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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/14 in all areas

  1. 3 points


    Joke's on you, the GOTY edition will not have all the DLC They're called 2k cause that's the average price of a full game
  2. 2 points


    I still don't get why everybody is hating on TPS. Especially with BOI:Rebirth pulling the same shit and everybody giving it a free pass. If there's enough new content, it can be it's own game.
  3. 2 points
    FOUND MY GAMEBOY CHARGER, HELL TO THE YES Charging at home while I do school shit, I am so hyped for some mystery dungeoneering. Time to look up how to cheat on the quiz to assure I play as Cyndaquil.
  4. 2 points


    Or you could just not play it until then.
  5. 2 points
  6. 1 point

    Anime General Discussion

    16 is a flat out clip show. 15 though, is one of my favorite episodes of anything ever honestly. I mean when a mech fight turns into a shirtless villain beating the tar out of the hero's mini-mech and then the hero stabbing him with his fecking car keys you know the show is doing something right.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point


    BOI isn't sixty bucks.
  9. 1 point
    <Witty Name>

    Costumery of Samhain

    I'm thinking of dressing up as EA.
  10. 1 point


    Or you could not be a twat and quit justifying not paying for something you're getting use out of. If you're going to pirate something the least you can do is be honest about the fact that yes, you are stealing this thing because you can't be bothered to pay for it, not try to act like the price is unreasonably high or whatever other excuse you can come up with to make yourself feel better.
  11. 1 point


    Am I the only person unwilling to spend €50 on Borderlands -1? Okay new characters and an altered terrain, but that seems about it, the core is exactly the same. Also Psychos are fine. They're cool, except for the skill that makes everything explode in giant balls of fps-reducing glory. Fuck Mechromages though.
  12. 1 point

    Star Wars Thread

    Yeah, I want to say they touched on this in the Republic/Imperial Commando series? Basically the master set of DNA from Jango Fett deteriorated over time (and there may or may not have been some sabotage involved) so as the clones started hitting the end of their hyper-shortened lifespans, the Empire needed to start conscripting actual soldiers, as well as cloning from other, non-Jango sources. Basically the average lifespan of a clone was something like 25-35 years, but the rate of development exponentially grew towards the end of the clone's life. So basically old age took a clone in a year or two, instead of a few decades. This was something they were trying to circumvent when Imperial Commando (the book series) got axed. It's heavily implied (if not outright stated) that they had some degree of success, as Jaing Skirata, an ARC trooper, survives to 40 ABY and shows up in the Legacy of the Force series.
  13. 1 point
    <Witty Name>

    Payday General

    "while a beautiful, tenacious federal agent closes in on them" You know it's going to be a good movie when one of the main draws is that it might have a pretty lady in it
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point

    We Media Now: TF2 Edition

    NSFW???? Spoiler
  16. 1 point

    chesse20 steam curator group

    your bad rats review is good
  17. 1 point
    Necrodancer supporting custom music is pretty silly. It's like if that 3ds Louvre app had support for custom art.
  18. 1 point
    Just a Gigolo


    Tyrone can never die, because he lives on in you, me, and everyone's hearts.:pinkiegasm: