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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/14 in all areas

  1. 8 points

    TF2 general

    They call it a drop cap but I ain't never seens it drop no caps fer me. /Senor Cardgage
  2. 4 points
  3. 3 points

    Cute stuff.

  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points

    Animation General

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmkxsQnNujI cartoons for kids
  6. 2 points

    Cute stuff.

  7. 2 points

    Cute stuff.

    This could fit in like seven different threads but I settled for cute That anime is pretty cute in general
  8. 1 point


    Officially Official Semi-annually Occurring Inaugural Sub Steam-Powered-Users-Forum Forum Pokemon Showdown Online Pokemon Battle Simulator Being Restricted To Only Pokemon In The Overused Tier Of The Pokemon Meta Tournament Consisting Of Only Six-And-Ten Members Sending Forth Their Pokemon To Die A Glorious Battle Over The Internets In Order To Win Certain Victory, Reputation, And Perhaps Maybe The Sweet Allure Of Head Gear. OOSAOISSPUFFPSOPBSBRTOPITOTOTPMTCOOSATMSFTPTDAGBOTIIOTWCVRAPMTSAOHG. Or "The Cell Games". we have to go deeper Inaugural Event Of The Officially Official Semi-annually Occurring Sub Steam-Powered-Users-Forum Forum Pokemon Showdown Online Pokemon Battle Simulator Being Restricted To Only Pokemon In Or Below The Overused Tier Of The Pokemon Meta Tournament As Detailed By Smogon Consisting Of Only Six-And-Ten Members Sending Forth Their Teams Of Six Pokemon To Faint In A Glorious Battle Over The Internets In Order To Win Certain Victory, Reputation, And Perhaps Maybe The Sweet Allure Of Head Gear. IEOTOOSOSSPUFFPSOPBSBRTOPIOBTOTOTPMTADBSCOOSATMSFTTOSPTFIAGBOTIIOTWCVRAPMTSAOHG. Or, "The Cell Games"
  9. 1 point
    Idiot Cube

    Cute stuff.

  10. 1 point

    Cute stuff.

    I wasn't aware that anime had any character other than that spazzy brownhaired girl, because that shit's the only thing /a/ ever seems to post about EIDT: I just realized that could be applied to KLK too. Unless Mako is kill, no spoilers I haven't watched yet thats because /a/ really likes loli, so they will focus on the loli character.
  11. 1 point

    Cute stuff.

    Look at this jet, it's so happy. no one tried to tell it that it's not going into service ;_;
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point

    Cute stuff.

    This could fit in like seven different threads but I settled for cute
  14. 1 point

    Cute stuff.

  15. 1 point
    Hey guys I found Skye in an anime
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point