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Status Updates posted by Huff

  1. my monitor isn't responding to my computer

  2. Raz and I need people to Mann Up with.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I would but homework ;~;

    2. Doopliss2008


      what he said.

    3. Kraszu


      I am up. added your second account. Better hurry up. He is decomposing preety fast.

  3. i looked up at my google search bar and saw that it still contained "italian slurs" and I'm giggling

  4. Error 404 rep count not found

  5. SPUFurb update! I promise never to be that big of a shit again.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      So how long before we can make SPUFurb update time jokes again?

    2. Huff


      probably by today

  6. 9:37 PM - Guy923: he just wanted some dolphin pussy IS THAT SO WRONG

    1. tam


      i know for a fact that killer whale are the best

    2. Huff
    3. LadyBernkastel


      *snicker* sperm whale

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  7. A late afternoon nap turned into actually sleeping for thirteen hours what the fuck.

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      That is the reason why I do not take naps unless I know I can afford to waste 13-16 hours of my life on sleep

    2. KillaWaliid


      Nothing's better then oversleeping.

  8. damn I missed that there's a new jontron

  9. I just slept for eleven hours straight. That was after taking three hours worth of naps beforehand.

    1. Argeon
    2. Razputin


      I've grown accostumed to a week rhythm of 5h, 5h, 5h, 5h, 5h, 11h, 11h

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      ^ Mine's similar, but around 7h during weekdays and 12h during weekend

  10. Late night laundry is go.

    1. LadyBernkastel


      You're dead to me.

    2. Huff


      this is why we never tell you we love you any more

    3. LadyBernkastel
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  11. Holy shit crunchy food noises are so satisfying god damn.

    1. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      Speaking of loud food-related noises


    2. Rynjin


      Yeah but regular Chips Ahoy don't come in Brownie Filled.

    3. LadyBernkastel



    4. Show next comments  12 more
  12. Looking up pics and videos of where I used to live in Japan. So homesick that I nearly used up my yearly crying session.

    1. Nitzan


      Yokosuka looks so fucking comfy

    2. Doopliss2008


      I know that feel, bro.

      Happens all the time when one has been to somewhere awesome than goes back to their boring lives in the middle of nowhere.

    3. alexgndl


      Going through England withdrawal right now...I know how you feel, man.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  13. Played CoD for the first time and I don't get how people like it so much. I can barely tell what weapons people were using, what I was killed with, or where people were. No personality in the characters or maps. Not to mention that using a controller is impossible.

    1. Batty Batterson

      Batty Batterson

      Military shooters are bad. /opinion

    2. Wulff


      CoD Classic is good, CoD 2 is fine, the original CoD:MW was a ton of fun and CoD:WaW was good. Nothing else is worth playing.

    3. Huff


      I remember playing the demo of... CoD 3(?) dozens of times in the Exchange when I lived in Japan. That was some fun stuff. Tried to see how many of my allies I could kill with grenades without the game noticing.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  14. ok i fixed up my tumblr nice what do i do now

    1. Guy923


      start as a fluffy kittens blog then one day just fucking spoiler post the most hardcore porn you can

    2. tam


      this is why tumblr is controversial guys

    3. Guy923


      are you sure it's not because tumblr is populated by nothing but angsty teens and sjws

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  15. God I love the Incredibles. Shame good fanart is impossible to find. It's all bad porn.

    1. Huff


      Yes, but at least there could be good Elastigirl porn.

      It's all shitty porn.

    2. Batty Batterson
    3. Arm the Homeless
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  16. We just finished watching Primer in class and the second thing this one girl had to say about it was that she hated how women were portrayed in it. Kill me.

    1. Simon


      wait what the hell is primer

    2. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      It's a movie about time travel. It's mainly noted for it's high tech, no fake science bullshit way of making a story.

    3. Silent


      were there even women in that movie? all I remember was two dudes fucking around in some like time travelling tanning booths

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  17. Homestuck Tarot deck ordered!

    1. Razputin


      The future holds: no girlfriend

    2. Huff


      Man I've wanted these for a year stoppit.

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Who needs the comforts of a woman when you can predict the future?

  18. Gonna be off of my account on Steam tomorrow to just cut games totally out. I'll be on my alt for any communication purposes needed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Razputin


      >not keeping your alts secret so you can fake suicide and continue playing vidya

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      >not accounting for the fact that his alts probably have alts

    4. Simon


      what the hell just happened?

    5. Show next comments  12 more
  19. Fitting that there's a flock of sparrows just hanging out here in the airport terminal.

  20. Happy New Years from Germany!

    1. KillaWaliid


      Happy new year :)

  21. Tfw Liam Neeson will never be your supportive stepfather.

    1. Wulff



    2. Guy923


      tfw you will never give your waifu a good dicking

    3. A 1970 Corvette
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  22. and I thought TF2 trading was torture jesus christ it feels like 96% of people online on pokemon should just kill themselves ive said this twice but fuck im so mad

    1. Huff


      Ok lemme try that and breed some misdrevus to make a difference


      Elemental monkeys



      Brb killing self ;_;

    2. Batty Batterson

      Batty Batterson

      I've only gone on the GTS like twice and I already feel your pain.

    3. Jordax


      Oh yeah. Time for me to feel guilty of that by sending a Pikachu over Wonder Trade before realizing that they are common as fuck on Route 4. SORRY JAPANESE PERSON.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  23. I got called autistic for the first time on /vp/. Am I a seasoned Internet user now?

    1. Razputin


      You were called autistic by the densest population of autists on the internet. Congratulations!

    2. Jordax


      That means that you are accepted by them now.

    3. Huff


      It's the only board I'm courageous enough to visit, aside from the food one and the nature one.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  24. Ok, Namco high is pretty dumb but oddly charming.

    1. Batty Batterson

      Batty Batterson

      Friend of mine: Namco High kinda sucks. It's not very funny, but maybe it's a good dating sim?

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      ...Do you really play as mister jelly bean head though?

      Though I've always wondered about how Davesprite is in this...
