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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/14 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. 3 points
    Unromantic XYTWO

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points

    Smache Brothers

    Break the Targets! Slowed Down sounds like a cool 80s rock ballad instrumental.
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points


    based nintendo
  7. 1 point

    Anime General Discussion

    It gets extraordinarily dramatic and grim for the first few episodes if you go into it right after season 1, with basically everything that can go wrong going wrong. However it does give meaning to what the whole thing was about and why everything happened. I think I agree that the first half was better but the second half is still great and required for a satisfying ending of the show.
  8. 1 point

    Anime General Discussion

    So, Act Two of Gurren Laggan. What with Nia becoming an evil moon AI or something, and Rossiu becoming a dick, and Gunmen being decommissioned, and Lordgenome throhing at the mouth with expositions, and the Anti-Spirals winning the award for the Most Stupidly Named Enemy Force, and the whole plot feeling like a poor man's Mass Effect and such... I'm going to get a lot of angry looks for this, but this feels like I've jumped the shark. It's like a whole different show. Sure, the faces and the voices are the same, but it's not familiar. It's... off. "Everything you just spent fifteen episodes enjoying? Let's get that out of here! We've decided to take all that fun and energy, and we've replaced it with melodrama and exposition. Enjoy!" EDIT: I don't want to watch this anymore. I'm going to pretend Episode 14 was the ending and find something else to watch. >:
  9. 1 point

    Anime General Discussion

    I just want to take a moment out of my busy holiday schedule to truly appreciate the OVA "Legend of the Galactic Heroes". It's rather difficult for me to convey my thoughts on this topic into something structured and readable, because I always end up feeling giddy about all the things I am bursting to talk about and never knowing where to start. This anime moved a lot of my own personal frontiers, the biggest of those being my inability to sit down and watch "long" shows. Prior to watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes, the longest anime I had ever seen was Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, clocking in at 64 episodes. LotGH was a whopping 110 episodes and was accompanied by no less than 3 movies and for me, that's a lot. Despite my initial insecurities regarding the series' ability to keep me motivated and interested in watching for a full 110 episodes, I ended up loving LotGH. So much that I would dare say that Legend of the Galactic Heroes is my new favourite anime of all time. Time flew by as I watched this OVA and there was rarely a moment where I found myself being bored while watching. I loved nearly everything about this anime and there is a lot to it. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is epic and I don't mean that in the twisted internet terminology, where epic is more mockery than it is flattery. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a journey through a turbulent time in mankind's history, seen from the perspective of two warring factions. Now I'll be the first to say that Legend of the Galactic heroes is by no means an original show. It is heavily inspired by Sci-Fi giants of the time (Star Wars) and incorporates many traits, tales and references from European history. I mean, with the two warring factions having clichéed names such as "The Alliance" and "The Empire", you can already guess what kind of power-struggle we're dealing with here. On the surface the show might seem bland and uninspired, but it drives itself home with an excellent setting, excellent characters, excellent pacing and quite a few unexpected twists and turns throughout its 110 episodes. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a character drama, I cannot drive this point home enough. If you're looking for the fast-paced action which dictates a lot of newer anime, you won't find it here. Legend of the Galactic Heroes' action consists mainly of fleet combat in space, with the main focus being on the commanding admirals on either side and their thoughts during the battle. I think the best comparison I can make to the modern anime fan on this point, would be Code Geass, though LotGH is a lot more grand in scale. All the intrigue and draw of the show lies on the shoulders of its expertly written characters. There is not a single character that feels out of place and if you sit down and earnestly watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes, I guarantee you will find favourites on both sides of the conflict. Which leads me to the next big point. Legend of the Galactic Heroes manages to create a truly grey-area anime for the most part. The Empire and the Imperial army isn't an evil and malignant force, just like the Alliance aren't republican patriots with an insatiable hunger for freedom and democracy. Both sides have their villains and heroes and all characters join the story with their own backgrounds and objectives, like any good character should. I could probably write an entire paper on my praise for the anime, but I think I will close off by saying that not everyone will like this anime. I know this is technically true for everything, but I feel like this anime in particular will chew up a lot of people if they can't get used to the pacing of the story. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is very slow and deliberate, at times it feels more like watching a documentary on history than it does watching an anime. There is a lot of politics and intrigue, but also a slew of battles, dramatic moments and character deaths. If someone started this anime and came to me saying they were bored, I wouldn't blame them at all. The truth of the matter is that I don't feel like this anime truly unfurls its strenghts until the very end of the first season (First 26 episodes) and that is quite a lot to watch through, just to see if maybe you'll like a show. I would rate this anime a 10/10 and considering it's lenght, that's impressive. It made me cry (THREE TIMES!!!), it made me smile, it made me worry, it made me cheer. Overall it was a fucking grand experience and I am simultaneously happy to have watched it, but also sad that it is over. It felt like a good book. Also, Empire is the best faction.
  10. 1 point


    Still better than stepping on a piece of LEGO though.
  11. 1 point

    Smache Brothers

    So basically half the brawl centered webcomics out there? Sort of.
  12. 1 point


    BOI isn't sixty bucks. And it doubles the previous game's content, has new items, characters, etc. and is built on a completely new engine.
  13. 1 point

    share your worst jokes

    A baguette in the butt would be a pain in the ass
  14. 1 point

    Payday General

    Simon posted this earlier today. Cud b gud
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point


    BOI isn't sixty bucks.
  17. 1 point


    Well the jury's still out on whether there IS enough new content... This. It's not bad content, so I'm still gonna play it, but so far the game is "Borderlands 2, but with some new guns, new characters, and some platforming stuff." Not exactly a huge difference. Maybe the game will surprise me later, but so far I'm not sure I'd recommend buying it now. ...Which is what Borderlands 2 was in comparison to the first game. Borderlands with some new guns, new characters, and an admittedly better story. At least TPS loos like it has characters that are fun (I didn't really like any of the BL2 characters besides Krieg).
  18. 1 point


    The entire game looks and feels like one big DLC.
  19. 1 point
    <Witty Name>


    So they've resorted to "Borderlands...IN SPACE!" Not particularly interested.
  20. 1 point
    <Witty Name>

    Costumery of Samhain

    I'm thinking of dressing up as EA.
  21. 1 point


    Joke's on you, the GOTY edition will not have all the DLC They're called 2k cause that's the average price of a full game
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Damn Snoop's a fucking ninja edit
  24. 1 point
    Although subSPUF in Space did die, I can say that it was prominently due to: - The end of summer holidays bridging into the schoolyear - People like me being late with shit and going on trips - A lack of a guiding chain for all members of the group. This leads me to raise the points of: - Needing a GM/Plot Master to start shit up once in a while - Having freedom while requiring some boundaries - Keeping a consistent and frequent interest within the community . . . Speaking of which, I'm thinking of starting up something like the past two Interactive Tales/Adventures either for Halloween; or just in the name of something. Probably will have to do with some fantasy bullshit. I 'unno.
  25. 1 point

    TF2 general

    The comic had a page cut Spoiler