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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/14 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. 5 points
  3. 4 points
  4. 3 points
    Ukraine is training hard.
  5. 2 points
    u wot m8 I'll bury you under five levels of abstraction! abstract class ForumAdministratorWithAnimatedAvatarAndHats extends ForumAdministratorWithHats abstract class ForumAdministratorWithHats extends ForumAdministrator abstract class ForumAdministrator extends ForumPoster abstract class ForumPoster extends ForumUser abstract class ForumUser extends Scrublord
  6. 2 points

    Star Wars Thread

    I don't really delve into Star Wars other than watching the six movies.   I'm a fan of Machete Order, though. It's basically having 4,5,6 be the main storyline. The viewer watches 4 and 5, and then cuts to 1,2,3 for an extended flashback to learn of Vader's origins, then continues to the finale at 6.
  7. 2 points


    I'm gonna rename my Porygon-Z Mallardware.
  8. 2 points

    League of Legends

    Arcade Hecarim. Riot Blitzcrank. First few to message me get these skins for free!   Remember that redeeming a skin code also gives you the champ if you don't have it.
  9. 2 points
  10. 1 point

    Anime General Discussion

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYxgqqZvGZY damn
  11. 1 point

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    If you pick him up at a higher level he should be starting at that higher level. Really? Well then. Also, being evil is WAY funner than being good. I feel that FO3 did karma slightly better than NV. Also:
  12. 1 point
    You guys asked for it. Pan used Ardunio!
  13. 1 point

    Star Wars Thread

    Without trying to antagonize anyone, I'm going to go ahead and say that I found both The Force Unleashed games to be absolutely atrocious. Star Wars is cool, I like Star Wars, but those two games I found to be wholly uninspired. The first one was better than the second, but it wasn't particularly memorable with that said. The convoluted plot and the DeviantArt tier characters that were retconned suddenly into the overarching Star Wars universe were so bad that I had to put down the controller and do something else for a while after a major plot point occurred. Which is a shame, because the gameplay was fun enough. I mean, bringing down a Star Destroyer with the power of the force? Fucking awesome. "Starkiller's" retcon into the original trilogy? I'd rather forget that happened. I honestly find that the best games and fiction to come from the Star Wars universe, is everything that DOES NOT involve force users. Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, Republic Commando, Battlefront (I'm aware you can play force users to a degree in that game, but they're not the main focus). Unfortunately George Lucas has managed to paint the whole Sith/Jedi in such a light that 99% of characters written, who happen to be Jedi or Sith, are horribly contrived and many times grossly overpowered, even compared to their peers. I'm not saying that lightsabers and force powers aren't cool, because they certainly are. It's more the concepts of Jedi and Sith that get on my nerves. The most surprisingly interesting thing to come out of Star Wars in recent time is actually that animated "Clone Wars" TV series. As I'm sure most people did when it started airing, I wrote it off as your typical kiddie-cartoon. And it is. To an extent. The first season has an incredibly "Saturday morning cartoon" feeling. Interestingly enough, it changes tone completely following that and becomes a lot... Darker, at the lack of a better word. Death, destruction, torture, betrayal and slavery become major themes within the series and after season 3, I would hesitate with calling it a children's cartoon. Point being: If you're feeling in need of some Star Wars, but don't feel like rewatching the trilogies for the umptienth time, you could give the animated TV series a go. Season 1 is a bit of a struggle, but it really does get a lot better following that.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Huh, did you remember to do your unit tests? It's giving errors when you say anything. >> this.commander.getListOfRetorts().size(); 0
  16. 1 point
    Today I managed to get my hands on AR-15. Short version? Fantastic, want more. Long version? I shot one like this one, Mossberg MMR Tactical, just with different stock. First thing you notice - holy crap, this shit is light. I am certain my airsoft replica is heavier, and it does not even have rails, not even talking about AKM. Pistol grip was odd, but comfy for me. Ergos are standard for AR platform and I can't really say a bad word about them. First thing you notice when shooting one - wow, this trigger is wierd. I looked up online and apparently it's common opinion about this model. Other thing is the recoil. Or I should say lack of it. .223 is very soft shooting cartridge, it's very easy to keep sights on target and shoot rapidly without your barrel pointing at the sky. It's rather more comparable to .22LR rather than 7,62x39 in way it recoils. I definitly see now why AR-15 has such following in US. It's definitly not end-all design, but it's modularity and ergonomics are top notch. I kinda want AR preety badly now, even thou I could have AKM pattern rifle and tons of ammo for the money.
  17. 1 point

    Star Wars Thread

    Whats the matter? too hoth for you to handle?
  18. 1 point
    Idiot Cube

    Smache Brothers

  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point

    The Reaction Pictures Thread
