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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/14 in Posts

  1. 7 points
  2. 5 points

    Payday General

    I usually dont complain about this stuff but
  3. 5 points
  4. 4 points
    Raison d'être

    Payday General

    Crimefest in a nutshell:
  5. 3 points
    Batty Batterson

    Payday General

    Due to the amount of time required to model John Wick's face, she will also make the same sounds as a Cloaker. Also, due to the amount of time needed to reskin some of the day/night days and iron out bugs add more hats, Daisy doesn't die to any weapon but a silenced chimano 88.
  6. 2 points
    dat deagle brand deagle.
  7. 2 points

    Animation General

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQv16Q0doRY One of the best Disney shows. But nope, get out of here, gotta have more teen sitcoms.
  8. 2 points

    Payday General

    Well, I'm excited... Now there are two studios working on new content (and bugfixes) instead of just one. There's no immediate substance, but this also means more heists besides the Dentist's remaining two (golden grin casino, big diamond).
  9. 2 points
    the longer you look the worse it gets
  10. 1 point


    Some more thoughts on this update. Carne Vale is great, glad it got used in a flash. I hope we hear some more stuff from Cherubim in the future. The art collaboration was also very nice. In some places at least, the less said about Karkats anime running the better. But the opening shots of them where they looked like this were cool. The main consensus for all this shit seems to be that this is all a doomed timeline. When Aranea puts on the life ring, Meenah tells her all she is going to end up doing is making a doomed timeline where everyone dies. Aranea says this is intentional and she is going to use her Sylph powers to 'heal' this timeline to be the alpha one. This flash, and an unknown number of events leading up to it, are her failing to do so. The flash makes a bunch of references to Homestuck's Doom aspect, symbolised by red fire. Also there's the number 2 fucking everywhere in the flash, look at all the twos and pairs, and the guy who is all about 2 is the Doom guy. There is a good reason why by the end of the flash, Terezi is still alive. I don't know what it is, but in the past, she has created one doomed timeline that was essential to the story (the one that made Davesprite), stopped another from happening (by killing Vriska), and also did that one thing with Dave where she flipped a coin. So its likely that if there is some timeline shenanigans, she will be a part of them. The other important thing is that Roxy and Rose survived, and went to the Furthest Ring or whatever. The other thing from the first important doomed timeline, along with Davesprite, was Dream Doomed Rose's memories. Its likely that this will happen again, or something similar to it. The reason the flash is called Game Over is because it is just that, it is a bad end. The reason a flash as big as that one was needed to be used to show it is because although it isn't the correct, alpha timeline events, someone or something important is going to go back in time from it, like as a warning. How this happens might be John "retconning" shit, or through use of conventional time travel: Gamzee has those music box time machines still on his corpse (?). We will probably end up back when Caliborn put that cartridge in with all the dust in it (also helping to fuck up the events of the story), possibly blown out by John, with a nice little reset. All of this might be horseshit though, and everyone might be 100% RIP with no god tier clocks or life rings to bring them back (MAYBE Jane can). In that case we are left with a cast of Condesce Aranea (who is getting murdered) Terezi (fatally wounded) Rose (fatally wounded) Roxy (A-OK) Dirk Jack Noir Alpha session Jack Spades Slick, Ms Paint and the Felt The sprites maybe? Lord English Caliborn And, most importantly, Casey Von Salamancer, who is probably the best bet at defeating English at this rate. And there's a hint on the blog that there'll be something else clmk g today.
  11. 1 point
    Raison d'être

    Payday General

    Well yeah, it's new and free, but it's still disappointing. It's like a shitty birthday or Christmas. Sure you may get a free sweater or a new pack of AA batteries, but you're still gonna feel fucked over. If Overkill hadn't hyped up Crimefest so much and just released this stuff normally I doubt anyone would be disappointed. It may seem shallow but fuck I was hyped as hell but it turns out there isn't much to be hyped about (so far). Hell if I remember correctly they had "Rats during the day" as one of the things for the Day and Night thing.
  12. 1 point

    Payday General

      And here's what we had before crimefest:       Its new, free, fun content.
  13. 1 point

    Payday General

    In fairness, it's a whole lot of free content that has required no donation or pledging or actual contribution from players except for clicking a button. Today was a letdown - news doesn't really count as content, and the news itself is frustratingly vague and has little details in it - but on the whole, Crimefest has gotten me playing the game more regularly, since I liked playing around the new skills and perk decks, and the clown masks are pretty well made. Not all of it has been a hit (art gallery cough cough) but for a free update, I'm already pleased as a casual player. Maybe I have low expectations, or I'm too excited for Old Hox. Who knows.
  14. 1 point

    Payday General

    I just realized that anyone who does get into PAYDAY through John Wick's first impression of the game is going to be "Why does Wick sound so fucking different/stupid?" They really should have put more effort into VA.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point

    The IT thread.

  17. 1 point

    New User Introduction

    Okay, not really. But it might be more accurate than you think. I was 14 when you first met me. And being a 14 year old is not a good way to make a first impression. I'll be the first to admit that I was a total jackass. I was argumentative, opinionated, whiny, and immature. In short, not fun to share a forum with. I apologize for that. In fact, I'm certain that I have something to apologize individually to every one of you for. My memory isn't good enough to know what they are, but I'm sorry for whatever it is. I'm 17 now. I'd like to think that I'm not the same person now that I was then. I believe I've changed in a lot of ways, some immediately evident, some not. If you'd be willing to give me a chance to, I'd like to try to prove it to you. If not, then I'll see you on the flip side.
  18. 1 point
    A 1970 Corvette

    New User Introduction

    dont worry i was 14 too back when I signed up holy shit was I has this been around for that long?!
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point

    Animation General

  21. 1 point


    Skye I swear to god if you don't buy this
  22. 1 point
    Unromantic XYTWO

    Costumery of Samhain

    Yes, your recent actions have made this astoundingly clear, cmdr.