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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/12 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Amanda Todd

  2. 2 points

    Amanda Todd

  3. 1 point

    So, what the fuck.

    So, my dad passed away on Monday, and after the obligatory life-shattering reaction when I first heard the news, I've been... quiet. Too quiet. Shamefully quiet. And I'm usually a pretty quiet person. Literally, no tears. I've shed tears on reenactments of the Iron Giant's "SU-PER-MAN," but that's really it. Somebody suggested shock, but I expected shock to feel more like... you know... shock. I loved my dad to death, literally no issues there. We argued, sure, but all families do that. But, nothing after the first day. My step-mom can't stop, so I always feel a bit odd when I just stand there. So, am I just a horrible person? What say you SubSPUF? I know this is probably 2serious4SPUF, but the only people I could normally talk to about it really don't need the subject matter in conversation right now.
  4. 1 point
    Well I guess that's too bad.
  5. 1 point
    Y'know...that's okay. But for those of us who are FOR killing the bastards, show of hands: Who cares whether they feel pain or not? It's still only a tiny fraction of what their victims felt most times, because to even be put on death row nowadays you have got to be fucked up ROYALLY. As for this thing, I'd die of hyperventilation/heart attack halfway up anyway so whatever.
  6. 1 point
    I just don't get death row. You can spend millions of dollars on this or you can spend tens of thousands of dollars on lethal injection or you can spend a half a dollar on a .45 hollow point pistol round
  7. 1 point

    Dota General

    Well your mom certainly didn't know the difference anymore HEYO
  8. 1 point
    A 1970 Corvette

    Idiot Cube's stupid animations

    AA: 0u0 AA: n0 that l00ks stupid
  9. 1 point

    Amanda Todd

    Yeah, it's no doubt not the most common occurence, but it's hardly unbelievable. Sorry, that wasn't meant to be about anyone specifically in this thread. It's just a general feel I get from a lot of this whole Amanda Todd crap, which involves singlehandedly beating down every single bully despite their number or age. Ignoring bullies is a good first strategy, and does work a lot of the time, but not always. The fact that a few people at my old highschool had to move towns because of bullying despite trying to ignore it, depsite telling teachers, and in one case depsite notifying the police shows that sometimes these basic strategies just don't work. In Amanda Todd's case, even moving towns wasn't enough. Some people say they should 'just get over it'. That's also a pretty valid idea. Little primary schoolers who get called 'smelly' should just get over it. I myself 'just got over it' with the help of the prospect of leaving said country town and those people behind forever. To go back to what Gigolo said a while back: Shit like this could work. We should show people that suicide is a stupid way to go about things. But it is being taken too far. If it was simply "Amanda Todd shouldn't have committed suicide, it is dumb and stopped any chance of her life getting better when it surely would have" it would probably help. But a line has to be drawn at some point, if the answer to everyone getting bullied is "get over it" its just going to stop people from wanting to ever speak up and get help. Imagine if you were suffering from depression from being bullied, and you see all these people tearing into Amanda Todd. If you were contemplating suicide, would you go to that person for advice? Would that inspire you to call the Kids Helpline? It would hopefully slap some sense into these people, but I would be more than willing to bet that it would just cement the 'no one understands me' mindset.
  10. 1 point


    AG: That's a 8ig hoofbeast.
  11. 1 point

    Amanda Todd

    because I like it, therefore it's bad
  12. 1 point

    Dota General

  13. 1 point
    Just a Gigolo

    The Doomsday Thread

    Everyone knows the world will end when we as a society turn into a bunch of oversensitive douches who will chug bleach at the first sign of someone being mean to us. :pinkiegasm: