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Idiot Cube

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  1. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Expresate in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    And tell us about the drone as well.
  2. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Huff in Dreams   
    Three days ago I had a dream where I moved out into my own home. It was hugely spacious and felt like an auditorium.
    anyway I leave for a day and a troupe of merchants, complete with tents and beasts of burden, have taken up residence in my foyer. I ask the leader to get his group out of my home, but he replies since it was empty when they found it, it is now their property.
    so I am now fed up and decide to just kill them all with a sword and board I have suddenly. Well in the middle of my fight I try to kill the leader but he won't die. I suddenly realize reality has rules like TES and he's Essential. I've ruined a quest I was supposedly doing by killing the merchants. I try to fix it by reloading an earlier save, but then I woke up.
    never should have come here
  3. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Stackbabbin' Bumscags in Overwatch   
    I kinda wish we'd gotten a bit more character development and story on all of them before going "Oh yeah by the way this person is gay, now back to this awesome story I was telling..." I like how ME3 handled Cortez, even though he didn't get any major amounts of development, it wasn't really hammered in that he's gay when you find out about it, if you even got to that reveal anyway. But this just feels like "LESBIAN SURPRISE! -Rainbows-".

    I'd have rather them focused more on building up these characters more before any reveals on romantic relationships. Either that or just have it mildly introduced when we were learning about each character in the beginning. Let the shippers and artists have their own headcanon (which they'll continue to do anyway) and keep with the world-building.

    Don't just have 'em be gay for the sake of inclusivity, or just leave out the romantic relationships altogether, let people (keep) form(ing) their own stuff on them.

    This also reeks of being a safe choice, with Tracer being the face of the game (she's the only character on the front cover of physical copies), despite the diverse cast of characters, and being the cute lesbian is pretty much the safest way to introduce an LGBT character. I'm not against it, but either fully commit to the deal or just don't do it.
  4. Upvote
  5. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Wulff in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
    Having only caught up on this discussion just now, I want to throw in my 2 cents to the whole argument from a perspective outside the US. I suppose the fact that I am not American and the fact that I do not live in America could be grounds for dismissing my argument because I am not smart enough to make a comparison that is 100/100 relevant to the current state of the US, because my experience isn't with the US but rather my own country (Denmark). I hope you will read anyway.
    The Danish people cherish some ideas that I think would be best described as the "core values" of what it means to be a Dane and how life in Denmark should be. I'm not going to go into detail of what these core values are, because that is besides the point I am trying to make. In the recent decades, Denmark has experienced an increasing influx of people from eastern europe and the middle east migrating here. Some of them have been refugees seeking a safe haven from one of the many conflicts in the world, most have been economic migrants looking for better work opportunities to support their families. Denmark is a socialist state and has been for many decades at this point. Abiding by the law and following the will of the collective community in general are things that are very important to us. This is also part of the reason why crime in Denmark has been and is very low, we nurture respect and goodwill towards the community from a very young age and most people would never even dream of stealing over here. Doors, bicycles and even cars are left unlocked in the streets, because people trust each other to that level. Of course crime exists, but it is a very, very small number of crimes that are commited.
    But here's what happens when we receive refugees and other immigrants in our country: We try our hardest to integrate them into society. Unfortunately it seems to be the case that many of them, especially middle-eastern newcomers, are quite reluctant to "adapt" to the ways of the Danish society. I'm not saying that they should give up their cultural or religious identities, but I am saying that currently there doesn't seem to even be an attempt from the vast majority of immigrants to become a part of Denmark and her culture. I won't call our integration methods and policies perfect, but compared to other nationalities, the middle-eastern people are quite bad when it comes to this. This had since led to the creation of ghettos, criminal gangs and an overall increase in crime. These are just pure and simple facts. This causes a bit of a grumble with the Danish population, because we're used to people respecting the law, respecting our values and generally have the same outlook on what life in Denmark should be like. This grumble stirs and grows when you then add illegal immigrants into the equation. Not only do they display the same tendencies as the people who have legally immigrated, but they then also abuse our system in order to receive welfare.
    I'm sure that many people would say that the "Danish mentality" is old-fashioned, but we're a country that likes the way things are and the way things have been. As long as immigrants go through the proper channels and attempt to participate in our integration programs, there is no problem. We understand that it takes time, people over here aren't ignorant. This has nothing to do with racism or cultural white-washing of people who aren't Danish. They're free to practice the same rituals they used to do, believe in the same god they used to do, celebrate the same holidays they used to do, as long as they don't try and shove these things down our throat. As long as they show the want and willingness to respect the country and the community that took them under its wing, they're free to do as they like (Within the confinements of the law of course).
    From that perspective, I can sit here and nod to some of the things I see Raison writing. I don't agree with everything that is being said, in fact I don't even agree with most of it, but I can see the standpoint where it comes from. The wish to uphold some core values in a country that is dear to you and ultimately get rid of the people that are not respecting the process (Illegal immigrants fx.). I'm not defending any notions of racism or ultranationalism or whatever has been brought up in this discussion. I also think that people on both sides of the argument have allowed their passion to flare a bit too much. I hope my American friends on this board will respect that while you might have different political values, you're still countrymen.
    I know that this post has only touched on one of many issues that are currently hot topics. It is not that I have forgotten them or do not care about them, it is just that I am not entirely sure what to say about them, so I will refrain from doing so. But please do not think that I am so narrow-minded to believe that illegal immigration is the only problem America faces, it is just the topic I wished to comment on.
  6. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from John Caveson in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
  7. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from John Caveson in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
  8. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from John Caveson in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
  9. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Rynjin in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
    Seems like a decent explanation, yeah.
    And before Caveson comes in, no he was not saying the same thing as Crowder. Crowder's argument is insulting people pushed them towards Trump. This guy's is that the Democratic campaign and supporters spent too much time throwing those insults and did nothing to draw them towards Clinton. So given a choice between a candidate that had no policies, and a candidate with bumfuck stupid policies, the latter was at least a bit more clear about what he wanted to do.
    That I can agree with.
  10. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from John Caveson in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
    Wait, what was he saying? I was distracted by the portal through infinite parallel universes that opened behind him.
  11. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Veez in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
    Does anyone else feel like everyone's hitting the Doomsday button a little prematurely here? Seriously, calm down a little and stop acting like you're living in the middle of Iraq suddenly and realize that even if Trump fucks up massively, he will be up for re-election again in four years, and you can try to get rid of him then.
    Seriously, with all this knee-jerk reaction, I'm worried that half this country will be suffering from arthritis in the next 2 years.
  12. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Rynjin in Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread   
    Caveson, your thoughts are frankly fucking stupid.
    If you think Trump gives half a flying fuck about small businesses and the "common man", you haven't been paying attention to his entire career as a businessman. There's a fun documentary that illustrates this I can't remember the name of. You can probably find it by googling "Trump fucks Scotland" or something similar.
    Edit: in fact, I did it for you. The name of the documentary is "You've Been Trumped". And yes, that plus the word documentary is what I typed into google.
    And if you're saying saying shit like "I'm not transphobic" while using phrases like "Some fucking tranny", you're either hilariously unself-aware or lying.
    That whole rant is based on misinformation and deflecting based on that same old bullshit "Well I would have voted for someone else but you called me a racist so..." line. No, you wouldn't have, you fucking liar, you voted the exact same way you were ALWAYS going to vote and crying that somebody hurt your widdle feelings by calling you a racist just makes you look like a spiteful god damned pansy.
    Just own up to the fact that you voted for the man because he pandered to your crowd and you liked what you heard, because there's no way you ACTUALLY BELIEVE his "I'm anti-establishment for the people" tripe unless you have deliberately avoided learning ANYTHING about the man and how he operates.
    There's very little chance he's the next coming of Hitler but the BEST case scenario is he's an ineffectual buffoon who parades around with Pence's hand up his ass for the next 4-8 years, and all the informed voters who swung his way are in the know on that. If you actually bought into the rhetoric, I'm sad for you but you had a long ass time to educate yourself and claiming you voted for him just because other people said bad things about him or you makes you look like a fucking idiot.
  13. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Doopliss2008 in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    Cubs won world series, Leo finally got his oscar, trump won presidency, England and brexit....
    all we need now is HL3 for the holidays.
  14. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Kraszu in Locked and Loaded: In Which Where We Post About Firearms   
    Better any gun than no gun. That could be an option for you.
    Kolibri is ancient, buying ammo would be impossible, and gun itself is worth 6-8k $.
  15. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to A 1970 Corvette in Dreams   
    I had a dream involving making jokes about Obama and Hitler writhing on the floor as he died, screaming about the end of his empire.
    I really can't piece it together. I KNOW for a fact that hitler showed up before or in a different dream that night, but it ended with him dying. Retracing my steps, the dream as far as I remember is something like:
    I was sneaking into someone's house with a group of friends, and looking inside I said, "What is this, Obama's house?" For whatever reason. I don't get it now but it was apparently funny in the dream. But then one of the friend's mothers shows up and starts yelling in Spanish and they go through a ring to translate the Obama's house joke from english into spanish. All the while I'm running because I guess it was a racist joke?
    As I'm crawling through the trench (?) dug in the house's yard it begins to rain, and my viewpoint switches to Hitler. Apparently he's in the backyard, and he may or may not be cut in half/missing several limbs and on death's door. At first it's third person, but then it switches into Hitler's view and my mind is screaming about the fall of the Reich.
    It was actually really well written and emotional of a speech. Unfortunately it was delivered by a bisected Hitler in a latina woman's backyard.
  16. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Rammite in share your worst jokes   
    Thanks for explaining the word "many" to me.
  17. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  18. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from A 1970 Corvette in The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style   
  19. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Doopliss2008 in share your worst jokes   
  20. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Huff in Huff's Heterosexual Adventures in Needlework: Needle Adjacent.   
    I have a feeling these are going to turn out rly good because of Reginald and Beartato's simple designs

  21. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from Rammite in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    I'm off to college! Again. Hopefully this is going to be when I get it right.
    I'm moving into the apartment tomorrow, so I won't be online for a few hahahahahaha just kidding, I'll probably be back that evening.
  22. Upvote
    Idiot Cube reacted to Rynjin in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    People fucking baffle me sometimes. So this guy comes in yesterday and he's like "Day off after a week of hard labor, figured I'd come to the mall". says he's looking for a gift for his daughter, I tell him I can help him narrow it down a bit, he basically blows me off. Whatever, it happens.
    So he mentions he's a mechanic, and eventually works his way around to one of the really hard mechanical puzzles we have, I explain the deal and he's like "It amazes me people can do these but don't know how to fix their own car". Of course my automatic response is "Yep, people have different skill sets"
    And he's like "No, it's the same skill set, they'd just rather sit on their ass playing with a puzzle instead of taking the time to take apart their car and learn how it works"
    Then, with no hint of irony: "Anyway I got to go, I have an appointment at the Apple Store to fix my phone."

  23. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from Silent in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    what a bunch of assholes
  24. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from Silent in TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler   
    what a bunch of assholes
  25. Upvote
    Idiot Cube got a reaction from John Caveson in TIAM: General Gaming edition   
    Play a better game