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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/14 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Karl: So uhm, I was doing some shopping...right? Saw this lady, every time she talked...words were all in capitals. Ricky: Wot? Wot do you mean, capitals? Karl: Well not like all capitals but, like, every word she said started with a capital. Ricky: Karl, you sodding cunt, wot are you fuckin' talking about? Stephen: You are aware that speech isn't just writing that appears above someone's head, right? Ricky: HEEHAAHAHAAAA!!!! aaaahhhh god...
  2. 3 points
  3. 3 points

    Dota General

    Alt clicking > I will purchase Battle Fury (need 3072 gold) > Help! > Debuffed: Smokescreen > Debuffed: Bash - Skull Basher > Current Health: 0/682 (0%) > I will respawn in: 35 seconds > Riki is missing! > We need wards. > We need wards.
  4. 2 points

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Throw Guy and Stalin in there and see what happens.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point

    Dota General

    you can alt click THE PAGE ITSELF EVERYTHING ON IT I was on my phone last night and didn't realise alt click the update title carry silencer tho two shotting that leshrac and rubick with a 14 second global silence on top
  7. 1 point
    <Witty Name>

    Payday General

    Can only switch at main menu Can't switch in lobby Can't switch in pre-planning Too hard to program
  8. 1 point

    Anime General Discussion

    I don't know if anyone remembers, but a couple of weeks ago I made a post in this thread, stating that I had been watching a ton of shoujo anime recently and that I was really enjoying Revolutionary Girl Utena. Well, I've finished it now. I actually finished it a while ago, but I didn't really post about it. I was a having a hard time collecting my thoughts on that anime. As per usual though, whenever I watch something which I thoroughly enjoy, I like to impose my opinions onto others by posting an essay on the anime in question in this thread (See: Legend of the Galactic Heroes or Hajime no Ippo, among others), because this is the only real outlet I have for these kind of things. I guess I could go join an anime forum somewhere, but I don't actually like people and you guys have acceptable taste. So I'll post my stuff here in hopes that someone might just pick up Utena, because it is 100% worth watching. ********************************************************************************************************************************** I guess I'll start by explaining why I ended up watching Utena in the first place, because if you judge this anime by looks and by whatever short synopsis you can find on various anime sites, it probably won't look or sound appealing at all. Revolutionary Girl Utena is a "Shoujo" (The opposite of "Shounen", it is aimed at younger girls) anime, which originally aired in 1997. It is an anime that has caused a lot of discussion between anime fans, because there is no clear-cut way of interpreting this anime. It released around the same time as giants such as Neon Genesis Evangelion and just like NGE, it is riddled with symbolism and it is a lot more layered than you might think at a first glance... Though it doesn't quite reach the same level of insanity which is the end of the Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series, so don't worry about that. It is one of those anime that is regarded by many older anime fans as a cult classic. This was the biggest reason I ended up watching Revolutionary Girl Utena, because my previous experience with older "cult classics" in anime, has shown me that I tend to genuinely enjoy those shows. A lot. Gunbuster, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Future Boy Conan, Neon Genesis Evangelion etc. That and also because Shoujo is one of the anime genres I am the least experienced with... Which I suppose is understandable, considering I am a dude. The only Shoujo I can remember watching prior to Utena, was "Kuragehime" or "Princess Jellyfish", which was alright. Enter Revolutionary Girl Utena, an anime that is presented initially a little bit like a fairy tale. In very picture book-esque manner, we are told the story of a young princess who lost her parents. As she was crying over their graves, she was approached by a prince on his white horse. The prince wipes away the young princess' tears and says to her: "Little one, who bears alone such a deep sorrow. Never lose that strength and nobility, even when you grow up. I give you this to remember this day. We will meet again. This ring will lead you to me." He proceeds to put a rose-signet ring on the girls finger and rides off into the distance. Perhaps that ring was an engagement ring? We don't know, but whatever the case, the princess was so greatly inspired by the prince, that she vowed to become a prince herself. But was that really such a good idea? Fast forward to the present time, we are introduced to the high school student "Utena Tenjou", who quite clearly is the princess from the fairy tale introduction. She is in an argument with a teacher at her high school, because she is wearing a boys uniform, she wanted to become a prince, remember? Utena is a tomboy by all respects. Dresses in boys clothing, is captain of the basketball team and in general is a very strong-willed (and not very feminine) person. She goes about her high school life as any regular student would, except she is waiting. She has been waiting for a long time. Waiting to finally be reunited with the prince who gave her the rose-signet ring all those years ago. One day, she notices a girl tending to flowers in the school's garden. This girl is being abused both verbally and physically by the captain of the Kendo team and a member of the student council, Kyouichi Saionji. As Saionji backhands the girl, Utena rushes to her aid, scolding Saionji for his behaviour and daring him to go any further. Saionji calls Utena out on her audacity, claiming that "The Rose Bride" was his to do with as he pleased and that she shouldn't get between them. It is at this point Utena notices, that Saionji is also wearing a rose-signet ring. She asks him about it and he seems equally surprised that she is wearing one and leaves in a hurry. Utena is left to introduce herself to the other girl, named Anthy Himemiya (Note: "Hime" means "Princess" in Japanese) or "The Rose Bride" as Saionji had called her. She is a very quiet, introverted and kind-hearted girl. Utena cannot for the love of her figure out why Saionji was acting the way he was towards Himemiya, especially considering that Saionji is a person admired by many girls on campus, both because of his dashing looks and swordsmanship. Later that same day, a private love-letter is posted on the school bulletin board for all to see. The love-letter was anonymous and directed towards Saionji, who obviously deemed it silly and meaningless and decided to humiliate whoever sent it by making it public. As many students gather around the letter to read and laugh at the wish-washy love drivel written in it, Utena notices her only true friend at the school, Shinohara Wakaba, standing near the crowd, at the verge of tears. Utena puts two and two together and decides that Saionji has gone too far. She marches towards the Kendo dojo and brazenly sparks a confrontation. Saionji tells her to meet him in the arena behind the school after classes and tells her that "her ring will grant her entry". Unfazed at the idea of having to duel the Kendo captain, Utena marches towards the arena after her classes and using her signet to unlock a vast door, she enters an arena which seems otherworldly. Spiralling endlessly into the sky, she climbs a staircase. At the top, she finds a circular arena, balancing at what can only be described as the top of the world. Even further above this arena, an upside-down castle floats in the sky, casting bright lights down onto the area. She is greeted by Saionji and none other than Anthy Himemiya, though she is dressed differently. Instead of the usual school uniform, she is wearing a regal looking red dress. Utena questions Himemiya's presence, but the girl seems different from before. As the duel commences, Saionji utters the words which will be echoed countless times throughout this anime: "Give me the power to revolutionize the world!" and with that, he draws a sword from Himemiya's chest... Yes, her chest. Utena herself had brought a Kendo practice sword and with that, the duel begins. As you can imagine, a wooden practice sword doesn't hold up very well against cold steel and the Kendo sword is quickly shattered, leaving Utena to dodge and weave the strikes from Saionji. I should probably mention at this point, that they were never actually aiming to kill each other, but rather to strike a rose which the Rose Bride had placed on their chests before the duel. Whoever lost their rose first, lost the duel. Just as things seemed at their worst, Utena is infused by a power emanating from the castle in the sky above. "The Power of Dios" (Dios = God in Spanish, if I am not mistaken) courses through her and with this miracle she is able to defeat Saionji, knocking the rose from his chest. Off in the distance, other members of the student council observe the duel, intrigued by this new addition to the equation. Utena learns that upon defeating Saionji, she now holds the engagement to the Rose Bride and that Anthy Himemiya is now effectively hers to command. Not that she really wanted it. This is the beginning of an insane tale of love, betrayal, growing up and shattering the image the world might have of you. What I just described to you, are the first couple of episodes of Revolutionary Girl Utena. As the series continues, it gets weirder and weirder, as more and more dots are connected in the plot. New players enter the stage, terrible secrets are unveiled and subtle symbolism hints at the truth throughout the entire anime, but you most likely won't be able to put it together until you have seen the ending and my god, what an ending. Probably one of the most brutal, yet satisfying endings I have ever seen in an anime. I cried, I'll admit it. Revolutionary Girl Utena is indeed a Shoujo, with a gratuitous amount of "bishounen" characters, not to mention very girly subplots, but the series finale is definitely not for kids, I can tell you that much right now and I don't feel any less of a man for having watched this show. Revolutionary Girl Utena is not a total dance on roses (hehe). I cannot give it full points, as it unfortunately falls flat with a few filler-esque episodes. They're not mindless fanservice or contrived sideplots, but the episodes serve no real purpose to further the main story, and because these episodes sidetrack the excellent main story, they become extremely tiring to watch. Not to mention the fact that there are quite a few recap episodes. Out of the series 39 episodes, I'd say roughly 8 of them could be completely cut, which is not exactly great. I suppose to some people, the art might be off-putting as well, I know I was having a hard time with it initially. I will also go ahead right now and say that Revolutionary Girl Utena is corny. Really corny. You know, "90s corny". It gets better as the story progresses and gets more serious, but man, the first episode especially really got to me. I know I described it in detail above, but I only really talked about the serious things. I didn't mention the corny song that plays as Utena ascends the staircase in the arena (I've come to love that song now) and I didn't mention the great one-liners uttered by some of the characters such as "Oh baby, light my fire!" in broken English. It was actually so bad, that I initially dropped Utena after the first episode. I just couldn't take it seriously. After reading other people's thoughts on it though, I decided to give it a real chance and controlled myself as I watched the beginning part... and lo and behold, it turned out to be fucking amazing, especially the last 10 episodes. 9/10, would recommend if you want to watch something that isn't braindead moe. Thank you for reading through my essay, I can't wait to receive my grade.
  9. 1 point

    Dota General

    http://www.dota2.com/shiftingsnows/ New lifestealer ability looks nifty.
  10. 1 point

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2bcJORotJY Apparently people started to cry during the stream.
  11. 1 point

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I really want to get an older Madden game and try this now.
  12. 1 point
    <Witty Name>

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Wait, so they boot a game that looks like it actually has gameplay in hours, but leave Air Control in the store for months?
  13. 1 point

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I think the perceived difference is that postal doesn't seem to take shit seriously. I can't say I have strong feelings either way. Seemed thematically bleh to me but I'm not one to take joy in others sources of entertainment being lost.
  14. 1 point

    The Binding of Isaac

    poor anon
  15. 1 point
    Ok, now you're just blurring the lines betweens an IMAGE and a VIDEO.
  16. 1 point
    we sound webms now http://a.pomf.se/fylevg.webm
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point