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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/14 in all areas

  1. 9 points
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points

    i writed a creepypaster

    one day guy was jacking off on internet ad for horny girl pops up guy talks to her she actually isn't bot and writes back guy is turned on guy asks "asl" girl say "6969, m, 2 blocks from your house" guy is scared because she say "m" guy is like "i thought you were girl" girl say "i'm just fucking with you but other things are true" guy disregards this and invites girl over girl agrees and comes over girl actually has 3 penises suddenly crimson liquid End.
  4. 2 points

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I can't help but feeling that I'd spend the entire game in uncanny valley. *Drive around Chicago* *Go home and play game where you drive around Chicago*
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points

    Medic does arty things?

    I guess I should shove more art this way.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point

    Pool Party Voidlings

    The idea of a Pool Party Cho'Gath skin (complete with little inflatable armbands around his four arms) made me write this. ... A horrific cross between crying, screaming and gurgling filled the damp, dark room, located far below the walls of the Institute of War. Something was clearly upset about something or other and considering that this noise had been going on for ten minutes now, the other occupants of the room were starting to get annoyed. “Pleassse, make him ssstop...” Kha'Zix covered his antennae with his large, scythe-like claw things, his wings tucked away, scared that they'd shatter from the screams. Cho'Gath crossed two of his four arms. “He can sulk all he damn well wants. He's not going.” “BUT WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!” Kog'Maw's cries kicked into overdrive. With every gasp for breath, he'd spit yet more corrosive acid all over the place. Occasionally, he'd fall over and roll on the floor for a bit and Cho'Gath would pick him up and put him back on his feet again. “Why can't our voidling sibling go?” Ah, good old Vel'Koz being the voice of reason. “Because!” Cho'Gath growled. “That is a mediocre response.” Vel'Koz tutted. “Surely you have a reason of some sort?” Finally, Kha'Zix snapped and kicked Kog'Maw across the room, silencing the puppy-monster. Cho'Gath and Vel'Koz glanced at the over-sized insect, unsure whether to be amused or angry. Deciding on not slapping Kha'Zix around, Vel'Koz decided to repeat his question. Cho'Gath rolled his eyes. “You know why. Kha'Zix eats everything, you're a floating eyeball with tentacles and I'm supposed to remain trapped in this room for all eternity except for when I'm summoned. Can't get Kassadin to take him as he wants to murder us all in our sleep. And Malzahar's busy today...” “Malzzzzahar'sss busssy?” Kha'Zix asked, looking genuinely surprised. “Malzahar isss never busssy. Not in sssummer ssseason when the Annual Champion Pool Party isss near!” More eye rolls from Cho'Gath helped explain. “He has a date. With a human. A lame, pathetic human.” “You really think Malzahar is going to date a creature from the void? We're all hideous monsters and the female specimens back home are far worse...” Vel'Koz paused. “That reminds me. I read somewhere that some people think that Kog'Maw and Kha'Zix are female. An unusual theory. Would you like to retaliate, Kha'Zix?” “The ssssummonersss think sssuch nonsssense. They ssssshould know all female championsss have large breasssstssss. Apart from Annie and Jinx. And Yordlesss. Yordlesss tasssssty... Kog'Maw just fat.” Upon hearing his name a couple of times, Kog'Maw staggered back to his feet and waddled back over. Using as much cuteness as he could muster, he opened his eyes wide and asked again. “Can we go please?” Vel'Koz attempted to smile, but not having a mouth made that feat impossible. “Why don't I take him? I an curious as to what this pool party is. You must remember, I was not around last year. Plus, there is some experimentation I wish to carry out.” Kog'Maw was about to cheer when Kha'Zix kicked him across the room again, although the reason as to why this time was unclear. Kog'Maw retaliated with a well-aimed projectile of acidic spit, which Kha'Zix simply wiped off his face with ease and a slight stinging sensation. Cho'Gath crossed all four of his arms this time, snarling at Kha'Zix and tripping him over with his tail. “Can Kha'Zix go too?” Kog'Maw asked. “And you too, Cho'Gath?” “I'm not going!” Cho'Gath snapped. “I can't...” “Galio is going...” Vel'Koz had somehow pulled out a mobile device from nowhere and was reading messages on FaceScroll. “So is Fiddlesticks, and he's supposed to be trapped up in a tower for no reason. Don't see why you can't go...” Cho'Gath uncrossed his arms and slumped down. “It's just... the sun, it burns me.” Vel'Koz wasn't listening, too busy reading more stuff off FaceScroll. “Hm, Janna says for everyone to bring extra sunblock since it's going to be really hot and sunny. There's a reply from Singed saying he's invented Factor 4000 sunblock that lasts all day. Apparently he's giving it out for free. Haha, and Leona made a funny joke about how cowards could just hide under her shield...” “Ssssounds like fun. I hope Rengar will not be there though. Don't want to fight again. Alwaysss sssame conclussssion.” “I'll ask him...” Vel'Koz tapped away at his mobile device. “He said “yea but I aint gona be doin no fightin stuff. Just gona chillax! Iz Kha gona b dere?”” “Hm...” Kha'Zix tapped his chin. “Ssssoundsss like fun. We ssshould all go. Maybe Cho'Gath can get sssome of that sssunblock from Singed?” Vel'Koz nodded. “I'll give Singed a call and pick up some of that sublock. Are we all in agreement?” Kog'Maw spun in circles, cheering. Everyone else just nodded. “I'm not looking after Kog'Maw though!” Cho'Gath suddenly spouted, followed by a “Not it!” from Kha'Zix. Vel'Koz sighed and rolled his eye. … The pool party was on Saturday, located at 12 Demacian Pride Avenue, slap bang in the middle of Demacia. A giant swimming pool had been erected next to the large empty space that was the very edge of the Demacian Palaces. Standing with a pair of scissors, ready to open the pool was Jarvan IV, the king of Demacia, with his best buddy Garen standing to his left. First person into the pool as always was Ziggs, who'd satchel-jumped in from over 100 meters away. There were deck chairs all around the pool, over 200 of them despite there not being 200 champions in attendance. Amusingly, a few minions had turned up, but there were also absentees, particularly Lissandra. Plus, Anivia never came to these parties. It's simply too hot for the giant bird made out of ice. Her annual jump-into-a-frozen-lake event was never as popular, unfortunately. Along one side, grills and BBQs were burning quite happily, being tended to by a very amused Brand who was trying his best to keep at least some of the food edible. Gragas was serving drinks from his portable bar, as always. There were plenty of umbrellas and coconut drinks around, and the occasional water balloon would splash out of the pool, soaking the many sunbathing champions around the pool's edge. In a distant corner, Vel'Koz struggled as he tried to squeeze armbands onto Kog'Maw's pointy arms. He'd burst already got through three pairs, having burst two of them and Kog'Maw eating another, so now his armbands didn't match. He hadn't seen where Kha'Zix had gotten off to, but Cho'Gath was hanging around the grills like a bad smell, obviously hungry but too shy to ask. “Alright, Kog'Maw, you remember what I told you, right?” Kog'Maw nodded. “Yes. Be good!” “Alright, off you go, have fun!” Vel'Koz patted him on the back, then quickly grabbed him, something springing to mind. “You can swim, right?” “Yes!” “Good. I'll be over there if you need me.” With Kog'Maw out of the way, Vel'Koz inspected the area, looking for the best place to sit. He found it right next to an unconscious, half-dressed Jinx. Opening a hole from the void, he grabbed a couple of towels and laid them across the sun bed to Jinx's left and plonked himself on it. He'd chosen well. From here, he could see many of the female champions, many of whom were sunbathing. To make this moment even better, another champion, Sona, sat down on the bed next to Vel'Koz. Across the way, Cho'Gath finally got himself some food. Except it had been incinerated. He ate it anyway, not wanting to be wasteful, but he was nonetheless annoyed. He could have done better. “Brand, do you need any help?” Cho'Gath suddenly found himself saying. Brand glanced at Cho'Gath, then at the black slithers on the grill that were once slices of bacon, then back at Cho'Gath. He didn't say anything. “Brand?” “Please...” With a sigh, Cho'Gath threw Brand over his shoulder and started flipping some of the burgers. Part of him wondered what the hell he was doing, but the smell of actually good tasting food spurred Cho'Gath onwards. Brand picked himself up and glared at Cho'Gath, before shrugging and wandering over to Gragas's bar and getting himself utterly plastered. “Didn't know you could cook. But we have palace cooks for this occasion, Void being!” A hearty laugh interrupted Cho'Gath's sudden flurry of cooked meats. Cho'Gath glanced upwards ever so slightly (since he's actually rather tall) to see Garen holding a burger with a large bite out of it. At least, he thought it was Garen. All humans tend to look the same without clothes. Cho'Gath snorted. “Better than Brand.” Garen laughed. “I don't know why he was cooking. Jarvan called for some of his private chefs to come down here, but if you're happy, we can let you continue.” For some reason, Cho'Gath really was happy. Sweetly cooking meat was much nicer than talking to humans, constantly putting on more sunblock or wondering whether Kha'Zix had killed anyone yet. “Yes, this does make a change...” “I bet it does. I didn't see you here last year. Even Zac came last year and he's a ball of green goo.” “I, um, was busy...” “Oh...” Garen shrugged. “Well, glad you made it this year!” He laughed again, before congratulating him and asking Cho'Gath if there was anything he needed. Cho'Gath scratched his head with one of his spare arms. “Now you mention it...” In the pool, things were getting splashy. Ziggs was throwing water balloons at pretty much everything, and Teemo, Tristana and Poppy were all helping him. Veigar and Lulu though weren't so thrilled, being Ziggs' main victims. They'd tried complaining to Renekton, who was the lifeguard on duty, but to no avail. A couple of splashes from Nami helped calm Ziggs down for a moment, but they new it wouldn't last long. At the shallow end of the pool though, things were calmer. Kog'Maw had found a couple of 'noodles', long pieces of foam which floated. He had no idea what they were though apart from that. He'd seen Annie and Nunu hitting each other with them, but he'd also seen Soraka wrapping one around her self and leisurely floating around the pool with it. Kog'Maw tried nibbling the end of one, but it didn't taste at all nice. He couldn't wrap it around himself or hit people with it either as his arms were too stubby. After quite a while of intently staring at it, the little monster decided to just splash bubbles at the noodle and watch it float around. “What's your friend doing?” Rengar asked as he started on his fifth vodka and coconut drink. Kha'Zix glanced over his shoulder towards the pool where Rengar was pointing. Kog'Maw was still playing with that noodle. “I have no idea. But thisss is nice.” “It isssssss...” Rengar purred slightly before gulping down his drink. “You sure you're not drinking?” “I'm not ssssssure. Not drank before.” “Oh come on. Just one. Pleasssssse?” “Fine...” Kha'Zix caved. He was better than Rengar in every way, he wasn't going to let Rengar be better at drinking drinks than him. Even if Kha'Zix didn't really need to drink, what with getting all his nutrients from his food and all that. Rengar roared with glee, before calling Gragas over. “What do ya fancy, mate?” “I don't know.” Gragas appeared, filled with advice, although not too sure about serving a giant bug. “What do you like, sweet? Sour? Bitter?” “Sssssweet, I guess...” With a flash of goodness knows what, Gragas disappeared and reappeared with a purple, fizzy drink filled with ice. He topped it off with a straw, a slice of lemon and an umbrella, then promptly disappeared again. Kha'Zix inspected the drink, unsure what to do with it, Rengar pushing him to have a sip. “That'ssss actually nice...” Kha'Zix slurped more of the drink, ignoring the lemon slice that sat at the top. In seconds, the drink was gone, and Rengar had already ordered him a second one. “Cheersssss!” It was weird, having people gathering around saying nice things rather than staring and poking fun at Cho'Gath. People were praising him for the food, but they were sticking around for the view. Cho'Gath assumed it was the way he flipped the burgers and stuff. Yes, it was impressive how he threw hotdogs into their buns, but it was a necessity. He couldn't get them past his big fat head otherwise. Garen had been incredibly helpful, supplying him with a spice rack and more meat, but it was the Voidlings he'd borrowed from Malzahar that were the most helpful. He'd probably have been lost without them. A lot of the orders had been from people too lazy to get up from their deck chairs and sun beds, so Cho'Gath was using the Voidlings as waiters. Okay, one of them had drowned in the pool, despite Blitzcrank's valiant attempts to save it, and Hecarim had accidentally stepped on one, but otherwise they were doing wonders. For a change, things were going well for Cho'Gath. Maybe he'd open a restaurant or something. He'd always liked cooking, not eating stuff raw like Kha'Zix and Kog'Maw. And not incinerated like Vel'Koz. Speaking of Vel'Koz, he'd ordered a burger or something. It certainly occurred to Cho'Gath that he was supposed to be at a party, not cooking things to amuse people. Vel'Koz was starting to wish he was slightly less obvious. This area was the best area for sunbathing, far away from the long shadows of the Demacian Palaces and there were quite a few sunbathing women around. Of course, Vel'Koz could have easily moved, it's just that he didn't currently have his sun bed. Someone else was sleeping on it. He wouldn't have been bothered if she wasn't sleeping on his towels. Kog'Maw was going to want to dry off later before they set off home, and if Vel'Koz couldn't get those towels back, he'd end up with an eye full of green, caustic spit. The question was, how do you ask a topless, almost bikini-less woman to move because she's sleeping on your towels and slowly turning red? The answer came from a tap on one of his tentacles. “'Ello, mon ami!” It was Twisted Fate. For some reason, the author had given him a very temporary French accent. Vel'Koz rolled his eye. Twisted Fate was the last person he wanted to see. Stupid human couldn't tell the future at all, he just threw cards at people. What's worse is that they're not even good cards, just cheap, crappy ones anyone could buy in a shop like five gold. Pretty much everyone hated Twisted Fate. “Go away.” “I see that you're in some sort of predicament.” “I'm fine. Go stare at all the topless ladies somewhere else.” Twisted Fate grinned. “That is what you are doing, no?” “I'm conducting experiments on how quickly human flesh burns in sunlight.” Vel'Koz silently congratulated himself on his quick reply. Twisted Fate though just kept on grinning. “So why is it that the large, scary monster is still here, among the naked ladies?” “I want my towels back.” “Oh really?” “Yes. Now st-” Twisted Fate shushed Vel'Koz and pointed at Riven, the lady who was sleeping on his towels. She had threatened to roll over, but quickly rolled back onto her front. “Why in the name of the Void did you tell me to shush?” Vel'Koz crossed his tentacles angrily as Lee Sin arrived. “Um...” Kog'Maw's concentration was shattered as Veigar pushed past him, snatching the foam noodle and snapping it in half. At least this time his concentration had been broken by Veigar and not Ziggs. On the downside, he no longer had a foam noodle. Veigar sat angrily on the side of the pool, tutting and cursing. Lulu swam up, sighing. “Come on, Veigar, don't get angry! Me and Pix will play a trick on them later!” She tried to cheer Veigar up but it was no use. Then she noticed Kog'Maw and the broken noodle. “Oh, hello!” “Hello!” Kog'Maw squeaked back. “Is Ziggs bothering you too?” Lulu asked as she picked up the two bits of foam and tried to stick them together. “I think he's bothering everyone.” “Yes, he is!” Kog'Maw growled. “Splash splash splash. We splash back?” He swished his tail around, splashing water over the edge of the pool. Veigar though was still not amused. He huffed and puffed and wished he'd brought his magical stuff with him. Across the pool, Ziggs, Teemo and Tristana were ganging up against Soraka, knocking her over, before attacking an unsuspecting Graves floating on a lilo and tipping Jax out of his inflatable rubber ring. “What's the use?” Veigar grunted. “They've got infinite water balloons and way more range than we have!” Lulu slumped down next to Veigar. “I guess you're right...” “Wait!” Kog'Maw leaped up next to them. “Have idea!” Kha'Zix had lost count of how many drinks he'd had. He was certain though that it was the same number of drinks that Rengar'd had. Well, not certain, but fairly sure. He was glad that the drinks were all inclusive though, because Kha'Zix didn't have any money on him. He didn't really need money, as food was always provided by the forests. Then again, he probably ought to carry money. Even Kog'Maw carried a pile of change in one of the pouches in his mouth. Why was Kha'Zix thinking about that? He couldn't remember. Oh yeah, the drinks. He'd had more than just the purple one. He'd had a sweet green one, a sour citrus one, a clear, incredibly fizzy one and all sorts. He was surprised that Gragas's bar was still open. Not to mention what everyone else had drunk. The oversized insect stood up from his stool, wobbled around a bit and decided that maybe remaining seated was a better idea. “Rengar, are you okay?” “Mmmmph...” “Rengar?” Kha'Zix poked his drinking buddy. His drinking buddy though got angry. “Whatdidyousay?” The drunk cat sat up, glaring at Kha'Zix. Kha'Zix suddenly remembered why he'd never gone out and had drinks with his mortal enemy before. Lulu handed one of the foam noodles and a small water pistol that she had 'borrowed' from Miss Fortune to Veigar. Veigar struggled his way up Kog'Maw's back, clinging on to one of Kog'maw's tendrils, before helping Lulu up too. “Ready?” Lulu asked. “We go!” Kog'Maw growled as he leaped into the water, kicking his legs furiously. Then he started using his tail too and they were away! Ziggs though had noticed the sudden splashing at the shallow end of the pool. He commandeered Graves' lilo, grabbing Teemo and Tristana, who started bombarding the trio with water balloons and the occasional sponge ball. Ziggs finished off with a giant water balloon, filled with several gallons of water. But it wasn't enough. As the waves calmed down, Kog'Maw started speeding towards their target. Lulu and Veigar fired their water pistols with precise aim. As they got closer, Lulu whacked Teemo with her foam noodle, knocking him off balance and clinging for dear life to the back of the lilo. “Steering is down! Steering is down!” Ziggs laughed maniacally as he continued his barrage, only to realise that Kog'Maw had caught a couple of unexploded balloons and was now spitting them back at him. Reinforcements for Ziggs arrived in the form of Poppy and Rumble, who had made some sort of strange, inflatable machine out of rubber rings, noodles, beach balls and other floating objects. Unfortunately, they didn't last long as Kog'Maw fired torrents of water at them, while Veigar destabilized them with his foam noodle. Poppy flailed as she fell into the water and Rumble clambered desperately to the one remaining inflatable rubber ring, before slipping off and falling into the water. “You iiiiidiots!” Ziggs shouted as he doubled his water balloon barrage, scoring a direct hit on Lulu. She wobbled, grabbing on one of Kog'Maw's free tendrils and only just saving herself. “You scum!” Veigar was aaaaaangry. He grabbed his noodle and threw it as a javelin. It wibbled and wobbled through the air, narrowly missing Ziggs but knocking Tristana off the lilo completely. “Me? Scum? Hahahaah!” The two yordles continued throwing insults at each other, while the other Yordles struggled to climb back onto their various inflatable vehicles. But Ziggs had a final trick up his sleeve. Or in his swimming cap at least. He pulled off his hat and goggles to reveal that in fact his swimming cap was the water balloon to end all water balloons. Twisted Fate held his jaw in his hands, clutching his face tightly. He stuttered and mumbled something, before collapsing on the ground. Lee Sin was not amused. Twisted Fate had failed to lie his way out of that situation, and now it was Vel'Koz's turn to try and save himself. “I really was not looking at Sona. I swear.” “You are a giant eyeball. How can I believe that?” Behind him, Sona was trying to tell Lee Sin to not get angry, but being unable to speak makes that rather tricky. “You are almost perfectly designed for pervertedness!” “I can't help how I look, the same way you can't help being blind.” Thinking back over those words, Vel'Koz was starting to think he'd slipped up. “I mean, um, Sona is beautiful but I am not interested. I didn't even know you two were dating...” Lee Sin was having none of it. He clenched his fists, took a deep breath then mustered up some drunken energy and directed it directly at Vel'Koz. “You're gonna get it now!” Ziggs boasted as he readied his giant water balloon of doom. Teemo and Tristana had finally managed to clamber back onto Ziggs' lilo. Suddenly, a large, purple and gold, eyeball-and-tentacle shaped blob flew through the air, heading straight towards them. “Oh crap...” Teemo muttered as Vel'Koz landed on top of the three Yordles, capsizing their lilo and sending them all careering off into the water. Then Kha'Zix and Rengar did the exact same thing. “So, did you get your towels back?” Cho'Gath yawned as he opened the door to the Voidborn living quarters, utterly exhausted but feeling vaguely pleased with himself. “No. Riven took both my towels home with her. And all I get is one enormous black eye...” Vel'Koz held a bag of frozen peas to his head. “Thanks for the cold bag, by the way. Did you enjoy yourself?” “I did actually. The humans enjoyed my cooking skills and my entertainment value. Perhaps if I keep it up, the summoners will allow me to leave the Institute more often.” “Pfffft, assss if!” Kha'Zix wobbled past Cho'Gath, before passing out on the floor. Cho'gath sighed and dragged him inside, with Vel'Koz closing the door behind him. “Ignore him. You could do with more humans appreciating you. You must get very lonely at times. We all do. Especially Kog'Maw... Wait...” Vel'Koz dropped the bag of peas. “We forgot Kog'Maw! Oh dear, we must go back and get him! We must...” Cho'Gath laughed heartily, patting his fellow Voidling. “We didn't forget him, remember?” “No? I've got a, um, head injury, you know...” Cho'Gath laughed again, helping Vel'Koz inside and towards something to sit on. “You'll be fine. As for Kog'Maw? He's fine as well...” Most of the champions had gone home, but some still remained, sitting around a small fire, made from the remains of a barbecue. Most of the remaining beings were Yordles, but one of them, being twice their size, clearly wasn't. Long into the night, the champions danced, drank and sang merrily, telling stories about their great feats, about the sights they'd seen and about the great day they'd just had. Kog'Maw wagged his tail happily, glad that he was allowed to go to the pool party afterall.
  12. 1 point


    Something strange lies under Rynjin's Island Retreat... Prank done by me, obviously.
  13. 1 point

    share your worst jokes

    Once upon a time, there was a guy named Tom. He was travelling through the nearby woods when he got lost. He was getting hungry and happened upon a plant with red fruits on it. He recognized it as a plant that many people in his village were scared of. They thought that it was poisonous. He was hungry enough to eat it anyway. Luckily, he didn't die. In fact, he quite liked the fruit. He took several fruits from the plant and walked away. Somehow, he managed to make his way back to the village. While there, he told his story of the red fruits. Everyone was glad to know that the fruit was no longer a threat. Now, years later, whenever someone from that village sees that particular fruit, they say, "Hey! Tom-ate-those!"
  14. 1 point
    Look guys its my BFNY character I scrawled up yesterday and finished today.
  15. 1 point

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Hirez went wrong. They didn't give a shit about balance and forced the whole esport thing harder than LoL ever did. They put in an absolutely disgusting pay2win system and then dropped the game like a brick the moment revenue went down. Instead of fixing stock weapons, they'd introduce unlocks which were basically the fixed stock weapons so people had to pay for them or grind for several hours. When they added new weapons, they'd make them filthy overpowered for a week or three, then nerfed them once it stopped selling; they did this 3 consecutive times before I dropped the game entirely. And of course their occasional take-ball-and-go-home-strategy, where they removed a map from the game entirely because they failed at making it balanced and then blamed the community for complaining too much. Oh, and treathening to sue anyone who tries to do some modding even a year after they dropped the game because wsdfggesj fuiwsefes hpladw
  16. 1 point
    I'm bored, have bees.
  17. 1 point
    I just saw that that Steam added more games in these 5 months than entire 2013. All thanks to Steam lack of quality control and stuff like this.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    EDIT: Shit this is probably one of my favorite /v/ comics I haven't seen it in ages
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point

    share your worst jokes

    What's black and white and red all over? A gay interracial couple in the south.
  22. 1 point

    share your worst jokes

    did you hear they finally came out with a clock porno? it's about fucking time
  23. 1 point

    share your worst jokes

    The self-help group for chronic apathy has been cancelled due to low turnout
  24. 1 point

    The SPUFiest Place on Earth

    Note: I have attached a map of California Disneyland, California Adventure, and Downtown Disney to the OP Prolouge, as all three locations come in to play and location is important in visualizing this story. It's going to be a very ambitious one. The ending scene is going to be particularly orgasmic and the final attack (spoilers!) is coming from one of our UK members. Chapter 1: The End of a Magical Day "The parks will be closing in ten minutes, friends! Please head to the exits and make sure to have a magical rest of the day, haha!" the cheerful day of Mickey Mouse blared over each and every speaker in the three sections of Anaheim, California's Disneyland park. To any Disneyland aficionado, it would have seemed louder than normal, and they'd be right. A severe departing from its usual population, the park was nearly empty save for the few employees heading home and the three dozen guests who had had the park to themselves the entire day. Slowly but surely, the remaining guests funneled to the main entrance. They stumbled out of dark rides and glitzy shops, eventually congregating through Main Street, USA to get out of the park. They had had a magical day. Paero and Davjo walked together, discussing the many souvenirs they had purchased. Dualjay and Icecubes meanwhile ranted about their favorite rides. Mersopolis walked alone, pleasantly recalling the many shows and plays he had managed to catch. This is not the story of those that left the park at this time. --- Huff, Idiot Cube, and Corvette were dead tired. It had been their self-assigned mission that day to explore as much of the park as possible. To find every hidden mickey, every secret reference, every Disney injoke. Their quest completed (the evidence being the many henpecked cast members heading home), they were simply pooped. At the moment they were idly browsing the shops of Main Street USA one last time. before heading out. "Man, I could never bring myself to buy anything in these places," piped up Cube, breaking the lethargic silence. "It's all so expensive. And glamorous. Damn you, Walt! Hating the jews is one thing, but making me feel self-conscious about my socioeconomic class is the last straw!" Cube, exhausted, crumpled against a nearby wall bearing a portrait of Gaston. "Dude, just chill out and check out this Mary Poppins merch. Do you think she counts as a maid?" Asked Corvette as he curled his long brown hair around his fingers. "Nah, she was a governess," replied Huff from behind a cabinet of crystal figurines. "But at least they have merch that suits you. Being a fan of a six minute Disney short is suffering, merch-wise." Corv and Cube rolled their eyes at their compatriot's obsession. "Eh. In any case, looks like even the cast members are heading out," said Huff, gesturing at the empty checkout counter. "I guess we should go." "See if any of the cast members left their pins behind. I heard that those things unlock eldrich Disney powers if you collect enough of them." said Cube as he got back on his feet. "That's dumb, you should feel bad, and stealing is wrong, Cube," Chided Corvette. The three walked towards the store exit, their browsing done. --- Skye loved It's a Small World. Ever since he had been a child, he had been enthralled by all aspects of the ride. The atmosphere, the visuals, and most of all, the iconic song. He was sure he'd never get sick of the song. Aware that the park was nearing closing time, Skye had headed straight for IASW to take his traditional last-minute ride. It hadn't disappointed him today. It never did. He hummed along to the music as the end of the ride neared. cont
  25. 1 point

    Medic does arty things?

    More art.