Asian archer ninja crimelord with a killer goatee and dragon tattoos. May turn you gay. Offense. Wields a bow. Can launch an arrow that creates sonic waves to show nearby enemies through walls, can climb up walls, can shoot MULTI-ARROW COMBOs that ricochet off walls, and can shoot a huge ghost dragon spiral... thing. TF2 comparison: Huntsman Sniper, but for MEN. Mercy: Blonde girl in metal angelic armor and wearing a halo. Support. Wields a Caduceus Staff (see: Medigun) and a side pistol. Can fire a beam at allies to heal them or buff their damage while it is active, can fly swiftly towards a target ally to assist them, can slow her descent, and can resurrect dead allies around her. TF2 comparison: Medic, but with wings. Zenyatta: Floating robot monk dude with orbs around his neck. Support. Wields floaty orbs (can fire one at a time swiftly or charge them up for a large barrage.) Can put an orb on an ally to heal them, put an orb on an enemy to amplify the damage they take, and can become Mecha-Buddha with Transcendance (invincible and heals all allies around him, but cannot attack or use abilities.) TF2 comparison: Uh, throwing a Sandvich, throwing Jarate, and a Concheror. Or something. I get the feeling that we should make an Overwatch thread. EDIT: Oh yeah, I believe Tracer is voiced by the same VA who did the medic girl from Final Fantasy 13. Might explain the initial gag reflex I had, but ultimately subdued because 1) British, and 2) cute as f00k.
  9. 2 points
    Just a Gigolo

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    . I will eat your face.
  10. 2 points
  11. 1 point
    A 1970 Corvette


    Had an odd dream that I was going to my first day at a college and they were in the middle of some campuswide water baloon fight (for lack of better examples it was a lot like the first episode of Sora No Woto where the MC just walks in on a giant water fight not knowing what is going on) and after hanging out with this one girl for a while trying to figure out what was going on I found myself in a car with a bunch of stoners The stoners put me in the driver seat, but the actual driver's controls were in the back seat and they drove from the back seat while I was in the front. They were driving like crazy so we got pulled over and the cop didn't notice them in the back seat so he thought I was driving it, I tried to explain that I don't have a license yet and that there are two people in the backseat driving and the cop was naturally thinking I'm insane That's when we suddenly accelerated right down a hill into someone's house The house was owned by a big guy who didn't seem too fazed that we crashed through his garage door and instead of flipping out, he gave us a speech about how drugs are ruining our lives and how he used to be like that but now he's a successful guy with a family and five sets of washing machines. (No kidding, I counted. Five fucking washing machines with matching dryers. That apparently was an important detail.) I think he told us to clean up the mess and I woke up just as we started to do it Well that's that I guess
  12. 1 point


    Just wanted to share this image. Seems like there is at least 3 characters that have been unannounced (the ones on the left). Oh and apparently Blizzard have commented saying that there will be NO GAMEPLAY CUSTOMIZATION (Such as talent trees and so forth), which I am quite happy about. Though they did mention "long-term progression" It has also been confirmed that Overwatch was made with the scraps of the elusive "Titan Project" that Blizzard had been working on. It supposedly shares similar traits to the intended PvP mode from Titan, though it has morphed into something a lot different in this new incarnation.
  13. 1 point


    While the body types of the female characters range from skinny to skinny w/ big hips, the racial diversity of the cast on the whole is pretty good. The gameplay itself looks really slick. I'm especially interested in playing Zenyatta and Hanzo. I wonder how this'll stack up against Gigantic.
  14. 1 point


    Pharrah and Tracer seem really cool. Finally Paero and I can live out our Egyptian woman dreams.
  15. 1 point
    Just a Gigolo

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I ain't got no time for bird sex.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    EDIT: bonus one for corv
  19. 1 point

    Touhou Containment Thread

    Scarlet Devil Mansion are still best touhous.
  20. 1 point

    Anime General Discussion

    Are you guys part of the Cool Club?
  21. 1 point

    Anime General Discussion
