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Status Updates posted by Huff

  1. Backaroonie

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheOnlyGuyEver




      Whenever I see macaroons I just think of Pretty Patties.

    3. Moby


      You would be safer in the middle of the ocean

    4. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      Don't get the crazy virus and die.

  2. I’ll be going to boot camp in a few days; if anyone needs me for any reason I can respond on Discord sometime in March or April :huffface:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Godspeed ya magnificent bastard!

    3. TheOnlyGuyEver


      Good luck! My brother said it's not so bad past the first week.

    4. Huff


      Thanks lads, see you about

  3. @Paero you're shit

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Huff


      He was bullying me!

    3. Paero


      Stop bullying me on my ex-mlm shitposting board thanks

    4. TheOnlyGuyEver
  4. @Binary where April fool’s joke

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      maybe the real April fools were the friends we made along the way

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      The joke is that after all these years we're still here, doing dumb shit together on this dumb shit forum.


      Good one, Bin.

    4. Gyokuyoutama


      The joke is life.

  5. Bridget Jones's Baby was a surprisingly good conclusion to the series. Also Patrick Dempsey is too handsome for this world.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Huff


      Ye. Edge of Reason came out in like 2004

    3. Razputin


      I wish I could go back in time to become a bully at your high school huff

    4. Huff


      Are you implying I wasn't alpha and beloved 

  6. Why does my workplace smell of Nickelodeon Gack

    1. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être

      can't attack the gack

  7. in other news using a drawing tablet to browse the internet is top comfy

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I wouldn't imagine so 


      on the other hand I've been wrong before

    2. Huff


      maybe it's just better than this broken apple mouse

    3. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      That's like losing a toe compared to cutting off a hand

  8. SPUFurb update! drop by and refamiliarize yourself with the most ballin' homosuck fanfic on the net and drop the kids a command or two!

    1. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      which spuf would you urb

  9. My tumblr blog's title has been set to Untitled and I have to change it. Gib suggestions

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huff


      That and the yoshi geckos are an every time sort of thing

    3. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube


    4. ICBMoose
  10. According to one of mom's students, "Giricory Respution" was a section of land turned over to the European Powers.

  11. I haven't worn a shirt in four days

    1. Buddhazilla


      how did you achieve this, might I ask?

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Were you wearing a dress instead

    3. Huff


      I'm house sitting some needy dogs so it's been just various pairs of shorts

  12. Huff

    miss u christie



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Paero



    3. Razputin


      Christie LOL isn't that like a girl's name?!?!

    4. Paero



  13. some dipshit at the department of defense school system HQ managed to delete Chrome from every computer in the system at once

    1. Rynjin
    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      Must have thought it's actually leaked NASA tech that needed to be removed before ISIS uses it to communicate

  14. Ok at a friend's for thanksgiving inland this kid here has a minions shirt on and is carrying around a stuffed minion toy society is in decline.

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I'm sure it's only because he couldn't find a Sandra Bullock t-shirt.

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      tell him to watch corey in the house, a REAL man's show

  15. Hey ya'll, I'm headed back to Germany on Tuesday for the foreseeable future so yeah. Ill be scarce for a few days but ill make sure to check Facebook and Steam often. Hopefully I can somehow get mumble too.

    I won't be able to play vidya also no wired internet at our house and mom is being a big meme about computers as usual.  

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Silent


      have a nice trip

    3. Jordax


      It's Auf Wiedersehen, Cube.

      Although, yeah, best of luck, Huff. What part of Germany are you going to?

    4. Huff


      It's a city called Wiesbaden about half an hour west of Frankfurt.

    1. Wulff


      this is what could have saved the community.


  16. I've been absentmindedly tearing and snapping q-tips help

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Stop doing that.

      Glad I could help.

  17. 3Fort is streaming a commission for me! Join in for music and cute girls and klutzy boys: http://original.livestream.com/vainsstuff

  18. burn all anime

    1. <Witty Name>

      <Witty Name>

      chinese cartoons?

    2. A 1970 Corvette

      A 1970 Corvette

      I feel like there's a better way to destroy anime

      BDs don't burn as well as you think

  19. Anyone up for a little MvM with me and Comeau?

  20. tfw no giant pink loving space rock wife

  21. Excelsior Intensifies doesn't come with Honkeo Star 0/10.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kraszu


      but it does

    3. Huff
    4. Binary


      last time I checked, yeah. I need a better host for the sound file though.
