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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/14 in Posts

  1. 8 points
  2. 4 points
  3. 4 points
  4. 3 points


  5. 3 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points

    World of Warcraft

    Enjoy the leveling first and foremost. I ruined the game by leveling my first character entirely through the dungeon finder up until level 70. Read quest text etc, explore zones, because the first time is the most fun you'll ever have with it. So if you buy Warlords of Draenor then I'd say don't use the level 90 boost until you've leveled a character on your own. If you're not aware the end game of WoW is comprised of 2 parts (pretty much). Raiding, where 10 to 30 people get together to essentially take on an extremely long dungeon (because of this you've got a week to get through it all) and PVP where at the higher end you and either 1, 2, or 4 people will go against another team of the same number of people, with the objective being to kill them. I'm gonna assume that you'll put more time into Raiding simply because that's what most people do. You've got 3 roles in raiding tanks, healers, and DPS (damage per second). Tanks are your blokes with sheilds whose job it is to get stuff attacking them, and then use skills to take as little damage as possilble (for example a protection warrior will build rage to use Sheild Block or Sheild Barrier consistantly). Healers heal everyone in the raid. And DPS do the brunt of the damage so you can actually kill things. If you stayed on a Warlock then you'd have to be a DPS, because Warlocks don't have the specializations to perform the other roles. You've got Affliction which is all about putting damage over time skills on whatever you're trying to kill and letting those tick and bring them down, because of this Affliction warlocks are best in boss encounters where you have a lot of enemies. Destruction is all about sending out spells that just crit for insane damage. And demonology (I've had to look this up since I dont know the spec that well) is apparently good at both single and multi target damage and has good burst damage for when you need it. Despite all this it doesn't matter too much what you play while you're levelling, and it only matters when you're at the level cap if you're really trying for the most damage possible in the shortest amount of time.
  8. 2 points


    I honestly have no idea if we can call but I would like to see you donguses try and stop me.
  9. 2 points
    Shoving Vaseline up your nose
  10. 2 points


    Swiggity swooty I'm blinkin' for dat booty.
  11. 1 point

    World of Warcraft

    You should enjoy yourself, honestly. First time levelling is something I look back on with extreme fondness, at the age of 13 when I was levelling my Human Male Warrior "Hellangel". Cringeworthy in all respects, but I still think of it as a good time. I even had the Tabard of Flame on him because I got lucky, but I've unfortunately lost that account since then. The thing that is so nice about levelling, is that you can do what you want. I'm going to let you in on a little secret here: World of Warcraft is balanced around max level, which means in lower levels, things are weird and scale weirdly, meaning you can get away with whatever you want. Honestly, the best thing you can do with your first character is to take it slow and not worry about things. Hitting max level does not mean you can't go back and explore/experience zones and dungeons you missed, not to mention professions, that are if anything, even more simple to skill up when you're max level. Seeing as you're playing a Warlock, a class that I have "mained" in most of my time in World of Warcraft, I'm going to ahead and tell you now to switch between the various specializations (Affliction, Demonology, Destruction) and have some fun with all of them, see what they're like. The sad truth of the matter is that in the current patch, Destruction is the only real viable PvE (Player vs. Environment, AKA Dungeons and Raids) spec and in PvP (Player vs. Player), it is a mix between Destruction and Demonology. Affliction is so atrocious at max level, that it is not worth speccing into. This might change with an upcoming balance patch however, so keep an eye on that. I'm currently levelling a Protection Warrior and it is a lot of fun. I'm curious to try Gladiator Stance at max level, but I was intending to tank on him, so it will probably be an off-spec, unless I enjoy it too much. In regards to the other classes, I guess it depends on whether or not you want to be viable for endgame or you genuinely enjoy the playstyle of a class enough to stick with them for better and for worse. The reason I say this, is because Shamans currently rank as one of the lowest tier classes in the game. Of course that has the possibility of changing with a new patch, but Enhancement especially is atrocious and Elemental is not that great either. Historically, Shamans have been kinda gimped as well. Enhancement was strong in Vanilla because of ridiculous Windfury mechanics but have been hovering between mediocre and bad since then, excluding the ICC patch. Elemental didn't really become viable until Wrath of the Lich King, where burst was king and they were the gods of it, but they've never really been chart-toppers in any patch than I can recall, excluding WotLK content. Restoration Shamans have historically always been viable and in quite a few patches, both in Cata and WotLK to my knowledge, been rather broken actually (CHAIN HEAL STRONK). I'm not sure what they're like here in WoD. DK's are braindead broken tier. They cast one spell and top DPS charts. That doesn't mean they aren't fun though, unfortunately I am not too experienced with DK's outside of Blood. Ask Facade or Insectan about that, I suppose.
  12. 1 point

    Binary Models

    Updated and ready to re-submit:
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    bread its why the mods hate and fear it
  15. 1 point
    i found where huff lives
  16. 1 point

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    probably repost but fuck I love this pic
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    'Get a load of this'
  19. 1 point

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    So I just watched the new Sonic anime and... well...