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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/03/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 3 points

    Anime Girl Quiz

    idk, idk but nice gun, Kinomoto? Sakura, what looks to be a gup idk, a naruto character, is that the girl from welcome to the nhk?, idk idk, Kawajiri?(not sure if she took his name) Shinobu, Izumi Sakurai, idk, idk, idk, idk, idk but she's familiar Now, round 2, anime boys:
  3. 2 points
    Firefox Jake spilled coffee all over the servers and disabled all my (and a shitload of other people's) add-ons. Saw an ad on Youtube just now. An ad - can you believe it? These are the end times.
  4. 2 points
    Hearing someone switching between proficient English and proficient Japanese is so surreal. I'm condition to expect one to be butchered.
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points

    TF2 general

    Ah, the same feeling I had 4 years ago has come back to bite me. The feeling of someone else getting the credit and praise and youtube comments for your exploit... The fact that it's sketchek is even more infuriating. I know he didn't discover it because this passed around a bit semi-privately and exploited by a few people in the EU. I know you can't really "claim" bugs, but I'm upset and sad nonetheless. keep your fun exploits private as long as possible kiddos
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I chose this way: Unlocks should enable new play styles. Didn't consider balance at all; presumably if we only had one set of unlocks they'd be better balanced. Scout: Force-A-Nature/Bonk!/Boston Basher Soldier: Beggar's Bazooka/Buff Banner/Gunboats Pyro: Thruster/Flare Gun/Axestinguisher Demoman: Sticky Jumper/Splendid Screen/Eyelander Heavy: Honestly I dunno. Sandvich is kind of essential for the class, but it would work better as a stock replacement. Engineer: Rescue Ranger/Widowmaker/Gunslinger Medic: Crossbow/Kritzkrieg/Quickfix Sniper: Huntsman/Razorback/Jarate Spy: Enforcer/Dead Ringer/Eternal Reward
  12. 1 point

    Tell Your Raccoon Stories

    a raccøøn once bit my sister
  13. 1 point
    Idiot Cube

    GOTY 2016

    Titanfall 2 because goddammit more people need to be playing it. Honorable mention goes to Overwatch for reminding me that competitive gaming is, and always will be, cancer.
  14. 1 point


    Last night I dreamed an episode of It's Always Sunny. The premise was bizarre. It basically started off with Mac and Charlie brainstorming a "million dollar idea" and coming up with an MCU themed strip club, where the clients dress up as their favorite Marvel characters and get exotic dances. Dennis overhears the idea and realizes that everything Marvel touches makes a shitload of money, "maybe even a billion dollars", and gets on board. Somehow they manage to get into some sort of investor's meeting where they can pitch their idea. I didn't explicitly dream Frank setting it up but I assume that would be his role, here. Mac Dennis and Charlie all pick a superhero to dress up as while Dee is tasked with going out and hiring a bunch of strippers for their demonstration. They all show up to the pitch meeting together. Mac is dressed as Captain America, except his costume is terrible and he's wearing cutoff jean shorts. Dennis is Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark, complete with Tony Stark's trademark beard which of course looks fucking ridiculous on him. Dennis thinks it looks fantastic. Charlie said he wanted to be The Incredible Hulk but when he shows up it turns out he just wanted an excuse to wear his fucking green man costume. Dee never shows up in the dream but somehow failed to get any strippers, and as a last second resort bought a bunch of blow up dolls from a sex shop. The entire pitch is Mac and Charlie in full costume, sitting on a couch and making the sex dolls "grind" on them with techno music blaring in the backround. Mac is also voicing the strippers saying shit like "yeah big boy". Dennis is standing off to the side pointing at a complex series of charts, explaining how their combined superhero/strip club experience fulfills all three points of the "Dennis Reynolds Male Power-Fantasy Triangle" or some shit. So of course the whole thing is awful and the three of them are laughed out of the meeting. Dennis blows any chance of salvaging it by flying into a complete fucking rage. They go to this bar, complaining about how their pitch went when this guy overhears them and turns around. It's Robert Downey Jr. He asks them wtf they're on about and the gang pitch him their idea. RDJ takes a big swig of whiskey and explains that Marvel is owned by Disney and how tight of a leash they keep on their property to make it relatively family friendly. Disney are such awful slave drivers that he's given up on his sobriety. He tells them their idea is terrible, that they'd be sued into oblivion and how a Marvel strip club will never, ever fucking happen. The gang flies back to Philly and go to the bar. They're all hanging out for a while and decide to turn on the TV. On the news, the anchors are discussing Marvel's latest business venture, a superhero themed strip club dreamed up by Robery Downey Jr and how in its first week alone it's made a million dollars in revenue. The one anchor says "hell, with an idea that good, I bet it'll make a billion dollars". The gang realizes that RDJ gamed them hard. Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" plays, accompanied by the sound of laughing strippers, as Mac Charlie and Dennis stare at the flickering TV in silence. I probably embellished that ending a little since the whole thing was a confusing fucked up mess near the end, but that's pretty much how it went.
  15. 1 point

    Apparently this is a thing

    No, that's just bullshit through and through. Moe has always been a thing, generic or not. Even back in the 90s, where it was perceived prevalent enough (along with the mecha genre, ironically) that people complained about there being too much moe and that the 80s were better. It's been as popular as it's always been, no more and no less. It's rather telling that despite the amount of new series produced within the last six years, the only slice of lifes that are "moe" which can be named with any consistency are K-ON and Lucky Star. You'd be lucky to see people claiming modern anime is primarily cute schoolgirls be able to name even things like Hidamari Sketch, much less a moe slice of life that's currently airing. Can't help it, it's true. Almost all dubs are awful, and the ones that are worth watching should still be watched alongside the original audio. Why the hell would I give up being able to listen to Wakamoto or Sugita in favor of hearing Johnny Yong Bosch in every damn series? Also, streaming is terrible and there's basically no excuse for not just downloading anime off of Nyaa or an equivalent site.