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  1. 6 points
  2. 4 points

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MABhXCPZHIE Here we go again.
  3. 3 points

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Ok you know what just go back to nostalgiafagging
  4. 3 points

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I don't know whether to laugh or shake my head
  10. 1 point

    i writed a creepypaster

    one day guy was jacking off on internet ad for horny girl pops up guy talks to her she actually isn't bot and writes back guy is turned on guy asks "asl" girl say "6969, m, 2 blocks from your house" guy is scared because she say "m" guy is like "i thought you were girl" girl say "i'm just fucking with you but other things are true" guy disregards this and invites girl over girl agrees and comes over girl actually has 3 penises suddenly crimson liquid End.
  11. 1 point
    Just a Gigolo

    Cute stuff.

  12. 1 point
    Welp, decided to do this. The Setting: The Phoviverse is set in the universe next door, one of many, many alternate and parallel universes. It was originally ruled by collections of god-like beings, known as Deitics, who were always at war with one another, creating their own species to fight their battles for them. The wars escalated until most of the Deitics had killed themselves off, leaving only two Deitic species remaining: the Anexartitai, humanoid beings that believe in pure order, that everything should be stationary with them at the top; and the Kronospasts, who believe in 'ordered chaos' and essentially letting everyone do as they please. The two Deitic races continued their war in secret, creating two new kingdoms of being: the Vreka and the Panvok. The leading species of these kingdoms came and went, reaching a high during the Vakan/Vohra war, that killed off many Vreka and Panvok species and left others as nothing more than simple creatures. The Vakans and the Vohra realised they were being used and the Deitic races went into hiding. Meanwhile, other species were starting to become sentient, reusing resources left behind from the ancient Deitic wars. Herdikai, bestial humanoids, started appearing in ruined Vakan cities; Thanatian Raptors, powerful dinosaur-like predators, started colonizing the jungle-filled planets of the Thanatia system; and a long-distant relative of the Vohra, known as the Retha, had managed to colonize an entire planetary system and split into four separate species. With low numbers and falling morale, the Anexartitai took the opportunity to make a deal with some of these new species, and the Kronospasts, in a similar situation, copied them. But there's a third unknown Deitic race that's manipulating everyone's strings, as well as setting loose myriads of monsters, known as Spasmbeats, to cause generic destruction. In order to combat the influence of the Deitic species, a council of two Anexartitai, two Kronospasts, 2 Vakans, 2 Vohra and 2 Rethavok decided to create teams of beings called Dessaron. These mixed-species teams are given special weaponry that can defeat Deitic beings and fight to keep some semblance of balance within the Phoviverse. The Species: A picture of everyone. Deitic races: Anexartitai By far the most humanoid of all my species, Anexartitai are cold and heartless, with little care about anything other than power. Their bodies are mostly human, save for the strange face-covering masks and their bird-like talons on their hands and feet. Kronospasts - Image Kronospasts are generally described as crazy shapeshifters, most commonly taking the form of some sort of four-eyed Threavok-Vohra hybrid. They're generally no more than 1.5m tall and carry long staffs with which they can direct their universe-warping abilities. Kronospasts are considered to be tricksters, often giving beings what they want in exchange for their services later on. Vreka/Panvok races: Vakans Hideous insect-like monsters with huge scythes for hands, a single large horn coming off their head and nasty pincers tipped with venom, the Vakans are masters of war and love to start fights. They're a patriarchal society, ruled by a series of Preftens, kings who are voted into power when the current one dies. Vakans are generally 2-3m tall but wear vast amounts of armour to make themselves scarier. Vohra The polar opposite of the Vakans, but still fairly insect-y, Vohra live in huge nests, ruled by queens. Their society is much like that of an ants nest. Vohra are unique as they have elemental powers, like fire, water and earth, a side effect of dabbling with ancient Deitic technologies. Kshan Kshan are secluded, carnivorous nomads with the ability to manipulate shadows. They have sharp spines that run down their backs. Kshan seem to come in four types: Stratik, generic soldiers; Danke, a heavily built tanks; Anik-Nev, fast-moving scouts; and Kataskop, mysterious 'spies'. Bayvak - Image Bayvak are adorable critters that live similarly to Vohra, without the desire to take over the universe and none of the inflated ego that most Vohra have. Bayvak were mocked for being stuck on four legs and instead adapted by creating a form of magic with which they can manipulate nature. Their homes are created from huge, specially designed plants. Bayvak are generally 2m long and only 1m tall. Retha races: Rethavok - Image The Rethavok are born warriors, spending most of their time training for battle. They are ruled by the Rethan Stratos, the equivalent of their military. They're huge beings, often more than 3m tall, with tails as long as their bodies. As well as their thick natural armour, Rethavok also wear extra armour on top. Hertavok - Image Often considered the perfect predator, Hertavok do everything Vakans and Vohra can do but better. They are a vampiric, clan-based race, sucking blood from their victims before boiling the remains up into soup to feed their children. While they have scythes for hands, Hertavok are inexplicably nimble and can grasp most technologies. They have also developed their own technology, specially made so only they can use it. They also have their own, incomprehensible language and the ability to use healing magics, since it's easier to mutter a few words than try and perform surgery using scythes. Ethravok - Image The Ethravok make literally no sense. They are both geniuses and heathens, splitting their time between hard, honest work and getting utterly plastered and having giant sex and drug parties, using the perfectly safe to use drugs that they created. They're also giants, standing at over 4m tall, sometimes reaching up to 5.7m. Ethran society has the perfect mix between capitalism and socialism, priding their best while protecting the weak. Threavok - Image Former slaves of the Rethavok, the Threavok were only recognised as an official species in 2003. Threavok are small, nimble hard-working creatures that live in underground city-nests, ruled by a collection of elected Threans called the Dre and protected by powerful warriors called the Ksa. They are completely self-sufficient and just want everyone to leave them alone. Oh and they have elemental powers too, caused by a Kronospast's practical joke gone very wrong. Other races: Thanatian Raptors - Tentative image Often just called Thanatians, these guys are vicious reptilian predators that come in all shapes and sizes, from humanoid lizards to T-Rex like monsters to fricking dragons. Herdikai Best described as bone-armor-wearing bestial-humanoid monster things, the Herdikai live in one giant clan, killing anything that comes near them. Characters Just a list right now because I can't be bothered to write any more. Teams: The 13th Dessaron team: Retvik Rethianos (can never draw him right...), Arkay (you can tell I like him...), Argyros, Tenuk (bloody shapeshifter...) The K-Class Ksa The Three: Phovos, Mavri Thyra and Thymos Lords of Insanity: Kohra, Levik, Tanahos Assorted characters: Arksi and Nenth - A young Threavok couple Kazix, Yaksis and Kogra - Ethran TV presenters Vex - a random Vakan Ryse, Esvee, John, Versagetorix, Klisis, Phovisi and Chris - the cast of Multiversal Chat Time, a chat show with members of various species Karuz, Oxys, Vexix, Tarik - various Dessaron members
  13. 1 point

    Smache Brothers

  14. 1 point
    <Witty Name>

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Responses also in bold.
  15. 1 point

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    E3 in two weeks pretty excite
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point

    We Media Now: TF2 Edition
