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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/14 in all areas

  1. 5 points

    TF2 general

    I think my TF2 is drunk.
  2. 5 points

    Payday General

    Skye has connected to the game. Skye has blown your cover because he tripped over a plant and accidentally punched the bank clerk. Skye has disconnected from the game. i am not very good at this game
  3. 4 points
    <Witty Name>

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    Because Binary's server won't be staying up much longer, I'm going to blow the dust off of my old PC and fire it up as a replacement! I have a stable internet connection, and the machine itself is pretty decent (quad-core 2.2 gHz CPU, 3 GB of RAM, and, most vitally, it's enclosed in a shiny piano black case that collects dust nicely). IP: Our IP has only changed once twice in the past four years, which happened when we got a new modem. I doubt it'll be changing again. I'll have full remote access to the machine, so my return to college in late August should not be an issue. I have the following major mods installed or planned for: WorldEdit WorldGuard VanishNoPacket Lockette I'm currently getting the server set up, so permissions are mostly functional but still need tweaking. For now, it'll be a standard single-world server with survival, no PvP, and normal difficulty. I'm not sure if the server could properly support multiple worlds- will have to see how things go. I'll be bringing over the old world from Binary's server. I would advise against building anything until it's installed, since you'll lose your work. I could use help making sure the server is stable and whatnot, though. The server will be whitelisted once the old map is running, so you'll need to post here to get in. Cheers!
  4. 4 points
    Batty Batterson

    TF2 general

    This is good.
  5. 1 point

    Cute stuff.

    Threads like these are useful for anti-nightnare-fuel.
  6. 1 point


    so I'm about to break into actually fighting people online and i decided i wanted a kinda silly team. An all poison team. Why you might ask? Well first poison has always been my favorite typing since i accidentally caught a Weezing in pokemon red with my master ball. Also, poison isn't a bad typing to monobattle because they only have 2 weaknesses and STAB poison moves will be hitting for neutral damage across most of the types. Toxic Spikes is the name of the game here if i wanted to go for a powerful set up with Venoshock. So, here we go. I'm looking for a little advice. What my team will probably look like: (Up for debate) Tentacruel (Set up, Spec Wall) Drapion (P attack or P Wall) Weezing (P wall, Ground resist) Crobat (Stall breaker, P Sweep) Mega Gengar (Spec Sweep, Spin Block) Nidoking (P Sweep) Or Scolipede (Baton Pass, Hazard) Drapion (Bulky P Attack) Weezing (P Wall,) Mega Venasaur (Spec Wall, Spec Sweep) Victreebel (Mixed Sweeper) Toxicroak (P Sweep) My first and most important selections are going to cover up the massive holes in my defense to Psychic and Ground type pokemon. Its a good thing that there are a couple of great selections for it. Psychic resistant: This one is almost a non-contest. Drapion is a Poison Dark type which makes him completely immune to Psychic type moves. Most teams who realize that i have a full poison team are going to want to keep their Psychic type mons as alive as possible, so Pursuit is almost required on him. Infestation would also be a neat little move as it would trap any psychic opponent in. For STAB moves i would probably go with Crosspoison as it synergises well with his sniper ability. As he would be a decent physical wall i could build him with Substitute and Rest but that would also mean that he would let those precious psychic pokemon escape. I could also build him up as a set up sweeper with Swords Dance. Skuntank is an honorable mention, He could be used as a taunt support but his stats are just too low for anything decent. Ground Resistant: This one is much more forgiving, Its up to two primary pokemon but there are some good honorable mentions. Weezing: Weezing is a strong defensive type with 120 physical defense, Access to Will o Whisp for burns (provided the pokemon is not already poisonsed) and explosion giving him a good sacrifice move. But more than anything, Weezing has levitated making him completely immune to the ground typing. Unfortunately Earthquake is a very common move even on non STAB pokemon, so he is probably the best choice. Mega Venasaur: Venasaur is one of two poison pokemon that can mega evolve, and he is pretty good at that! He rocks out with thick fat removing his weakness to fire and ice as well as 120 base DEF, SpA and SpD, giving him great tankyness as well as the ability to hit really hard. Being grass he is no longer weak against ground and his grass attacks would be especially effective against a ground type. Amooongus: His ability Regenerator gives him amazing tankyness as well has he has access to the coveted Spore move. While not Smogon legal he would be a great type for online battles. SET UP: This one only has two real competitors, Scolipede and Tentacruel Scolipede: Has access to Toxic spikes, if i can manage to get a scolipede with Speed boost i could also use him to baton pass some speed to the next pokemon. Scolipede is awesome in this respect. He can lay down 2 layers of toxic spikes, He can then use Swords Dance or Agility to increase his baton pass value. Megahorn would be his stab move if he would ever need to use it. Or i could simply go with taunt to prevent other set ups. Tentacruel: has the benefit of having rapid spin and very high SpDef. He also has access to Scald, which if lucky can leave an opposing mon with a burn. I'll use Tentacruel if i can't find a Scolipede with Speed Boost. Physical Sweep Unfortunately poison don't have many good sweepers. But lets see what we got, Toxicroak, Victreebel, Crobat, Nidoking, Qwilfish Toxicroak: Does really good in a rain team. unfortunately this isn't a rain team. What is good though is he has great coverage and can break down those tough steel type pokemon that would be resistant to the other sweepers. Victreebel: Is an amazing mixed sweeper, unfortunately she does best on a sun team which this won't be. But with Gluttony she can be somewhat useful with a Salac berry. Crobat: Has the benefit of being an amazing stall breaker with Taunt and Roost, as well as amazing speed. Nidoking: Somewhat bulky but also one of the best physical attacks in the poison world. On top of that with the move Sheer Force he hits like a truck. Qwilfish: Lol wat? you may be thinking. But actually Qwilfish has a base 95 attack, and the intimidate ability can make him more tanky than you would expect. a +2 waterfall on him can do crazy damage. SPEC SWEEP This one seems more like a non-issue. Gengar is by far the best choice but he is also over used and thats not cool. Gengar: Crazy 170 attack and arena trap, locking in a rapid spinner or slow psychic type. Gengar is a little squishy but his speed and attack make up for that Venasaur: Very bulky, great attack, if in the sun has great speed. Unfortuantely this isn't a sun team. Still, for a SpA sweeper he could last multiple hits. Victreebel: Mixed sweeper, both growth and Swords Dance available. Dragalge: With adaptability his STAB moves are crazy powerful, He also has great Sp Def and the coveted dragon type. Roserade: Great Spec Sweep if only she had better defense. She has great utility moves as well as some good Spec Def but horrible HP. With natural cure she can be a status absorber.
  7. 1 point

    Payday General

    Pretty much every cheevo is a reference to something. Everyone's awful at first, payday's kinda hard to get into but easy once you get the hang of it. Also the shotgun pack has been announced. http://www.overkillsoftware.com/gageshotgunpack/ DLC, 6 bux, availible June 3rd, shotguns revealed the 2nd. The day after a sale as well. Pretty lame.
  8. 1 point
    I just wanted to post that Payday 2's soundtrack is really enjoyable.
  9. 1 point
    Testing textlogs. They're hard to write while feeling genuine. I feel I got it right here, though. Also some theorycrafting for if I take Pests (my bug homebrew) in a modern day setting (which could be a splat, who knows.) [spoiler2][[RHarrison OPENED CORRESPONDENCE WITH AMillton ON SRDPriNet AT 05/17/2033 10:14AM]] --Please follow the SRD code of conduct; failure to do so will result in managerial intervention. Virtual communications may be monitored for internal security.-- RHarrison: Hey Alice was the new specimen transfer for Thursday or Friday RHarrison: Michael told me Thursday but he was wrong last month RHarrison: I told him not to wipe the schedule off the blackboard > AMillton: Hang on, let me check. RHarrison: Ok AMillton: I have the next one scheduled for Thursday morning. RHarrison: Thanks RHarrison: Hope it does better than the last one AMillton: Are we really going through specimens this quickly? RHarrison: Yeah poor thing couldnt make it through the language intergration phase RHarrison: Gave up too early and the electrodes fried it AMillton: Great. I knew I shouldn't have let Margaret choose the specimen last time. Thank God she's on vacation. AMillton: I assume it died for a good cause? RHarrison: The manager is saying the guys up top want something tangible by next term RHarrison: We need to have them accelerated to the point of communicating with humans RHarrison: Means we need to forcibly increase their intelligence and subsequent exposure to us about six months in advance of what was planned :s AMillton: I think the manager needs to realise that getting a specimen to talk to a human isn't as easy as it sounds. Even if they make it through the procedures, very few specimens have the resolve to talk to something like us. RHarrison: Like us AMillton: Imagine us from their perspective. Hardly the sort of thing you would want to have a chat with. AMillton: I also think the manager needs to get some brains and realise that we won't get very far if all our specimens are dead. RHarrison: You know they read these things right AMillton: I am fully aware of that, yes. RHarrison: Well what about the next specimen RHarrison: I mean I know its coming on Thursday but have you got it chosen yet AMillton: Not yet. RHarrison: Just pick the smartest one AMillton: Have you tried psychoanalysing insects? AMillton: Even with sentience, their body language is different, their facial expressions are almost non-existent, and their social interactions are hard to find patterns for. RHarrison: So is that a yes or a no AMillton: That's a no, Ryan. AMillton: I have five possible specimens for Thursday, and I'm still trying to decide on the right one. AMillton: I don't like wasting lives, and I definitely don't like wasting time. AMillton: I may ask Lloyd to add more stimuli amongst the groups to incite more behavior for me to record and analyse. RHarrison: Ok AMillton: I have a feeling about Ant 01551. RHarrison: Why that one AMillton: Amongst the entire colony, this one seems the most aware of our influences on the colony. A01551 currently has the most recorded instances of observing human equipment. RHarrison: I thought our stuff is hidden AMillton: It is. Over the past three weeks, she has slowly become harder to track on the cameras. I trailed over the footage with Mark the other day and we think she knows where they are and she is actively avoiding them. RHarrison: Sounds like a troublemaker AMillton: Sounds like the smartest one. RHarrison: Hahaha fair enough Rharrison: Anyway back to work RHarrison: But you know did you want to grab a coffee at the lunch break or something [[AMillton CLOSED CORRESPONDENCE WITH RHarrison ON SRDPriNet AT 05/17/2033 10:26AM]] RHarrison: Oh [/spoiler2]
  10. 1 point
    <Witty Name>

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Payday 2 is Left 4 Dead for anarchists Revelations 2012 is Left 4 Dead for the clinically insane
  11. 1 point

    I don't know if any of you know me, but hi.

    Hi there, welcome to SubSPUF, SPUFPowered, the Batcave, Poland, or any other number of aliases this place has. It was founded back in early February 2012 by the SPUF Mod Ianskate as a place for our gorup of friends to hang out. Since then it has been taken over by tsc and moved to the IP Board system from vBulletin. We hope you feel at home. But remember, this isn't SPUF 2.0, it's a small forum for a group of friends that originated from there, but there's barely any connection to it any more. We also like to keep this place secret, so please don't tell people about it will-nilly, be it in a public forum or privately. If you feel someone you know might make a good addition to the forum, please run it by the other members here. It's dickish, yeah, but we try to be discerning about who gets in here. We don't want a Tim Timsen or something here. The rules here are pretty lax, but they can be found here. Otherwise, just make sure not to shitpost or cause needless drama and you'll be a-ok. If you feel the need to complain about a user here, please don't do it in the open, do it privately. We have a good selection of subforums and threads here for all interests- you can talk about >which chinese cartoons are the best, >hats, small horses, >capsule monsters, >and whatever else. If you find that a topic you want to talk about has an old thread up, don't be afraid to necro. You could also participate in a forum game if you want, like The Battle For New York or a Pen and Paper adventure. Sign up for an AMA if you want, too. There are a few limitations for new users: You will not be able to post in Random Nonsense until you hit a certain number of posts... I think. You will not be able to post in or view the War Room, our "controversial" subforum, until you hit 50 posts. You will not be able to access the Subterranian Saloon, where we talk about hoo-hoos and peepees, unless you are registered as a legal adult. If you are and are interested on seeing who posts the most/worst porn, contact Binary, Rammite, or tsc and they can set you up. The administrative team is made up of six people; contact any one of us through Steam chat or PM here and we can help you with stuff. The admins are Binary and Rammite; the moderators are Razputin, Rynjin, and yours truly, Huff. thesupremecommander runs the place. Again, welcome, and don't forget to destroy the dirty forces that oppose Frederalism!
  12. 1 point
    Well, I did have this one idea for a kind of Subspuf-powered Homestuck parody. It would involve eight kids whose dialogue and personality would be directly acted out by eight subSPUFers, chosen by me. The rest of SubSPUF would post suggestions for actions for the characters to take, much like the early days of Homestuck and other MSPA stories. I would then coordinate with the eight "actors" to decide which actions to take, and to write out their characters' dialogue with each other. I'd probably call it SPUFstuck or something like that. Y'know, now that I see all of this written down it looks like a terrible idea. Just forget I said anything.
  13. 1 point

    Dota General

  14. 1 point

    Cute stuff.

  15. 1 point

    Cute stuff.

  16. 1 point

    Cute stuff.

  17. 1 point


    You have small breasts on the top of your head?