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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/14 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    Wasnt it in a VHS tape No, the VHS tape was so I could duel him over the TV. Guy then made us go to the shadow realm.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    I woudent mind having a Natalia dakimukra....
  6. 2 points
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point

    TF2 general

    I got banned from a valve server for hacking ;_; Also, is it me or has it been a very long time since the last update
  10. 1 point
    For some reason I thought of Guy
  11. 1 point
    The great tale of IT Guy Anon
  12. 1 point

    A Kickstarter for Raz's dream game.

  13. 1 point

    Cute stuff.

  14. 1 point
    I think this was the first image I posted to the Reaction Pictures thread ever. Good image.
  15. 1 point

    Hearthstone tournament interest check

    We can't even get a Dota or TF2 1v1 tournament done...
  16. 1 point

    Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    Having this issue as well, either I'm terrible, my deck's terrible, or blizzard's balancing is terrible Or all of the above Side note: Remind me to stop playing against Silent
  17. 1 point

    Cute stuff.

  18. 1 point


    Holy shit I'm never underestimating Porygon2 again. That thing won the entire match for Huff.
  19. 1 point

    Civ 5

    It's a callback to the original Civ-basically, Gandhi's aggressiveness was set at 1 normally.  However, adopting Freedom puts your aggressiveness back 2.  This caused a bug where he'd go into the negatives and then the computer would put him at 12 to compensate, resulting in the hyper-aggro nuke-crazy guy we all know and love (Because you usually got your ideology around the time you got nukes).  Firaxis basically just keeps that in now as a joke.   Imma nitpick - It didn't set nukes to 12 to compensate, the problem was a bit overflow: -1 didn't fit back then, so the data value for gandhi's nukes looped around to 127.   It's 12 nowadays because civ abilities will vary every game, -/+2. It's 12 so that it will always be 10 or above.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point

    share your worst jokes

    David Hasslehoff walks into his agent's office and says, "From now on, I want to be know as 'The Hoff!'". His agent replies, "Sure, David. No hassle."
  22. 1 point

    A Kickstarter for Raz's dream game.

    There was already a way better bear game, what the fuck, this one doesn't even come with bear dlc
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    [spoiler2] [/spoiler2]