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2560x1600@120hz last won the day on April 21 2013

2560x1600@120hz had the most liked content!

About 2560x1600@120hz

  • Rank
    Is never invited to Dota 2 stacks
  • Birthday 09/06/1914

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    Not Telling
  • Occupation
    Internet wiafu of several unlucky individuals

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  1. 2560x1600@120hz


    All my dreams involve disturbing things happening to me or one of my family members, not in a satisfactory way. A terrifying way.
  2. 2560x1600@120hz

    Fixing the Word Filter

    Raz you're shorting out the karma readings on my Pip-boy.
  3. 2560x1600@120hz

    Fixing the Word Filter

    Case proven.
  4. 2560x1600@120hz

    Fixing the Word Filter

    Does not having a filter somehow make you guys feel more mature or something?
  5. Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  6. 2560x1600@120hz

    TF2 general

    If only Valve took TF2 as seriously they take Dota.
  7. 2560x1600@120hz

    Future of the Forum

    Remember kids Don't be Hertz! ALWAYS read the OP closely!
  8. 2560x1600@120hz

    Future of the Forum

    Ouch, makes me think about having a forum at all. 800 dollars plus annual fees for 15 people making very little activity? Eh everyone will hate me for mentioning that.
  9. 2560x1600@120hz

    Voyager 1 Leaves the Solar System

    Does that include or exclude the Oort Cloud?
  10. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

  11. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    If only we could use minimal HUDs, then it wouldn't feel like I'm playing through a peep hole.
  12. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    I am so sorry. Would have put this in We Media Now but the last post is a month old.