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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/15 in Posts

  1. 12 points
    It's sad what happened in France, and I wish stuff like this did not happen, but it does sadly. I'm a muslim and I'm against terrorism, and I condemn the attack. Since this seems to be more about this being another attack by "muslims". I'll just say that these "Muslim" terrorists also kill other muslims, as well as children. There was an attack at a Pakistani school last month, killing 145 people, most of them children, which is forbidden in Islam. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Peshawar_school_massacre I do not consider these terrorists to be muslims. These terrorists are also just damaging Islam. These attacks are causing more uproar against muslims in general, but the majority doesn't do this kind of shit, and the attack is being condemned by other muslims as well. As for caricature drawings, I personally just ignore them. I don't like that it happens, but I can deal with it. Some react with violence, burning of flags and such, but that really just ruins it even more for us.
  2. 5 points

    Interest in Blogs

    Just so we're clear, that status update I made a few days ago about starting a blog was supposed to be a snide remark and not an actual consideration from my end. All bullshit and witty comments aside, this community isn't big enough to warrant blogs. It's nice being able to participate in small thread-centered discussion, but I have this lingering feeling that no one is going to be fucked to read any blogs by users of this site. That's my opinion anyway. What would people blog about? Their daily lives? They do that anyway with Status Updates/TIAM thread. Video games? Movies? TV-series? Anime? Basically any topic I can think of is already covered in a thread, most of which are barely even active anyway. The only thing that could warrant a blog is site updates by the admin, just for the sake of centralizing information or if a user was someone of importance or had interesting experiences to share. Now don't get me wrong boys, you're all important to me (XOXOXO) but I ain't gonna sit on my ass and read a blog about your day, just like you're not gonna sit on YOUR ass and read a blog about MY day. I mean remember when we had that thread about a subSPUF Mumble server? Remember how many people chimed in on how it would be a good idea? Remember how many people actually used it? Now you've got a bunch of people vouching for a blogging system and I can't help but wonder how many would actually even use it past the first week. I hate to sound like a cunt guys, but those are my thoughts.
  3. 4 points

    We Media Now: TF2 Edition

    Ey Huff:
  4. 3 points


  5. 2 points

    Dota General

    Time for everyone's favourite: Guess that Hero! Answer:
  6. 2 points

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Don't forget to preorder it for the TF2 promotional items. Doge allclass hat that clips with everything And no not Halloween restricted
  7. 2 points
    Gigolo, if you're gunna be a dick to Muslims, be a dick to all religious people at the same time. Most "holy books" have similar passages. There's over a billion muslims on this planet, and the vast majority would never do this.
  8. 1 point

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    On that note, EvilBrain if you invite me to one more god damned "D-don't tug on my pantsu, Onii-chan!" steam group I will eat your family.
  9. 1 point

    Interest in Blogs

    idk that cube fag left after like ten posts i mean ffs get it TOGETHER mystery man
  10. 1 point

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    You know, I noticied why I hate visual novels. On almost every single game, the characters are ALWAYS stuck in a single pose for the entire game, usually only changing clothes and rarely facial expressions. If the character is holding something on his default pose, he will ALWAYS be holding that, so you will always see them holding an invisible sword, umbrella, glass, etc. I mean, really? Then the developers barely take any time to puke the waste they call 'story', the entire game coding is 'click to continue' and the artists are also that lazy? Its not only worse than all these 'Make your own adventure' games that suddenly flood Steam. The entire game is a white screen with text on it and you click next until a choice happens, which gives you more text and nexts to click, no images, no mechanics, no animations and not a single visual aid. RANT OVER
  11. 1 point

    Dota General

    Is that the build where you farm all the jungle camps at once? I want to try it just to see how lulzy it can get, but there's so much room for error.     Spoiler
  12. 1 point
    I wish I could say that the past decade hasn't changed my point of view regarding Islam and radicalized muslims. What I am about to say is of course common sense and shouldn't really need to be said honestly, but I'm gonna go ahead and cover my back. Of course the vast majority of muslims are normal people in every sense of the word. That being said, my patience for these kind of things is waning slowly but surely. Month after month after month the West is hit by news of Muslim extremists commiting atrocities in the Middle East, Asia and even in the West. We're at a point now that whenever I read the "terror attack" headline, I just assume that it is muslim extremists. So what's up? Why is this a continuing theme? There are many answers to those questions and I'm sure it can all be rationalized. Western influence in the Middle East, volatile political situations in muslim countries, civil war uprisings and military remnants of deep-rooted proxy wars. But with the amount of times these rationalizations are uttered, it starts feeling like an excuse we're making up in order to avoid sounding like bigots. One part of me wants to keep repeating it: "It's a minority, the majority of Muslims are peaceful" and that is the truth. Another part of me is sick and tired of this shit. It's not satisfying anymore. It doesn't solve any problems.
  13. 1 point

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

  14. 1 point

    Interest in Blogs

    I'd read a blog of your thoughts on Anime. I don't even watch it and I read all the bigass posts of yours I see. But ye I kind of agree, it probably would die.
  15. 1 point

    Interest in Blogs

    I would use it to advertise things of mine. So I assume it would not be for the best.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point


  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    <Witty Name>

    The IT thread.

    Filetypes supported by Adobe:
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point

    We Media Now: TF2 Edition

  25. 1 point